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  1. Full Dedicated Neo Geo Marquees

    Full Dedicated Neo Geo Marquees
    There where quite a few full size dedicated marquees made for Neo Geo aside from the mini-marquee layouts, there where even some dedicated cabinets as well like Samurai Shodown II, The Irritating Maze and SNK vs Capcom Chaos.
    I wasn't able to restore all the full size Neo Geo marquees out there, the ones I couldn't are included in a folder as well.
    Full size Marquees for 25 Neo Geo games Made from the highest quality artwork available I could find Cleaned up and color corrected artwork Including restored/remade/revived artwork Exclusive Day mode / Night Mode (unlit/lit) for every marquee Almost all marquees are Ultra HD Resolution; 3840 pixels wide, some are not All are named with 03 and 04 at the end of the rom name so you can use these with my other neo geo marquees. Credits @ArsInvictus & to those that made high quality scans, logo's or other artwork that I found and used to reconstruct the marquees, I don't take full credits of this project thereof.
    Much thanks to @seijurou and @JonnyModlin
    See the making of of this project: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/44355-coming-soon-neo-geo-marquees-v20/
    Other Neo Geo Marquee work:
    Neo Geo custom Dual layout
    Neo Geo Mini-Marquee layout


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  2. SNK Neo Geo MVS | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc

    You know what this is all about by now. Setting controls properly for controllers in MAME. Not only that but making sure everything is as playable as possible with fixes and unlocks.
    Neo Geo MVS uses a standard control layout for all but 3 games. Most of these have been set in accordance with the How-To tutorials all of these games have. However, some fighting games have been remapped to adhere to the standard 'punches on top, kicks on bottom' layout. The original control scheme is fine for an arcade deck but not for a controller. So, I changed em. 
    I also decided to enhance some of these controls. If a fighting game required a button combo for a hard attack, tag, special, charge etc, it has been mapped to the shoulder/trigger buttons. You have the choice to use em, or not. They are there there none the less.
    Unlike many other arcade platforms, MVS game regions are dictated by which BIOS is being used. All regions are actually on the ROM but not selected in the test/service menu.
    Upon researching what regions are preferred, I discovered that it is very much down to personal preference. Some games have different/mature content when used with a Japanese BIOS/Version. Some say this is the best way to play, others think sacrificing those minor differences are worth the trade-off for English. I even find myself being torn between the two. But, I have found an awesome way around this to have the best of all regions....and a bit more.
    The Universe Bios (UniBIOS) is the ultimate answer to this situation. A custom multi bios made by a flat out genius. Originally for original hardware, this bios allows for region switching on the fly, along with its own fixes and enhancements to some games, at ground level. You can even switch between MVS and AES versions, this is absolutely amazing. This bios effectively covers you for all versions and regions in one place with options that are very easy to navigate. Oh yeah, it has its own GUI too. If you own any OG hardware, you absolutely need this. The bonus is that this also runs in MAME, allowing for region/version switching as soon as the game starts, if you so wish. 
    Despite having a lot of unlockable characters (with cheats) across many of these games, all of them are unlocked for a one time play session. They do NOT save to the nvram save state. I have tested a bunch of games and none of them do. If you know of any that do, let me know. 
    -Blood, Flash and Violence are ON for every game that had it turned off by default. All the good stuff is here.
    -Also, all the on screen crap has been removed for EVERY GAME. The Credit counter, Level display, all that can get in the bin and outa my sight. It just gets in the way. 
    -Some other things to note include Viewpoint. This game has a 2 player mode that defaults to alternating play. But it does have a simultaneous option, which duh...is way better.
    -Some games have useless columns of pixels on the left, right or both. I have changed the aspect ratio correctly to get rid of these. 

