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No idea why but had to make it controller first then ESC key, works perfectly now, thanks again JoeViking245 😎 you've owned a 🍺or 🍺🍺🍺

Run, C:\Users\Retro-pc\Desktop\LaunchBox\0-UTILS\0-myscripts\kill-Lichtknarre.ahk

While WinExist("ahk_exe Dolphin.exe")
   Sleep 700

If GetkeyState("Joy8") 
   run "C:\Users\Retro-pc\Desktop\Lichtknarre.exe - Shortcut.lnk"
   WinClose, ahk_exe Dolphin.exe

   run "C:\Users\Retro-pc\Desktop\Lichtknarre.exe - Shortcut.lnk"
   WinClose, ahk_exe Dolphin.exe


  • Game On 1
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)


I dont have a grasp of hot key script or any coding to be honest but i've given it a red hot go with this problem. 

I have a fork of flycast.exe that i'm specifcally using to run Ferrari F355 Challenge on Sega Noami - a bit hit or miss on launch but works pretty good when it can launch.

The flycast.exe launches two windows for the rom of which one is utilised for the main screen and another a slave screen. I suspect this is due to a dual cab arcade format. I can't seem to get a service screen within the rom that will stop the additional window opening,  it just seems like that's how it operates and all the game action is on the slave window. 

The two window titles are as follows:

Flycast - multiboard slave 1

Flycast - ferrari f355 challenge (deluxe, no link)

Running through launch box, "Flycast - multiboard slave 1" window is layered on top of "Flycast - ferrari f355 challenge (deluxe, no link) window. This layering order is ideal as "Flycast - multiboard slave 1" has the game detail running, so alt + enter will maximise the correct screen and its perfectly viewable. 

However, the problem, in launching the game through BigBox is it switches between both windows on launch and ultimatley runs "Flycast - ferrari f355 challenge (deluxe, no link)" window layrered on top and "Flycast - multiboard slave 1" on bottom. Therefore i can't see the game play. 

I've tried many scripts, i've found on the forum and throughout google. I've messed with the startup checkboxes for the emultaor settings in launchbox but i'm not getting any closer to what i'm trying to achieve which is to always have "Flycast - multiboard slave 1" window on top no matter the circumatance, i.e. Hide "Flycast - ferrari f355 challenge (deluxe, no link)" window.

Is there anyone that could make a runnings script suggestion?


Edited by Elmo80
10 hours ago, Elmo80 said:

I've tried many scripts, i've found on the forum and throughout google. I've messed with the startup checkboxes for the emultaor settings in launchbox but i'm not getting any closer to what i'm trying to achieve which is to always have "Flycast - multiboard slave 1" window on top no matter the circumatance, i.e. Hide "Flycast - ferrari f355 challenge (deluxe, no link)" window.

Is there anyone that could make a runnings script suggestion?

It'd be nice to know what scripts you actually tried so we don't create duplicative efforts. The fork you use might have been helpful also.


Since you didn't mention the fork you were using, I tested with the 'regular' flycast.exe.

First thing I did was to edit the file emu.cfg and set fullscreen = yes.  This alleviates any need for Alt+Enter.

'Regular' Flycast doesn't discern window titles between the 2 windows.  They're both simply titled Flycast. So in that regards, you're better off using the fork.

For BigBox, I tested using a sleep timer then sending Alt+Tab and that worked perfect.  But breaks in LaunchBox because when launched from there, there's not the focus issue and it changes it the screen we don't want.  Since your version distinguishes the window titles, you can use WinActivate.

At least with the 'regular' version, when exiting this particular game from LB or BB, you need to exit twice. Once for each window.  Maybe it's different with your fork.

Based on the information you provided, here's what I came up with.

Sleep, 5000
WinActivate Flycast - multiboard slave 1

    WinClose, ahk_exe flycast.exe
    WinClose, ahk_exe flycast.exe

You can adjust the 5 second sleep timer as necessary.

For WinActivate, the window title used is case sEnSitiVE.  It can also be truncated to just enough where it will distinguish it from another window's Title.  i.e. Flycast - m would work.



Thanks for investigating this issue - much appreciated. 

The fork i'm using is this one https://flyinghead.github.io/flycast-builds/  - Flycast CI build.  Retroarch's FlyCast Naomi wouldn't run F355 Challenge. 

The code i have tried has been discarded each time but it was along the line of WinSet, AlwaysOnTop...... but i was butchering the code language. 

I'll give your suggestion a try when i get home. 

Thanks again. 

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