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58 Screenshots

About This File


DarkRoom is a theme for BigBox that relies heavily on 1120x1080 fanarts / game illustrations and has been influenced by CoinOps design.

It has been designed for a 16:9 ratio, 1920x1080 resolution, and I know for sure that it displays correctly at 2560x1440.

This theme covers most home systems (around 10 still to be done) + windows indies + a few candy cabs for arcade specific playlist


This theme has :

- 1 platform view, which presents a delayed video with random games from the current platform/playlist. That means this theme doesn't need generic platform videos (except for meta category like Arcade, Computers, Consoles, etc ...); also, non auto-populated playlists will not display any video for now.

- 2 game views: a wheel view and a text game view


Configuration Files

In "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Views\Configurations", there are several xaml files (1 for each supported system).

In case one of your system has a different name from the one the theme is using (Example: "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS" instead of "SNK Neo Geo MVS"), you can just:

- copy the xaml file and rename the copy with the name from your collection (or directly rename the original), but from an evolutive point of view, it would be better to create a xaml file "Arcade SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" with that inside (to simplify, the content makes it so that "Arcade SNK Neo Geo" inherits "SNK Neo Geo MVS" system)

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">

        <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/DarkRoom/Views/Configurations/SNK Neo Geo MVS.xaml" />

- change the name of the platform fanart / clear logos located in "Launchbox\Themes\DarkRoom\Images\<Platforms or Playlists>\<Fanart or Clear Logo>"


Performances and cash management

Due to the animation handled by the theme, performance issues had to be addressed to somewhat mitigate them (I personnaly don't have any problem now).

A cash manager has been added to the theme to handle fanart sliding transition

You can configure it (WheelGameView.xaml and PlatformWheel4FiltersView.xaml) by modifying the following lines:

    <rsm:GameImageManager CashEnabled="true" Quality="85" ProcessorCount="4" CashLimit="500"/>

- Set CashEnabled to false to disabled it

- Set Quality to your liking (under 50 it becomes ugly, and more that 85 will raise RAM usage significantly)

- ProcessorCount shouldn't be changed. I let it for testing purpose but will probably suppress it at some point. But if you do, set an even number, less or equal to your physical processor count (AKA without hyperthreading)

- Set CashLimit (Mo) to your need. Depending on your fanart filesize, you may need to raise it. For my need I will probably raise it to 1000Mo (that should be around 6000 fanarts given the average size of mine).

Also note that cash is cleared every time a new gameview is entered, so you need to set its limit according to the system that has the most games (provided they each have their fanart - for me it is the ZX spectrum).



Files in Download sections

- DarkRoom.zip contains main theme files.

- Fanart - Pack 1.zip, that contains "full" pack of fanarts for the following systems:


    - Amstrad GX 4000

    - Atari 5200

    - Atari 7800

    - Atari XEGS

    - Casio PV1000

    - Examu Ex-Board (TTX)

    - Funtech Super Acan

    - Konami E-Amusement (TTX)

    - Namco System ES3 (TTX)

    - NESiCAxLive (TTX)

    - Nintendo Sufami Turbo

    - Nintendo Wii (not full pack)

    - Sega 32x

    - Sega Europa -R (TTX)

    - SNK Neo Geo CD

    - Sony Playstation 2 (not full pack)

    - Windows Indie (not full pack)

I will add more as time comes ...


Special Thanx

@Rincewind for his time in helping me fix an issue with the theme. I would not have been able to figure out what was wrong alone.


Edited by RedSnake

What's New in Version 1.0.6   See changelog


- added GameViews for Sega Arcade, Capcom Arcade, Magnavox Odyssey 2, Philips VideoPac+, Sega SG-1000, Epoch Super Cassette Vision, SNK Neo Geo AES, Ps3, Xbox 360 and Xbox platforms.

- fixed release date display. Now it takes into account cultural info

- user settings taken into account for fanart slide speed, video volume, and game filters

- improved performances (or so it should)

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  • Unusual Gem 4

User Feedback

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Esta hermoso el theme, muchas gracias por tu trabajo

Tony Birt


This is phenomenal :) Question, I can't get the illustrations to show, they do just go into Launchbox/Images/System/Fanart Background ?  thanks


Posted (edited)


If you are talking about per game illustrations, then yes they go where you said.