    There is an extra step compared to the other ones due to using a different bios. I would just provide the correct ini file but this WILL mess with your settings and I really, really don't want to do that. So, you're gonna make it quick with your current mame.ini settings.
    1. Copy your mame.ini. Rename the copy to neogeo.ini. 2. Put the neogeo.ini in the correct place. This where you have MAME set to read ini files, it'll either be the root folder (where the mame.exe is), or the ini folder. Just bang it in both if ya not sure. 3. Open neogeo.ini and change "bios" to 16. It is in the CORE MISC OPTIONS. This makes neogeo.cpp (and only neogeo.cpp) use the UniBIOS. 4. Grab the cfg files, nvram files and images from this page. 5. Place .cfg files in cfg folder. Place nvram folders in nvram folder. 6. Do what you want with the images. 7. Start a game. The custom bios splash will flash for 2-3 seconds. If you press A+B+C during this splash screen you will enter the custom bios switching menu. Here you can change region, AES version, and a bunch of other stuff. If you miss it, just restart the game. As some games have had A B C mapped to different buttons, just hit all 4 of the face buttons and you cant miss. 8. You can change other stuff in this menu but other than region switching, there's not much else needed as we are not running this bios on original hardware. 9. Play and enjoy with the freedom of region switching and no crap on screen. Oh yeah and the controls.
      Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
    2020 Super Baseball
    2020bb Display Info:
    -This game has a strip of useless pixels displayed on the right.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion.

    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & innings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex
    3countb Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.
    -Power Move require A&B be pressed at the same time. This has also been bound to RB for convenience.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
    sonicwi2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3
    sonicwi3 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku
    aodk Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Alpha Mission II / ASO II: Last Guardian
    alpham2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Andro Dunos
    androdun Display Info:
    -This game has a strip of useless pixels displayed on the left & right.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion or loss of pixels.

    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken
    aof Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Setting Buy In to off lets you select vs mode at the title screen.
    -Free Play set. Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2
    aof2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting: Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
    aof3 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel. Way too many input to bind to a controller. Bang Bang Busters
    b2b Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Bang Bead
    bangbead Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -You can turn the flashing graphics off if you are sensitive to it.
    -Free Play set. Baseball Stars 2
    bstars2 Display Info:
    -This game has a strip of garbled pixels displayed on the right.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion.

    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & innings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Baseball Stars Professional
    bstars Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & innings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Battle Flip Shot
    flipshot Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Blazing Star
    blazstar Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Breakers
    breakers Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Breakers Revenge
    breakrev Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Play time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Burning Fight
    burningf Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Captain Tomaday
    ctomaday Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.
    -Punch left & right have also been bound to LB & RB for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Crossed Swords
    crsword Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Crossed Swords 2 (CD Bootleg)
    crswd2bl Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Cyber-Lip
    cyberlip Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Digger Man (Prototype)
    diggerma Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Setting Free Play does nothing due to this game being a prototype. Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)
    doubledr Display Info:
    -When scrolling left or right you can see some pop in.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion.

    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Dragons Heaven (Dev Board) NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. This game is a early bare bones dev build. No sound and you have to navigate a dev menu to get it to work. Which is a struggle. Eight Man
    eightman Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou: Shin Den
    kabukikl Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combinations needed for strong and super attacks. I have also mapped these to LB, RB & RT for easier play and convenience.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2: Arata-naru Tatakai
    fatfury2 Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combinations needed for line attacks and super attacks. I have also mapped these to LB & RB for easier play and convenience.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3: Haruka-naru Tatakai
    fatfury3 Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combinations needed for line attacks and super attacks. I have also mapped these to LB & RB for easier play and convenience.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special
    fatfursp Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combinations needed for line attacks and super attacks. I have also mapped these to LB & RB for easier play and convenience.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Fatal Fury: King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu: Shukumei no Tatakai
    fatfury1 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Fight Fever / Wang Jung Wang
    fightfev Display Info:
    -This game has a strip of useless pixels displayed on the left & right.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion or loss of pixels.

