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41 minutes ago, Vojake said:

is it possible to add arcade controls information and advertisement flyer

Most likely, Yes.  I'll see about looking into it this weekend.  


46 minutes ago, Vojake said:

display two pictures at the same time?

No.  You thought the image scaling was bad before....? lol  Seriously though, no.

  • 2 months later...
On 1/13/2022 at 12:29 PM, Vojake said:

is it possible, to specifiy other image-folders, where to seek images to display? So we can use the plugin to bring other content except controls-images to a third monitor. Best way could be, when user can choose one gamefolder and one platformfolder. Is this possible? perhaps with a ini.file?

I think you’re wanting to pull off what I just inquired about in another thread.  A 3rd monitor to display boxart/ flyer art/ animated folder art. Display specific to the game selected? 

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Is this project still up and running? Slightly different thing, I play mame in VR and would like a way to get the marquee to be on the same screen as the game, sitting above the lightsout bezel.  Is this possible please?

Edited by PhantomFighter
5 hours ago, PhantomFighter said:

Is this project still up and running? 

Not really.  It was more of a "just-because, proof-of-concept" thing.  There are a couple of other plugins out there that do the same thing, but better.


5 hours ago, PhantomFighter said:

would like a way to get the marquee to be on the same screen as the game, sitting above the lightsout bezel.  Is this possible please?

Pretty much anything's possible.  But I can only think of one person who would want to have a marquee displayed on the top portion of their monitor and the game displayed (albeit, squished) below that on the same monitor. 

Or maybe you're talking about somehow having the marquee floating in space above the game while using a VR headset?  That would actually make sense.  At least from all the sci-fi movies I've seen.  So it may be pushing the technology a bit.  But I'd have nofa king idea, as I've never even touched a VR headset.  You could try creating a new post requesting a plugin that does what you're wanting.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)
On 1/18/2022 at 11:13 AM, JoeViking245 said:


This version (v1.1) should display your selected image without cutting off the top/bottom, left/right.  It will maximize the images width or height (whichever is greater) to the monitor's width or height extents, accordingly in conjunction with the monitor's aspect ratio. 

So basically, if your monitor display is rectangle and your image is square, you'll see "black bars" on the left and right sides of the image. But not on the top/bottom.

DisplayOnMonitorX v1.1.zip 78.06 kB · 32 downloads


Again, this "just-because, proof-of-concept" project was to accommodate a 3rd (or even 4th?) monitor (but is obviously flexible).  If your setup only has 2 monitors, by all means make use of the built-in feature of BigBox as @Retro808 summed up quite concisely above.  It'd be kind of silly using a third-party plugin made by some Joe-off-the-street for something the program has built in.  Just sayin. ;) 

Don't flame me I'm late to the party., Tried to plugin. Every time i change an image on say monitor 1 or 3. It changes it to every monitor. No matter what i do to try and make separate selections. One change is global on all the monitors in the plugin> is there something I'm missing or a newer version or revision available. Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can provide.  I can only select one or the other it seems. The Gui sees all 3 monitors. But whenever I make changes, it shows the same changes on all 3 monitor selections in the GUI. Even when i try to select screen #2 my marquee, it breaks the 3rd screen the front / kick panel display.  What am i missing... Thanks in advance for any help.  I'm using the  DisplayOnMonitorX v1.1 from page 2


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Edited by ChickenGeorge
On 12/2/2024 at 9:55 PM, ChickenGeorge said:

Don't flame me I'm late to the party., Tried to plugin. Every time i change an image on say monitor 1 or 3. It changes it to every monitor. No matter what i do to try and make separate selections. One change is global on all the monitors in the plugin> is there something I'm missing or a newer version or revision available.

If it's displaying the same image on all monitors, you probably have your Windows Display Settings - Multiple Displays set to Duplicate These Displays. Try changing that to Extend These Displays.

If that doesn't fix it, you could try one of a couple other plugins that haven't been abandoned.

Though not specific to just Game Controls, there's the successor to this plugin.


Another option that provides settings to allow doing the same thing (and more) is Third Screen.


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