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hello Guys,


Quick question about consolidation of roms. 

When I run a consolidation I see that LB merges "two" roms in one, but, if I have, let say, 5 versions of the same rom, I have to restart the consolidation process again and again, till all the extra roms are consolidated. 

Is there any way to make it consolidate all version in one single time ? 

Also, is there any plan to implement consolidation of all the system at once ? doing this for each system one by one is really time consuming. 

Thanks !!! 

4 hours ago, neil9000 said:

You should be able to highlight all the games you want by holding ctrl and clicking on the games to be included.

Are you sure about that ? I see no option except "consolidate roms for current platform" :/


that isn't what he is saying. If you have 5 games you want to consolidate you can use ctrl and left click to select them to be consolidate all of them together.

18 hours ago, DOS76 said:

that isn't what he is saying. If you have 5 games you want to consolidate you can use ctrl and left click to select them to be consolidate all of them together.

Hi there, Thanks for replying so fast. 

I know it is possible to manually select games and "merge" them. But I'd rather make use of the "consolidate" option as it makes it automatically, right ? I don't see myself doing this manually on such a big amount of roms. 

Thing is, the consolidate tool operates strangely, as I stated:

1. it is only possible to run it per platform

2. it has to be launched several times per platform in order to display a single version of each game (depending on how much version of the same game you have)

So, my question was more -> is there any way to consolidate all platforms at once, and avoid having to re-run the consolidation tool several times per platform in order to hide all these double, triple, etc. games ? 

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my initial post ;) 


This doesn't sound like this will be what you are looking for because you are looking for an automated solution but you can always go to All games and consolidate from there for more than one platform if your LB doesn't show all in the platforms go to tools options side bar and it will show all games. I see that if I click 2 games and then right click I get the option in the menu so I think it can be done but only manually. If you aren't interested in doing it manually then you will have to either live with it the way it is or hope that in the future it is updated to support this. You can always make a bitbucket request but with the new poll just being done and all the features on it taking priority it may be quite some time before (or if ever) you see it get added.


It is not possible to consolidate same named games from different platforms, this feature is more for multiple versions of the same game (rev a, rev b, beta, proto) etc. If you want to combine games from multiple platforms you would have to use the playlist feature. Also there is a checkbox in the import wizard to combine games with the same name at import, I believe it is checked on by default, so they should be combined by default when importing a platform, if any do get missed that's when you would click them and manually combine them.


Okay quick heads up after doing this and then separating the games back it changed its platform from game boy color to N64 so I recommend that you not do this at all.


I stand corrected, it appears it does work the way @DOS76 says, that would be really messy though in my opinion, I wouldn't want to have to go to say Master System in order to find a snes game, but to each to there own. :) 


  • Haha 1

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