    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time, rounds & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Football Frenzy
    fbfrenzy Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
    galaxyfg Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
    ganryu Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Garou: Mark of the Wolves
    garou Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ghost Pilots
    gpilots Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Free Play set. Ghostlop (Prototype)
    ghostlop Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Free Play set. Goal! Goal! Goal!
    goalx3 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Free Play set. Gururin
    gururin Display Info:
    -This game has a strip of useless pixels displayed on the left & right.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This gets get rid of it with technically no distortion or loss of pixels.

    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Free Play set. Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese heavy mahjong game. Irritating Maze, The Bios Info:
    The bios this game defaults to is the only bios this game should be played with. This is due to it being a trackball game.

    -Trackball game.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Free Play set. Janshin Densetsu: Quest of Jongmaster NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel. Way too many inputs to bind to a controller. Jockey Grand Prix
    jockeygp Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -As this is a "sort of" gambling game, credits must be used. No free play set. Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite
    karnovr Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. King of Fighters, The (ALL)
    kof2003 Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.
    -The control schemes vary from title to title. I have configured for each on its own merit.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set.
    -Blood and Flash is on for all titles. King of the Monsters
    kotm Display Info:
    -This game has pop in on the left of the screen.
    -Aspect set to Stretched 304x224. This helps to get rid of it with technically no distortion.

    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
    kotm2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle
    kizuna Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Last Blade 2, The / Bakumatsu Roman: Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi
    lastbld2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.
    -Throw uses a button combo. This has also been mapped to RB for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Last Blade, The / Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi
    lastblad Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Time & level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Last Hope (AES to MVS Conversion)
    lasthope Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -This is an AES conversion. No arcade options avaliable. Last Resort
    lresort Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. League Bowling
    lbowling Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Legend of Success Joe
    legendos Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Blood is ON
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Magical Drop II
    magdrop2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Magical Drop III
    magdrop3 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Magician Lord
    maglord Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Mahjong Kyo Retsuden NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese heavy mahjong game. Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon
    matrim Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Metal Slug (ALL)
    mslugx Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Blood is ON.
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Minasan NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel. Way too many inputs to bind to a controller. Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
    miexchng Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Mutation Nation
    mutnat Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. NAM-1975
    nam1975 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Neo Bomberman
    neobombe Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Neo Drift Out: New Technology
    neodrift Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.
    -Accelerate & brake are also on RT & LT.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Neo Mr. Do!
    neomrdo Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Neo Turf Masters
    turfmast Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Neo-Geo Cup '98: The Road to Victory
    neocup98 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Nightmare in the Dark
    nitd Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ninja Combat
    ncombat Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ninja Master's: Haoh-ninpo-cho
    ninjamas Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Over Top
    overtop Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Panic Bomber
    panicbom Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Pleasure Goal
    pgoal Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Pochi and Nyaa
    pnyaa Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Pop n' Bounce / Gapporin
    popbounc Controls:
    -This game has an option to use a paddle input instead. The digital option is way better.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Power Spikes II
    pspikes2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Prehistoric Isle 2
    preisle2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Pulstar
    pulstar Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move
    pbobblen Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again
    pbobbl2n Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Puzzle De Pon!
    puzzledp Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Puzzle De Pon! R!
    puzzldpr Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid
    joyjoy Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Quiz Daisousa Sen NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Quiz King of Fighters NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Rage of the Dragons
    rotd Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken
    ragnagrd Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (ALL)
    rbffspec Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Riding Hero
    ridhero Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Robo Army
    roboarmy Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (+ALL SEQUELS)
    samsho5sp Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.
    -The control schemes vary from title to title. I have configured for each on its own merit.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Savage Reign
    savagere Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Sengoku (ALL)
    sengoku3 Controls:
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Shock Troopers
    shocktro Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Violence is ON
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
    shocktr2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Violence is ON
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Shougi no Tatsujin NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese heavy game and it's super boring too. SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
    svc Controls:
    -This is one of the few games that have not been mapped as per the How-To. This is because it's a fighting game, so I have changed it to match the standard fighting game layout for a controller.
    -Button combos required for some basic moves. (Tag, Power Moves etc) These have also been mapped to the shoulder and trigger buttons for easier play.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Blood and flash are ON.
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Soccer Brawl
    socbrawl Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Spin Master / Miracle Adventure
    spinmast Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Stakes Winner
    stakwin Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Stakes Winner 2
    stakwin2 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream
    strhoop Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Strikers 1945 Plus
    s1945p Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Super Bubble Pop Not yet working in MAME. Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
    sdodgeb Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Super Sidekicks (ALL)
    ssideki3 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Super Spy, The
    superspy Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Tecmo World Soccer '96
    twsoc96 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Thrash Rally
    trally Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
    tophuntr Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Top Players Golf
    tpgolf Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Twinkle Star Sprites
    twinspri Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Ultimate 11, The: The SNK Football Championship
    ssideki4 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. V-Liner NOT USING OF CONFIGURING. Gambling video fruit machine. Viewpoint
    viewpoin Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -2 Player mode set to simultaneous. Alternating is the default.
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer
    gowcaizr Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Waku Waku 7
    wakuwak7 Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
    wjammers Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials except for World Heroes Perfect.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. World Heroes (ALL)
    whp Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials except for World Heroes Perfect.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok
    zedblade Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix
    zintrckb Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. Zupapa!
    zupapa Controls:
    -Controls have been set in accordance to the attract mode tutorials.

