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  • 4 months later...

I'm having the same issue. Watched the video several times. Have the colec.rom bios in the zip folder of Mame roms. fire up LB and the 1 second flash as mame tries to load the game but nothing happens. Tried to move one coleco rom file into the mame roms folder but that didn't help. Must be missing something simple and overlooking it. Any ideas?




Thanks Lordmonkus. So, this is how i have my coleco zip file in the mame roms folder see attached, and the game does not load. Also here is the example of a game path from launchbox where i have he celoco .7z files listed under the games folder.  I also used a zip file for the game roms but id did not change anything. Seems like the emulator  "Mame" launches in LB but when it try's to load the coleco .col file that is 7zipped it fails.




Is your mame.ini file located in the main folder along side the Mame executable ?

screenshot_447.jpg.a8f11530a8599f8d6196a77cfc85a39d.jpgAlso is the rom location added to the mame.ini ? If you don't have your roms in the \Mame\roms folder the path needs to be added to the rompath in the ini.

screenshot_448.thumb.jpg.8de83d36a1418634dc23d538749fb15d.jpgFor my own personal organization and ease of use I have a separate install of Mame just for console emulation and I dump all my bios files for it in the \roms folder for the install. It just makes my life easier to manage that way.


Yes, I have the mame.ini in the mame folder. See my mame.ini rom path did I type something wrong? If I can get this working then I'll create a second mame for the other consoles



Okay, after I added a new version of MAME for use with consoles, good tip :) I then updated my LB Emulator to point to the new version of MAME then copied over the coleco bios zip to the roms folder. I also launched the new version of MAME to create the mame.ini file opened it then pointed the rompath to the location of the coleco roms and it works. Thank you for the guidance. Also, tested the ini file with a space in the rom path location and it did work with and without a space. So the fix for me was to have two versions of MAME one to use with MAME and it's roms and the other for use with consoles such as Coleco, Neo Geo etc.

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Glad you got it working and good to know that the space doesn't matter.

I know I did get my arcade setup of Mame working with console stuff but I vaguely remember it being annoying and that is why I switched over to a separate install for console based stuff.


You need the "Machines" folder from the stand alone version of BlueMSX copied into your \Retroarch\System folder for it to work.

While the emulation is fine the controller setup for it is a bit of a pain where Mames controller setup for it is much simpler and straight forward.


i love mame, but for me, i like retroarch for the simplicity of the controller setup.  the cores come preconfigured .  for me the colecovision core was already configured.  controllers worked perfect for me, but again this i  a preference thing , also, all i did was drop the bios files and the roms just work , no fiddling with file names, even though i did rename them any way because i wanted the bezels to work.

3 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

It's the number pad that gets more complicated to map on a controller.

you know, i havent plaid any of the roms that require the number pad, i think are you are correct, i have only played the games dont require it.

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