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Retroarch is not launching in launchbox


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I know I have been doing a bunch of tinkering with stuff and redoing a lot so I cannot say if what I am about to say is a bug or just me messing something up.

But I have noticed at times that certain platforms appear to have gone missing from my Associated Platforms window for Retroarch in LB and I had to re-add them. Again though, not sure if it is a bug or just me messing something up or mis-remembering.

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I do see my platforms. I did try and delete psx hw libretro and re add it with no success. the  So I just ran through every system that uses retroarch through lauchbox and only mame works. NIntendo, Sega, Turbo graph 16, Playstation, Naomi, Atari and Intellivision are not working. I am currently looking for a windows update. God I hope that works, but doubtful.

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I wish I had an answer for you but if your games are set to use the RA emulator and your associated platforms and cores are correct it should work just fine. I am using the latest beta and it's all working fine for me.

Like I mentioned above I have been tinkering with a lot of stuff in my setup recently and I have noticed a couple of times platforms that I thought I had setup disappeared but I have no idea if that was just me messing something up by accident or something else.

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Did you delete just the psx hw core info and reenter it or delete the entire line of data including the associated platform name? Your post is not clear as you only said you deleted psx hw libretro.

I believe what the other user that had issues did was delete everything and enter it all in a new row. So go to the last row enter all the data for the platform (associated platform name and core) then go and delete the entire original entry. At least when I read the other post again that what he appears to have done. Worth a tey if that is not what you did already. 

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