    Test Menu/Dip Switches:
    -Level & time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set.


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  3. SNK Neo Geo Custom 2D Covers (fronts, backs and spines)

    These 176 custom covers are a sort of hybrid, with an MVS flyer look and some basic AES elements (player count and genre colour) thrown in.
    The official MVS games as well as a number of bootlegs, conversions (from CD and AES), protos, homebrews, non-releases and so on are included.


       (1 review)



  4. SNK Neo Geo Japan games in english

    I saw these were missing from Junior Underground's set, this would complete the 1g1r english games if you use his set, 


       (0 reviews)



  5. SNK Neo Geo Custom 3D Boxes (fronts and backs)

    These custom boxes are a sort of hybrid, with an MVS flyer look and some basic AES elements (Megs/Players count and genre colour) thrown in. They may better suit a Neo Geo (MVS or AES) platform rather than a generic Arcade one. 
    The official MVS games as well as a number of bootlegs, conversions (from CD and AES), protos, homebrews, non-releases and so on are included.


       (0 reviews)



  6. SNK Neo Geo MVS 2D Cartridges (Front)

    I decided to do a little updating on my setup and there isn't much I could find for cartridge art for the MVS, so I made some of my own. The only one I did not make is the Aero Fighters 2 one (got it from the LB scraper), but used it as the template for the others. These are all quick and dirty and not the best they could be, but they get the job done. Hopefully this helps others flesh out their art collections. I don't have a huge collection of MVS titles, but the download includes 2D cart fronts for the following:
    Aero Fighters 2 (since I already had it)
    Aero Fighters 3
    Blazing Star
    Captain Tomaday
    Crossed Swords
    Garou: Mark of the Wolves
    The King of Fighters 2003
    Magician Lord
    Metal Slug 4
    Metal Slug 5
    Prehistoric Isle 2
    Real Bout: Fatal Fury Special
    Shock Troopers
    Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
    Zed Blade


       (0 reviews)



  7. Mr. RetroLust's Neo Geo Dual Layout Marquees (complete)

    Mr. RetroLust's Neo Geo Dual Layout Marquees (complete)
    Pack 1 & 2 + Bonus Marquees, the full dedicated marquees will be released separately in the future. All these marquees have been uploaded to the launchbox database as well.
    I made these Marquees exclusively for the LaunchBox community as appreciation for the awesome work, software and everyone that contributes to this amazing community. I find the official single 'mini-marquee' system a bit boring with just one small mini-marquee on a huge red plate and as the games came with more instruction flyers and artwork I got inspired by the dual-marquee layout to use the second placeholder for more artwork, for some games I couldn't find extra flyer material so I used artwork from back-covers and such to fill up the second placeholder. Now it feels a bit more colorful.
    Marquees for 156 NEO GEO games Made from the highest quality artwork available I could find Cleaned up and color corrected artwork Custom translations from Japanese to English where needed and when possible Including restored/remade/revived artwork Exclusive Day mode / Night Mode (unlit/lit) for every marquee Optimized for 21:9 aspect ratio for full screen ultra-wide marquee monitors All marquees are Ultra HD Resolution; 3840 pixels wide See this thread for more details, kinda like 'the making of' lol: 