If they don't show maybe game titles are different?

Did you check via "launchbox->edit game", that the copied illustration is among all the available images for this game?

You can also view a system in LB by displaying the backgrounds (and refreshing them all) to check if they are present:


You can also check if priorities for background is set correctly:



Also, keep in mind that I only shared game illustrations for the system where all the game that I integrated into LB are covered. So for now it is only PS2, Wii, GX4000, Windows indies and Neo Geo MVS/CD

Edited by RedSnake


Hey @RedSnake, love the theme. Currently putting my own stamp on it. Quick question, do marques work for Neo Geo etc? See them in your screenshot but can't get them to show


Posted (edited)

Hi @Certifiedhalo

Yes they work.

What you see in Neo Geo MVS screenshot are marquees from LB metadata.

In LB, my Neo Geo system is integrated as "SNK Neo Geo MVS" playlist under "Mame" platform.

How did you integrate your Neo Geo games? (system name and parent?)

Edited by RedSnake


I love the look of this but anytime I click one of my playlist, I get an error and it quits out of Bigbox :(



5 hours ago, dvanx010 said:

I love the look of this but anytime I click one of my playlist, I get an error and it quits out of Bigbox :(


Can you give me the name of your playlist + its parent (the name of the system it belongs to)?

Is it an auto-populated playlist (it means you didn't pick every games manually)? I have playlists and it works fine but they are all auto-populated.

If yes, can you give me the filter of the playlist?

I also would like a screenshot of the error if you don't mind :)



Posted (edited)

On 11/1/2020 at 6:58 AM, dvanx010 said:

I love the look of this but anytime I click one of my playlist, I get an error and it quits out of Bigbox :(

** Edit: the issue has been identified and is fixed in version 1.0.03 **

Edited by RedSnake


@RedSnake Great theme, really like the way the fan art sides in the direction you scroll (how is that done?)

I do have a couple of issues happening the first is the same as the comment above, If I try to view Platform Categories or Playlists then the theme hangs and BigBox closes. Same thing happens even if I try to scroll to the Arcade Platform. This happens even with the new Dll file.

The other is the fonts there is no font folder with the fonts in, so a substitute font gets used instead.



Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Rincewind said:

@RedSnake Great theme, really like the way the fan art sides in the direction you scroll (how is that done?)

I do have a couple of issues happening the first is the same as the comment above, If I try to view Platform Categories or Playlists then the theme hangs and BigBox closes. Same thing happens even if I try to scroll to the Arcade Platform. This happens even with the new Dll file.

The other is the fonts there is no font folder with the fonts in, so a substitute font gets used instead.


First, thanks for your feedback!


The scrolling slide orientation is processed by the dll, as I didn't find any way to do it in pure xaml.

For your information, the plugin also:

- manages delayed random videos from games of the selected system,

- loads merged dictionaries dynamicaly according to the selected platform (it parses the xml data files like parent.xml and <platforms/playlists>.xml). That allows me to avoid having a xaml file for a given view for every platforms


The issue reported by @dvanx010 seems a little bit different from yours and I think I fixed it, because I reproduced the problem by creating a custom manual playlist. It made Big Box crash with an error window displayed, which does not happen in your case.

I have absolutly no idea of the root cause of the problem (I checked the logs posted in the Beta11.7 topic, but I am not sure of what part corresponds to the BB closure (is it the "source cannot be null" stuff?)

To help me dig into this and reproduce the problem, I will need some information:

- how did you name the categories/playlists  that made the problem occur?

- what is the filter of the playlist?

- what is their parent name? (do you have the playlists directly under the "Arcade" category?)

- do you use BB filters like "hide game without box cover" or alike?


For example, I have "Arcade" category, containing various platforms and a "Mame" sub-category inside, containing all known splits playlist like SNK Neo Geo MVS, etc ... like this (framerate of VLC recording feature is horrible):

Right now I am still working on the theme dll, and I have fixed a performance issue happening during platformview scrolling (but I don't think it is related to your problem)


Regarding the font issue, I am sorry ^^;

It was supposed to use Comic Book font, but I guess I installed it from another theme a long time ago, and forgot about it. Then I though it was just a standard windows font ... I will uninstall it and check how to provide it properly with the theme.



