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voice recognition


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Hi im a newbie and have got my heard round most things and have bought a mic to use the voice feature so i can say opn ps2 etc, however i cant get this to work and cant find any tutorials!  I have ticked the box saying activate and it says it has activated but what next? what settings? I have tried everything!! The mic works and has been tested on windows 7 and is calibrated but what now!! Thanks guys for any help at all, i really want to integrate the voice recognition feature!!! Thanks again folks :)

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Hi there, i have deleted your duplicate post for this issue. Please refrain from spamming the same question in multiple different threads in future. :) As for the actual question i'm afraid i can't help you with that, i could never get it to work at all personally. If i remember correctly i think there may of been a issue with it on non "English US" systems, it worked ok  for some and not at all for others, and i don't believe that feature has been updated in a while.

Sorry i could't help more.

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It was a while ago now and my memory is hazy on it, but if i recall it was more of a windows issue than a Launchbox one. Windows didn't seem to like the voice recognition if you was using a different language than "English US" i personally use "English UK" and myself and some others had problems with it.

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mine is a usb one as i thought it would be better! The mic works with every other aspect of the pc but not with launchbox!  I'll keep my eyes open for a non usb one maybe, its not a major thing for me but i would have liked to try the feature out! Thanks for your help guys

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