    List of games covered (not completely in alphabetical order):
    3 Count Bout (Fire Suplex) Super Baseball 2020 (2020 Super Baseball) Aggressors of Dark Kombat (Tsukai GANGAN Koshinkyoku) Alpha Mission II (ASO II: Last Guardian) Andro Dunos Art of Fighting (Ryuko no Ken) Art of Fighting 2 (Ryuko no Ken 2) Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior (ART OF FIGHTING: Ryuko no Ken - Gaiden) Bang Bead (Bang Beads) Baseball Stars Professional Baseball Stars 2 Battle Flip Shot (Flip Shot) Blazing Star Blue's Journey (Raguy) Breakers Breakers Revenge Burning Fight Captain Tomaday Crossed Swords Crossed Swords II Cyber-Lip Double Dragon (Double Dragon 6-1) Eight Man (8 Man) Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash (Tengai Makyo: Shinden) Fatal Fury: King of Fighters (Garo Densetsu: Shukumei no Tatakai) Fatal Fury 2 (Garo Densetsu 2: Aratanaru Tatakai) Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (Garo Densetsu 3: Harukanaru Tatakai) Fatal Fury Special (Garo Densetsu Special) Fight Fever (Wang Jung Wang) Football Frenzy Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors Ganryu (Musashi Ganryuki) Garou: Mark of the Wolves Ghostlop Ghost Pilots Goal! Goal! Goal! Gururin The Irritating Maze Ironclad Karnov's Revenge (Fighter's History Dynamite) Kizuna Encounter (Fuun Super Tag Battle) aka Savage Reign 2: Kizuna Encounter The King of Fighters '94 The King of Fighters '95 The King of Fighters '96 The King of Fighters '97 The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest (Dream Match Never Ends) The King of Fighters '99 (Millennium Battle) The King of Fighters 2000 The King of Fighters 2001 The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle The King of Fighters 2003 King of the Monsters King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing The Last Blade (Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi / The Last Soldier) The Last Blade 2 (Bakumatsu Roman Dainimaku: Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana) League Bowling Legend of Success Joe (Ashita No Jo Densetsu) Magical Drop II Magical Drop III Metal Slug (Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug) Metal Slug 2 (Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug II) Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 5 Metal Slug X (Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug X) Neo Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory Neo Mr. Do! Nightmare in the Dark Ninja Commando Over Top Power Instinct Matrimelee (Shin Goketsuji Ichizoku: Tokon Matrimelee) Puzzled (Joy Joy Kid) Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (Chojin Gakuen Gowcaizer) Bomberman: Panic Bomber Last Resort Magician Lord Money Idol Exchanger (Money Puzzle Exchanger) Mutation Nation NAM-1975 Neo Bomberman Neo Drift Out: New Technology Neo Turf Masters (Big Tournament Golf) Ninja Combat Ninja Master's: Hao Ninpo Cho Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (Futsal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer) Pochi & Nyaa (Pochitto Nya) Pop'n Bounce (Gapporin) Power Spikes II Prehistoric Isle 2 (Kenshi Shima 2 / Genshi-to 2) Pulstar Puzzle Bobble (Bust-a-Move) Puzzle Bobble 2 (Bust-a-Move Again) Puzzle De Pon! Puzzle de Pon! R Rage of the Dragons Ragnagard (Shin-Oh-Ken) Real Bout Fatal Fury (REAL BOUT Garo Densetsu) Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers (Real Bout Garo Densetsu 2: THE NEWCOMERS) Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Real Bout Garo Densetsu Special) Riding Hero Robo Army Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirits) Samurai Shodown II (Shin Samurai Spirits: Haohmaru Jigokuhen) Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood (Samurai Spirits: Zankuro Musoken / Fighters Swords) Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge (Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Korin) Samurai Shodown V (Samurai Spirits Zero) Samurai Shodown V Special (Samurai Spirits Zero Special) Savage Reign (Fuun Mokushiroku: Kakuto Sosei) Sengoku (Sengoku Densho) Sengoku 2 (Sengoku Densho 2) Sengoku 3 (Sengoku Legends 2001) Shock Troopers Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Soccer Brawl Aero Fighters 2 (Sonic Wings 2) Aero Fighters 3 (Sonic Wings 3) Spinmaster (Miracle Adventure) Stakes Winner (Stakes Winner: GI Kinzen Seihae no Michi) Stakes Winner 2 Street Slam (Street Hoop / Dunk Dream) Strikers 1945 Plus Super Dodge Ball (Kunio no Nekketsu Tokyu Densetsu) Super Sidekicks (Tokuten-o) Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship (Tokuten-o 2: Real Fight Football) Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory (Tokuten-o 3: Eiko-e no Michi) The Super Spy Tecmo World Soccer '96 Thrash Rally Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy Top Player's Golf Twinkle Star Sprites The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship (SNK FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP - Tokuten-o: Hono no Libero) Viewpoint Waku Waku 7 Windjammers (Flying Power Disc) World Heroes World Heroes 2 World Heroes 2 Jet World Heroes Perfect Zed Blade (Operation Ragnarok) Zintrick ZuPaPa! NEW MARQUEES (Previously missing from the packs):
    Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki Bang Bang Busters Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz Digger Man Jockey Grand Prix Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster Mahjong Kyo Retsuden Minasan no Okagesama Desu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down Quiz King of Fighters Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi V-Liner