Edited by RedSnake
  • Like 1


Thanks @RedSnake cool so the videos have a delayed start so you don't get the sound playing before the video shows, that's awesome I didn't notice that originally.

The Platform categories I have are just the standard one you end up with from the metadata, so Computers , Handhelds... and the playlist are the same autogenerated ones from the Arcade roms. But when I get home I'll check the filters / parent names and get back to you.

Here's the code for adding the fonts just to save looking :) 

FontFamily="LAUNCHBOX_ROOT_FOLDER/Themes/DarkRoom/Fonts/Comic Book.ttf#Comic Book"


  • Thanks 1


Hi @hobapli

That shouldn't happen ^^

What LB version are you running?

Do you have Windows Media Player installed? If not, it will not work as this theme forces WMP use for video play.

Are your videos in the mp4 format?



I get an error, all dll are unblocked any idea why this happens?




20 minutes ago, DerSchlachter said:

I get an error, all dll are unblocked any idea why this happens?



Not 100% sure either. I have the "Microsoft Xbox" system and don't have this issue.

However, in your error message, it says "Microsoft XBox" (with an uppercase), which means you name your system like that.

I will update the plugin so that it doesn't care about system name case in next release, but in the mean time, can you try renaming your system in Launchbox from "Microsoft XBox" to "Microsoft Xbox"?


  • Like 1


Thx, that was the reason, the Error-Message is gone, but the Screen Size is not correct i did not see the whole cabinet.



what is your screen resolution?

Do you have this issue with all system gameviews (Microsoft Xbox for example) or only arcade cabinets?


Posted (edited)

Monitor 1 = 3440 x 1440
Monitor 2 = 1980 x 1020


The image is shifted down and to the right (every Platform). The menu is also no longer completely visible, so I always have to select a different theme to close BigBox. Could it be that this has to do with the naming conventions?
I'll take a look at it and I will report it.

Anyway, great theme, good job, thank you!


Edited by DerSchlachter

Posted (edited)

I am pretty sure this has nothing to do  with naming conventions.

However, the fact that you have two monitors seems to be why you have such an issue.

It looks like the theme tries displaying and positionning elements on a 1920*1020 resolution (monitor 2), but with the resolution of the monitor 1 (its roughly halved).

That's a little weird, because I designed this theme for a 1920*1080 resolution, but recently changed my setup with a 2560*1440 monitor, and everything is ok.

I suspect the Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7a.dll may be responsible, as I am using its DimensionW3840Converter to convert dimensions, among them the width and the height of the theme (in StaticStyles.xaml file).


Edited by RedSnake


I think also my Multi Monitor Setup (4 Monitors) is the reason 😁
All other themes work fine. But I'm working on getting your theme to work for me too. The arcade stuff is amazingly good



What other themes are you using?

I want to check if they use another dll or if they don't need conversion




Pyramids for Consoles

Retro Console Dark V3 for Computers

VideoBox for Movies



I really like this theme  clean and very nice...it's the closest theme that look like coinops and it's a good thing
do you still work on it? 
what theme editor do you use to make it?
I wish you provide a file where I can edit on my own




7 hours ago, cprelot said:

I really like this theme  clean and very nice...it's the closest theme that look like coinops and it's a good thing
do you still work on it? 
what theme editor do you use to make it?
I wish you provide a file where I can edit on my own



Yes I am still working on it, although updates will come more sparse.

If you like Coinops that much you can also check the port done by CMoss (Coinops Redux)

I still have a lot to do though. I am almost done with home console, and will start handhelds after that, while adding some new arcade cabs from time to time.

I didn't create this theme with the community theme creator, just used notepad++ for xaml files and visual c++ for the plugin (not editable), so if you want to change it to your taste, you will have to dig into the files ^^

  • Like 1


I also have this theme as the main one. Thank you very much for creating DARKROOM and I am looking forward to receiving updates. No matter how late, the important thing is to know that you continue to advance in the project.
Muchas gracias!!!
  • Thanks 1

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