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Mr. RetroLust's Mame 4K Bezels - non official retroarch conversion - (4K and 1080p only!!) 1.2.0

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About This File

First of all i wanna thank @Mr. RetroLust, you can find the official post here Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels with his awesome work.

This is just a mass scripted conversion of Mr. Retrolust work added a Mega Bezel shader and some manual tweaks for retroarch, all credits to @Mr. RetroLust and Mega Bezel Community.

First a warning, this is for 4K and 1080P resolutions only!! it wont work as intended in other screen resolutions.


1- Choose and unzip your config.zip (1080p or 4k) to the retroarch folder, it has the individual game cfgs for finalburn neo and mame cores already has the "mega bezel shader pack" included.
regardless of what core run what, the rom names are shared, so for the sake of simplicity, with the exception of the core main .cfg files (MAME.cfg / FinalBurn Neo.cfg) all the other game individual .cfg files are exactly the same.

2. extract "shaders_v110.zip" to the shader folder, it has the default retroarch ":\shaders\shaders_slang\" shaders and the mega bezel special shaders in ":\shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\Presets\", this pack presets in the klyze folder
Or you can go to Mega Bezel Community and add the latest version manually, just dont forget to add my presets.
Games with flat overlay have a dedicated flat shader, but some look good with either flat or curved, so its up to you.

2a. if you think the mega bezel shader is too taxing for your pc just download "Normal Shaders pack" and overwrite the megabezel ones.

3. unzip all the "overlays_partX.zip" files and place them in the overlay folder ":\overlays\Arcade4k\"

This was tested in a clean retroarch install, so if you have a retroarch with some weird settings you may have to adjust the main core cfgs yourself.

Again, this was a mass conversion, so you may find some unexpected issues i missed, so just give me some feedback.







Edited by klyze_pt
updated details according to new version

What's New in Version 1.2.0   See changelog


- Each games with flat overlays have now flat shaders, some look good with curved or flat so its up to you. 

added a file "Main MegaBezel shader pack", but "config_4k" and "config_1080p" already have them included (megabezel version)

- added a optional normal shader pack for less powerfull PCs. just unzip and overwrite the megabezel ones.


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Hello By klyze_pt, thank you very much for your contribution. I would like to know how to make a massive modification of the resolutions, because my monitor is neither 1080p nor 4k, but WQHD. Neither configuration works for me. Regards
Edited by Bakala
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On 10/10/2022 at 1:29 PM, Bakala said:
Hello By klyze_pt, thank you very much for your contribution. I would like to know how to make a massive modification of the resolutions, because my monitor is neither 1080p nor 4k, but WQHD. Neither configuration works for me. Regards

Hi There

My apologies if i took too long to reply, ive been really busy lately.

the easiest way is to download config_4k file and mass edit the values in the *.cfg files.

example: if you want to convert to 1080p, just divide all below values by 2 (using zingzip.cfg as an example)

custom_viewport_height = "2055"
custom_viewport_width = "1504"
custom_viewport_x = "1178"
custom_viewport_y = "54"

for 1440p, it should be divided by 1.5 (result rounded up maybe), you can manually edit on game cfg and try it out.
After converting Mr Retrolust MAME files to retroarch, i used notepad++ and a math addon (used python script)

Basically just open ALL the 4k game cfg files in notepad++ (yes all) well the mame and finalburn cfgs are basically the same you just need convert a folder and copy paste to the other one) and run the script in the addons python scripts in notepad++ (iirc)

try this .py script, i basically just changed 2 > 1.5 in the script it should do the job, i dont have a 1440p monitor so i cant test that properly.

warning: the script will divide by 1.5 ALL the number values in the cfgs (that include the folder name for the game overlays "overlays/arcade2k", but because its round up it will become arcade2k again and not arcade1.5k, so it will fix itself..

the cfgs dont have any other relevant data that could be changed so it should work nicely. it will take a while btw.



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Thank you very much for your answer. This morning I managed to solve it with a .bat file that an expert has programmed at https://www.todoexpertos.com/preguntas/cs5gv7nhsssgvlfj/como-modificar-massivamente-multiples-files-txt-con-bat

I'll leave it here in case someone finds it useful. Thank you very much for the good work you have done. I leave below the code of the .bat
@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set carporig=d:\carpeta prueba\origen
set carpdest=d:\carpeta prueba\destino
set /a num=4
set /a div=3
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b "%carporig%\*.txt"') do call :tratarch "%%a"
goto :eof
del /q temp.txt>nul 2>&1
set archivo=%~1
echo tratando archivo %~1
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3" %%x in ("%carporig%\%~1") do (
   if not %%z gtr "0" echo %%x %%y %%z>>temp.txt
   if %%z gtr "0" (
      set valor=%%z
      set valor=!valor:"=!
      set /a valor=!valor!*%num%/%div%
      echo %%x %%y "!valor!">>temp.txt
copy /y temp.txt "%carpdest%\%~nx1"
goto :eof
In the variables CARPORIG and CARPDEST you must put the path of the source folder (in which the TXT to be modified are located) and that of the destination folder (in which the modified TXT will be left). 
I had to rectify the MAME.cfg file manually later because it gave an error
Edited by Bakala
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Oh nice thank you very much