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  8. CP78 SNK Neo Geo Videos For Launchbox

    10 Snk Neo Geo CD videos with spinning cases and discs. Only the best games!
    I plan on adding more games and and adding more systems. 1080p @ 30fps
    You may need to change the name to match the name of your games.
    A full preview is here: 


       (0 reviews)



  9. Neo-Geo banner 2

    This is a image for your neo geo Banners


       (0 reviews)



  10. Neo Geo Classic Marquees - Redone

    Neo Geo Classic Marquees - Redone (Complete Collection 157 games)
    Redid all classic Neo Geo single mini marquee layout marquees as I saw some inconsistencies in style, resolution and colors across various sources plus various games where missing, thought it was a good idea to redo them to one complete collection. Feel free to use for your projects if you please.
    1. Logo's and text are smooth in comparison to the classic Mr. Do (Not sure?) marquee versions
    2. Added white border and drop shadow for placeholder Mini Marquee
    3. Added bootlegs, unreleased, Japanese and rare game marquees
    4. Includes custom, translations, reconstructed, fixed marquee artwork from various sources as well
    5. All in same (classic single marquee) layout and resolution: 3840 x 1062 pixels
    6. All manually color corrected, cleaned and fixes
    7. 157 games + 1 default MVS Neo Geo marquee.


       (0 reviews)



  11. SNK Neo Geo MVS 3D Boxes

    A collection of 3D boxes (in UGC case format) for the 148 official SNK Neo Geo MVS games.
    Most are flyers with basic spines, but I did use the odd AES cover where a flyer was unavailable or unsuitable or just because I preferred the AES.


       (1 review)



  12. SNK NeoGeo Silver Ring Clear Logo

    El archivo contiene 153 ''Silver Ring Clear Logo'' de SNK NeoGeo!
    The file contains 153 '' Silver Ring Clear Logo '' by SNK NeoGeo!


       (0 reviews)



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