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AutoHotKeyScript on non-emulated games


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So, I recently purchased Doom II on GOG, and something I had forgotten since childhood is that the controls aren't what I'm used to. I found this script


#If GetKeyState("LAlt","P")


however I can't find a place to add it as an autohotkey script in Launchbox. My goal is to use "W" for forward "S" as down, "A" as strafe left, & "D" as strafe right. I believe "Alt + left/right" are the strafes by default, up/down directional buttons move you forward and back. The mouse I'd like to keep the same, I'm just finding it impossible to play without WASD movement, and strafing is too much work to commit to muscle memory. Anyway, I was just wondering if this was possible. Doom II does launch with DOSBOX, but it's all pre-configured via GOG.

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I have not tried, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how that all works. I was actually just looking at the "Additional Apps" tab, and I was wondering if there was a way I could make the script it's own file, and then just add it as an application that starts before the game starts. But I don't know how to do that either.

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It's always best to run scripts, emulators, etc outside of LaunchBox first to make sure everything is kosher before integrating into LaunchBox.

Do you have the script saved? If not just save it as doomii.ahk and run it. A little H icon will appear in your systray. Then just run Doom II and see if anything works.

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9 minutes ago, DJQuad said:

If not just save it as doomii.ahk and run it. A little H icon will appear in your systray. Then just run Doom II and see if anything works.

I know I'm going to come off as a complete idiot here. But when I double click the doomii.ahk to run it, windows prompts for a program to open the file with. I know with batch scripts I can just doubleclick and it runs. I'm assuming I need some kind of extra software installed before I can run this script on its own. Although, when I was messing around with Higan, I was able to put the script into launchbox and I was able to get it to perform a keypress that would fullscreen the emulator after launching it.

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@DJQuad so I came up with this:


Which seems to work for the most part, however, my mouse left/right movement is now strafing, and whenever I click/hit enter on a menu item, the menu wants to back out of it immediately. Outside of the game, I've been able to test it, and it seems to be doing what I want, I'm just having issues with this last step in-game. Any suggestions?


EDIT: then everything went berserk, like, my entire keyboard and mouse was doing random things (even with AHK exited out), had to reboot.

Edited by Pyrometheous
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4 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

Is there no option to remap your controls in the game ?

For my Doom games I use the Doomsday engine so I have no idea if the GOG version running through DOSBox would let you remap controls or not.

There was a "Launch Settings" shortcut in the GOG\Games\Doom II\ folder, and I could map all of the keys there. @lordmonkus I believe you have saved me once again. I feel kind of derpy about how simple of a fix that was.

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