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Hi everybody,

I just moved from Hyperspin to Launchbox (Bigbox itself) for my pleasure. I am totally a fan of this frontend. My configuration works perfectly between retroarch and retrogamming, on the other hand with regard to Steam games, I encounter a problem that horribles me.

My system works with an IPAC, and to play Steam / PC games, just use a software called UCR which will simulate two xbox 360 pads.

The operation is simple, you just need:

Launch UCR before launching the game
Then exit UCR after leaving the game.
Note that on my old system (hyperspin / rocketLauncher) everything worked perfectly.

Here are the scripts in question (these scripts are compiled (right click: compile) and these are the “.exe” which are called via RocketLauncher):


Run, D: \ Path to UCR \ UCR.exe, D: \ Path to UCR
WinHide, UCR.exe
Sleep, 10000



Process, close, UCR.exe


Explanation of my issue:
When I manually launch UCR and then a STEAM game, everything is perfect.
In my old system, RL did the job very well, it launched UCR perfectly before the game and left it after the execution of the game. And all in a perfectly invisible way. Well done RL.

Today with Launchbox,
After configuring "Additional Apps"
with UCR Start in Automatically Run Before Application
and UCR Stop in Automatically Run After Main Application

This does not work, UCR launches well, (we see the window appear 1/10 of a second) but is left when the game launches.

I hope UCR / Launchbox experts can help me ?

Thank you,
See you.

Edited by Bamak

Hi everyone, thinking about it, I understood that it was the execution of UCR close that was problematic.

So, in the additional applications tab, I only launch the UCR Start script.

Then in the AutoHotKey script for windows games I try to close UCR.

I have not yet succeeded, but I think I am in the right direction. What do you think ?


For now the Start is operating at 100%.

It remains to close UCR correctly after leaving a windows game.


Thanks to those who will try to help me;)

Launch UCR.png

Exit UCR.png


Good morning all,

Well I'm pulling my hair out, I can't solve my problem.

My wish :

  • Start UCR before launching a PC game,
  • then quit UCR after leaving the PC game.

With RocketLauncher, it works wonders.

Just type in \ RocketLauncher \ Modules \ PCLauncher \ PCLauncher.ini

FadeTitle=StreetFighterV ahk_class UnrealWindow
ExitMethod=WinClose Application
PreLaunch=D:\UTILITIES\UCR\UCR Start.exe
PostExit=D:\UTILITIES\UCR\UCR Stop.exe

The problem with Launchbox is that when you launch a PC game, UCR launches well, but shuts down before launching the game ...

I am surprised to be the only one affected by the use of UCR.

I despair, if you have the slightest lead, I am interested.

Would it be possible to use RocketLauncher from Launchbox?


I have similar problems.

I have created an additional app to start keyboard2xinput before main program (which is working)

the problem is the additional app to close key2xinput after main program just doesn't work, it looks like it's also executed immediately.

I've put the additional apps within the PC game Street Fighter V.

Anybody any ideas on why it doesn't work this way? Should I create a AHK to achieve this? (never fiddled around with AHK script before though)

Thanks in advance!


Hi Spycat, thank you very much for trying to help me.

Hi Whistler NL, i have the same issue.

Unfortunately, unchecking the "Wait for exit" box does not help me.
Indeed if I uncheck it, I have a windows return. The screen returns to UCR for a moment and does not return to the game afterwards.

Watch video "Small Game - Don't wait for exit"


If I check, no problem for small games (quick to launch)

Watch video "Small Game - Wait for exit"



The good solution would therefore be to wait for the release of UCR.

Unfortunately when it is a heavier game, nothing helps, UCR launches, then closes almost instantly.

Watch video "Heavy Game - Wait for exit"



This problem make me crazy

With Rocketlaunchet we can see that everything is going well ... I much prefer Launchbox, but I regret the performance of RL



@Bamak Perhaps you could try using AHK to create a launcher for troublesome games like this. It is what I use with SFV with a remapper I use and finally got it to run without closing before the game launched.

Create an AHK that contains code to launch your UCR, then Launch the game exe and then upon close of the game exe it closes UCR. Compile the AHK as an exe (Name it what you want) and then point to that for the game instead of the actual game exe file.

Below is an example. You can just replace my paths and .exe file name's with yours. The script was compiled and named Street Fighter V Launcher.exe.  Be sure to place the Launcher you create in the same folder as the game's actual .exe.

May be worth a try. I am not an expert in AHK, this was help provided to me on our forum. I cannot remember if it was JayJay or JoeViking that helped. So if it works for you as well props to either of those two.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force

Run D:\Arcade\LaunchBox\Additional Programs\Arcade XInput.exe
Sleep, 5000
Run, StreetFighterV.exe
Sleep, 1000

SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 2000
Process, Exist, StreetFighterV.exe
pid1 := ErrorLevel
If (!pid1)
	 Process, Close, Arcade XInput.exe


  • Like 1
On 2/28/2020 at 4:39 PM, Retro808 said:

@Bamak Perhaps you could try using AHK to create a launcher for troublesome games like this. It is what I use with SFV with a remapper I use and finally got it to run without closing before the game launched.

Create an AHK that contains code to launch your UCR, then Launch the game exe and then upon close of the game exe it closes UCR. Compile the AHK as an exe (Name it what you want) and then point to that for the game instead of the actual game exe file.

Below is an example. You can just replace my paths and .exe file name's with yours. The script was compiled and named Street Fighter V Launcher.exe.  Be sure to place the Launcher you create in the same folder as the game's actual .exe.

May be worth a try. I am not an expert in AHK, this was help provided to me on our forum. I cannot remember if it was JayJay or JoeViking that helped. So if it works for you as well props to either of those two.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force

Run D:\Arcade\LaunchBox\Additional Programs\Arcade XInput.exe
Sleep, 5000
Run, StreetFighterV.exe
Sleep, 1000

SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 2000
Process, Exist, StreetFighterV.exe
pid1 := ErrorLevel
If (!pid1)
	 Process, Close, Arcade XInput.exe


thanks this is of great help! got sfv working great


Wouaaaaaa THANK YOU Retro808 !!!!!

Thank you very much, it's absolutely perfect !  Yeaaahh since the time I was scratching my head ! You are my savior ! Thank you.

I had to copy the UCR file to the location of the SFV exe.

I'm very happy !

Have a nice day.



SFV ok UCR_0.png

SFV ok UCR_1.png

SFV ok UCR_2.png

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  • 3 years later...

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