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I'm getting errors importing roms, more specifically, I am getting errors downloading meta data from Emu Movies via LaunchBox. 

One the error starts, it continues to give that error on each subsequent file it tries to download.

It starts happening only after a few hours.

I'm getting (404) Session has expired. Please login.."


I start the process around 8pm and leave the process overnight. When I check it at 8am, I see 3000+ errors. All the same error as above.

It would be super good coding if LaunchBox could be updated to see this, and re-login to the api. It is not something in the user's control.  PLEASE LaunchBox, pleeeeease fix this.

I'm on a 100Mbps connection, but in Australia, so international bandwidth will be a fraction of that. Not lucky enough to finish the entire process in an hour or so. I average around 40Mbps on international downloads usually.

So I have been getting this for 4 days in a row now, for different rom sets I'm trying to import.

I forgot to mention I'm also a lifetime member of EmuMovies & LaunchBox, so it's not an account limit. It should be unlimited downloads & session time.

Is there any details I forgot to mention?

I'm running latest version of LaunchBox on Windows 10 Pro, 1 terrabyte free disk space on D: where I've got LaunchBox installed (portable right).


After all the errors, I have to select all the imported apps/games, then tap on Tools and download meta data. This starts the process again and takes many many hours to complete, but aso gives errors halfway through. Redoing this a few times gets everything downloaded. Why can't LaunchBox auto-retry the errors for me? That would be super cooool. Please add this :-)


Hope someone can help.


  • 2 months later...

Hmm well I’m using 11.12 beta 6 and it was still happening, I ran a scan last night and when I checked this morning had the same message and 2000+ errors.



Most recent beta would only fix this if the queue was starting IN the most recent beta version (or potentially beta 5 depending on the image type). I would re-queue the downloads and see if you still have the issues. If you do please report it in the beta thread.


Could you post details of what you are trying to download when you see this issue into the beta forum? Also would be helpful to understand what version you are on, and what version you started the queue in. If possible attach a debug log of when this is occurring as well.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/9/2021 at 5:21 PM, C-Beats said:

Could you post details of what you are trying to download when you see this issue into the beta forum? Also would be helpful to understand what version you are on, and what version you started the queue in. If possible attach a debug log of when this is occurring as well.

It happened to me before I got into the Beta, stopped after I swapped to beta, and it's happening again when the current version (11.12) came out, and it's happening only when I download from emumovies. This whole Emumovies thing is frustrating me to no end, the integration is terrible.

Just now, meowish said:

It happened to me before I got into the Beta, stopped after I swapped to beta, and it's happening again when the current version (11.12) came out, and it's happening only when I download from emumovies. This whole Emumovies thing is frustrating me to no end, the integration is terrible.

We use their API, so it's not our implementation per se, we use what they provide.

Posted (edited)

Did some testing today, apparently it only occurs when I'm scraping a massive amount of my library, so I resorted to doing a single console every time.

Edited by meowish
Posted (edited)

Some more testing:

Doing per console doesn't download everything, didn't work for two games (at least from what I could find).

3D World Tennis (Didn't download the music)

A.G.E.: Advanced Galactic Empire (Didn't download Marquee and videos)

It just skipped them without giving an error, and doing each game individually would actually download.

Edit: Both are Amiga games.

Edited by meowish
Posted (edited)

This didn't used to be an issue, i've escalated to our dev to get some answers.  Very strange.  I'm tot sure what the session length is but i'll find out.  I would think that if LB gets that error it should re authenticate the session.  I haven't heard from Jason on this but ill pass on what I find out here and send Jason a note.

Edited by circo
  • Like 1

@meowish Can you turn on debug logging and try to recreate that 404 error you are getting and then grab us a log of that session? Would help us quite a bit. Could you also confirm you ARE on 11.12 release build?


I'll throw out there that I am also seeing the same issues described in this thread. I'm a bit tied up this week so I won't be able to throw up a log file, but I'll try to send one over next week if it is not yet resolved.


Hello, I'm having similar symptoms.  Version 11.12., premium on LaunchBox & EmuMovies 

For me, I added Playstation games much later than everything else.  Download Metadata & Media under the platform isn't giving any new images/videos, but I've been finding that going into Edit for individual games can get lots of media that isn't already downloaded.   When I go to All Games and do Download Metadata & Media, it's saying there's something like 16,000 files to download, but keeps only getting through a few dozen before running into the 404 loop.  It's followed that same pattern about 10 times, and did this to a lesser degree on a prior version (sorry unsure which).

Debug 2021-06-25 05-35-48 PM.zip

  • 2 weeks later...

Any luck here? I'm having the same issue with MAME and get upwards of 11,000 errors out of 19,000 attempts to get media. Same message "The remote server returned an error: (404) Session has expired. Please login.."


We have addressed this issue in the current beta release. You can opt in within LaunchBox by going to Tools > Options > Updates and opting in for beta releases. If you continue to have the issue on that beta version please let us know in the beta testing thread.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi guys!!!


Same problem here! with LB 11.15 .When i try one console at a time it seams to pass... I'll give more feedback when i'll find something else.

Edited by GzStation

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