Im trying to find a way to fully convert this bezels and merge them with HSM mega bezel shader, so it will be compatible with everything.
Im really busy mas this script may be really helpfull in the future, thank you!


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13 hours ago, Zayd47 said:

Hello,Is there any tutorial for this to make it work..?a video or something..?

Hi there,

Basically if you just need to download and extract the files to their respective retroarch folders.

1 - download all the overlay files, extract everything and move/copy the overlays files to the "overlays" retroarch folder, it should look something like "retroarch/overlays/arcade4k/ .. "

2 - download the "shaders_v110.zip" and extract to the "shaders" folder of retroarch

3 - now you need to choose what resolution you are using, if its 1080p ( download config_1080p_v12.zip) or 4K (download config_4k_v12.zip) and extract the files to the "retroarch/config/" folders
inside the config folder it has a folder with config files for each retroarch core, my setup uses both mame and final burn neo cores so has files for both.

NOTE: Its important that you choose the correct resolution for your system, if your monitor is a 1440p or something diferent the overlays wont display properly regardless what config files you choose.

4- now download the "Main MegaBezel Shader pack.zip" or "Optional Normal Shader pack.zip", and also extract one of them to the "retroarch/config/" folder, the megabezel pack is my favourite but its slower to launch a game, just to launch, the game will run perfectly fine after that.
The optional pack is faster, its a run of the mill shader setup, also looks nice, but not as fancy as the mega bezel one.

Now just launch a rom with retroarch using final burn neo or MAME cores and have fun.



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I'm trying like heck to figure out how to adjust a couple of these to work with regional variants. Notably, the Japanese version of Crimefighters has additional content that was censored, which is why it is the only version that works with Retro Achievements. So I'm trying to get the bezels working with crimfghtj.zip instead of crimfight.zip. What I did:

  • Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg
  • Made a copy of crimfght.png in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.png
  • Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo, and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg
  • Edited this new config to recognize input_overlay = ":\overlays\Arcade4k\crimfghtj.cfg"

When I load the game, the screen is sized properly, but it's just surrounded by a black border, no bezel. Is there a configuration change I missed?


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49 minutes ago, WraithTDK said:

I'm trying like heck to figure out how to adjust a couple of these to work with regional variants. Notably, the Japanese version of Crimefighters has additional content that was censored, which is why it is the only version that works with Retro Achievements. So I'm trying to get the bezels working with crimfghtj.zip instead of crimfight.zip. What I did:

  • Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg
  • Made a copy of crimfght.png in RetroArch\overlays\Arcade4k and renamed it crimfghtj.png
  • Made a copy of crimfght.cfg in RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo, and renamed it crimfghtj.cfg
  • Edited this new config to recognize input_overlay = ":\overlays\Arcade4k\crimfghtj.cfg"

When I load the game, the screen is sized properly, but it's just surrounded by a black border, no bezel. Is there a configuration change I missed?


you just need to create a copy of "crimfght.cfg" in "RetroArch\config\FinalBurn Neo" and rename that copy to "crimfghtj.cfg" .

nothing more.
basically the .cfg filename in the config folder must match the .zip filename of the rom.

In this case the artwork is the same, its the same game, so no need to create a different overlay and edit the cfg etc etc

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Hey love the work you do, would you be able to release a 1440p experimental version of this I would happily test it for you. Thanks

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53 minutes ago, lambocraig said:

Hey love the work you do, would you be able to release a 1440p experimental version of this I would happily test it for you. Thanks

hi there, i appreciate it.

unfortunally it will be a while until i have time to do that.

but if you want fiddle with it , check the comments above, the user bakala posted a script to do that

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Great work! do you plan on updating this set with Mr. Retrolust's recent additions?

Oh and I think you can benefit from Mega Bezel's multigame.slangp feature, I first found out about it here.

I hope you can use it to also include rom clones.

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Unfortunally wont be updating this anymore., its deprecated, i rather use megabezel versions and migrating this for megabezel shader is alot of work.
Not seeing myself doing that manually.

yes im using too the multigame.slangp in my collection but with megabezel shaders, i dont have per-game art yet, although i use it mostly for for distinguish from vertical/horizontal games.

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