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Repository: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game


Explanations in English: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game/blob/master/README.md

Explications en Français: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game/blob/master/README-FR.md


Beta version:  don't change anything in LaunchBox. Use it only with roms !

What it does:

  • It copies then compress everything about a game contained in the db of LaunchBox app.
  • It generates a short xml file with the main information about the game
  • It takes images, pdf manual, video, music, rom file.
  • It takes also the cheatcode files if you fill the path ('GameName-.')
  • It generates a tree view file.
  • 7z and zip compression
  • Backup datas about a game from LaunchBox xml
  • When PackMe run, creates an enhanced xml file, adding missing paths, additionally to the original backup
  • Permits to choose manually video, music, manual if db don't mention paths.
  • Contextual menu permits now to make some operations to construct the workfolder, to compress it later.


Why ?

  • Because as a french gamer i wanted to save everything i fill about my games and keep it for later, just in case there was a problem, reinstall or whatever.


  • Use it only with roms.
  • Don't move or delete files from the source (never)
  • It asks before to overwrite roms, manuals, music, video that are in the working directory meanwhile the copy (the target directory)
  • Currently it asks a global permission to overwrite for the image/pictures files, even if there is no image file in the the destination folder.
  • The clones are added only if they are grouped with a main in LaunchBox
  • Compression 7z and zip
  • It logs everything during the game treatment in a window, and a file.


  • Work in progress: Eliminate duplicates images files function in contextual menu (md5 calcul)
  • Filter platforms
  • Double Security on work folder
  • Find a better way to handle images files
  • Correct the english version
  • Carroussel to see image files to overwrite etc... (if necessary)
  • Mode silent without box prompt ? (All overwrite)
  • Mode silent without log window
  • Edit info in short list ? => it means to load total information of the game.
  • Splashscreen on loading
  • Ameliorate config with own browser system and box path editable
  • md5 Compareason ?
  • Move VFolder, HFolder, copyfile, reconstruct path (set a security basic path option)

About EBGame.xml and OBGame.xml.

This xml files are a first step to reinject games in LaunchBox xml files, but keep in mind, it's a beta.  This is why i didn't make a function to do it, to test,before, the reliability, so wait before to do it manually, please, or do it at your own risks.

What's New in Version b1.5.0.2   See changelog


What's new since the last version posted here:

  • Cue file supporting added, read the file and copy files mentionned to the rom directory
  • Based on Framework 4.8
  • Check for files is now repositioned just before compression.
  • New window indicating wich files have been copied, instead of old that only shows a checkbox.
  • This window can permit to add video/roms/cheats/musics/manuals files.
  • This window can permit to add a new file of cheats by a richtextbox, tabulation is allowed.
  • Added an automatic limit length of text for the cheats codes.
  • Code modifications to remove the bug when the compression was stopped, i made the mistake to move to each directory i've been create but in same time i didn't use the most of time
    anything else full path. In theory there is no bug.


  • Even if i continue to call it beta, it still tested each time a lot of times, ~50x for the version to be sure you don't encounter a major problem. There is probably again minors bugs.


  • For the while, Pack My Game don't explore subfolders for movies, i'm currently asking to myself if i will change it, in all case you can do it now manually by the new window instead of using explorer. It ill now be take in charge by the "struct" files that indicates you the content of your package.
  • I will see to count images differently for the root files like something to: X in root / Y in subfolders in struct files.
  • I will see to add a md5/sha calculator that will add a file besides to help you to keep your package safe. I've few programs i've already created that use it, i will probably transpose my code directly.
  • There is a little bug i will try to resolve about the cheats window, sometimes you can have a double space when you limit length.
  • Tabulation is able for the textbox of cheats window, but there is a lot of things to see about it, for the while i think to work with 4 spaces is more readable in the window (see screenshots), tab or 4 spaces seems to give the same result at the end
  • Save cheat file can return an error about the ":" charac, because each time you create a new, the program try to propose a name that is not already taken. Just change ':' by what you want, i will see to replace by something else "_" or "-" .
  • I will probably add edit possibility on cheat files, a menu on the files window to have the "paste" possibility instead of using ctrl+v, remove unwanted files and a lot of things in the next version. In all case, in theory for the while config file don't change then you have not to be worry about it, just extract files. If i modify config file i will try to add the possibility to update it without remove old parameters


I think it's all, enjoy.

PackMyGame x64 - PackMyGame x86 -

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