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Hello everyone, from Italy, so sorry for my english. It's hard to find a solution about that i suppose, i'll try to explain the best as i can what is my question. I would like that windows automatically shutdown when i esc from big box. I know that there is this command in the big box options but is not settable on the controller and i have setted big box that when it starts is not possibile to reach the options menu (i'm placing the cabinet in a shop, so whos playing have not to touch any option absolutely). On the controller i can set the exit command but not the windows shutdown, it is only on the options menu and not settable on the controller. So the question is..... is that a way to set the shutdown command on the controller? Or how can i tell windows to shutdown when i esc from big box? 

Thank you guys!


Few ways to do this easily. You could add a platform called something like "Tools" or "Utilities" or whatever.

In that you just add a "game" but it's really just a batch file command to shutdown Windows, like "shutdown.exe /s /t 0" or to force shutdown "shutdown.exe /f /s /t 0"  (don't use quotes).

Or you could put that "game" batch file anywhere in the wheels you want to.

So that's one option.



Another option, if you just want windows to shutdown after someone exits from BB, is to just always have an ahk script or some other script running that just loops forever checking if bigbox.exe is running and if it isn't it initiates the shutdown command. Just don't start the script up until after you are sure BB starts up initially.

I'm sure there are numerous other ways to do it too. 


Thank you very much, you have been very helpful, problem solved! I used an .ahk script and it seems to work fine. Thank you very much. If anyone have this problem the script is:

if GetKeyState("joy8")
if GetKeyState("joy9")
if GetKeyState("joy10")
Goto, PowerOff

if GetKeyState("joy7")
if GetKeyState("joy9")
if GetKeyState("joy10")
Goto, PowerOff

if GetKeyState("joy8")
if GetKeyState("joy7")
if GetKeyState("joy10")
Goto, PowerOff

if GetKeyState("joy8")
if GetKeyState("joy9")
if GetKeyState("joy7")
Goto, PowerOff

Process, Exist, Bigbox.exe
    If ErrorLevel <> 0
         Process, Close, Bigbox.exe

Shutdown, 1


where joy 7,8,9 and 10 are the buttons to press on the controller simultaneously. I found the inspiration for this script in another post in this forum. You're great guys!

  • 2 years later...
7 hours ago, PaulC said:

A shutdown hot key combination should have been one of the first things added.

What, why? A menu option to complicated for you? In fact i think you will find that most people would not want a combo to shutdown there PC, thats just asking for trouble when you have kids around.


i had a 4 button combo that shut the computer down from the front end menu only and no kid ever figured it out....except   i didn't like how led blinky lit 3 of those buttons up.

I have to enter a pin to shutdown. even 2 numbers is a bit tedious. i shut mine down after every use.


I have a physical button connected to the reset pins on the motherboard, at the top of my cab. The thing is that PC in my cab, not for personal use. So I've set BB as default shell so it will start when the machine is powered on, and that same button will close windows (in a normal way, closing BB and any other program open, not just cutting the power) when it is not used anymore. I don't know if it is useful in your case, in mine it was the best solution to use my cab.



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