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Everything posted by garrett521

  1. King of Jurassic
  2. @superrob3000, I must admit I still have not had a chance to try this out, but seeing all the praise about it over the years, I am going to remedy that this weekend. Was the option for Videosnap followed by Marquee image added as an available media item?
  3. Looking forward to the next release. Been waiting for the racing pack. Great work as always!
  4. Thank you for all the detailed info. I took another look at the data transferred so far, and it looks like the 6% being displayed by Windows is the percentage of total space transferred so far (6% of 8tb), but the percentage of total files transferred to this point is closer to 19%. Assuming this is because the vast majority of items transferred as of now have been hundreds of thousands that are very small in size, hence the slower speed per file, and that once it gets over the larger items, the transfer speed is going to increase. Guess I will just have to keep an eye on it and continuously recompute an estimated time of completion manually.
  5. I am in the process of creating a backup of my Launchbox HDD (8tb) to an external HDD, using the plain old 'Copy/Paste' method and a USB 2.0 connection. After the first 12 hours, the backup is at 6%, and my estimation is that the entire process is likely to take 9-10 days. Besides the obvious of using USB 3.0 and or a HDD with a faster RPM, does anyone have any pointers as to how my next backup can process faster? Would cloning have been a better option? Are there third party copy/paste programs that are more effective? What have your experiences been? Thanks.
  6. @superrob3000 Have you had a chance to add 'Videosnap followed by Marquee image' as an available media item, or is it still being considered for implementation? Thanks!
  7. I noticed a quite odd/interesting issue when upgrading to 13.11. LB/BB appeared to be launching additional applications over and over again after launching once. Specifically, after launching a game using the Sinden light gun software as additional app, LB/BB attempted to start the Sinden software again and again during gameplay, rendering play impossible. My troubleshooting efforts led to downgrading back to 13.9, where behavior finally subsided. Any chance this kind of behavior has been addressed in this latest beta, or perhaps with 13.12?
  8. Quite odd/interesting issue...latest update to 13.11 appears to be launching additional applications over and over again after launching once. Specifically, after launching a game using Sinden light gun as additional app, LB attempts to start Sinden software again and again during gameplay, rendering play impossible. Troubleshooting efforts led to downgrading back to 13.9, where behavior finally subsides. Hopefully this can be looked in to and fixed.
  9. Same with me, mainly in LB. I will select a game, only to hear the audio of a video playing behind a black screen. It is only when I click on the black screen that the video appears. And like you, it does not happen every time, so very difficult to replicate or predict. This behavior was not happening in older releases, say 13.3 and older.
  10. I have always had update notifications turned off, and proceeded with checking/updating manually. No idea why it states that it is checking for that short of a period and then nothing, never happened before. Tried a full reset of the computer but no change.
  11. I am trying to update to 13.9. When clicking on 'Check for Updates', the status bar at the bottom right states "Checking for Updates" for less than one second, then nothing happens. Please help. Thanks.
  12. This worked for me for Simpsons Bowling: Launch the game. Let it load until you get to the "bad" screen. Press F2 and don't let go. Press F3 and let go. Don't let go of F2 until the game says "Eprom Initialized" Let go of F2. That should do it. You may need to delete both the simpbowl.cfg (cfg folder) and simpbowl.nv (nvram folder).
  13. I noticed when the save event is occurring that I can still hear the audio from the last video snap that was playing when I close BB. Is there a way to get the audio to stop (or at least mute) while the process is closing itself out?
  14. Love it! How can we get our hands on a copy of all these latest vids?
  15. I use a hotkey (escape) to exit BigBox. I recently updated from 12.3 to 13.3. I have noticed since updating that when exiting, BigBox closes, but the audio from the preview video that was playing when the hotkey was pressed continues for 15+ seconds before it stops. This was not an issue with 12.3 and previous editions. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  16. Is there an option in the Downloads section of the forum to view a complete list of all the available submissions in the order they were submitted/updated, instead of having to go through all the individual categories one by one? I like the "What's New" section on the initial downloads screen, but it only goes back so far. I ask because there was a few submissions I was interested in several weeks ago, but I did not have time to grab them until now, and now I cannot remember what they were, but I would be able to spot them when I see them. Thanks!
  17. Have you had a chance to add 'Videosnap followed by Marquee image' as an available media item (or is it still being considered for implementation)? I do not remember seeing anything in the release notes as of yet. Thanks!
  18. Any chance you could reupload it here? Was looking for it this morning but was disappointed to hear your news. Thanks.
  19. I have had several instances this week in which BB starts as normal, then when I choose to transition to LB, it crashes upon startup. Replacing the data files from a backup has allowed LB to open. However, this morning, LB is crashing again, and no data backup info is working. I have replaced the data files using 6 different backup versions, but the crash persists, but like I said, BB will open as normal. There is no error message, just the initial loading messages, the main LB window comes up for 2 seconds, then a crash to desktop. Please help! Thanks.
  20. I recently began using DOSBox Pure (Retroarch) as the emulator of choice for my eXoDOS collection. After importing all 7,000 titles (.zip files), LB is only listing 6,997. Unfortunately, with having 7,000 games, with many of them shareware/freeware that I have never heard of, it is very difficult to pinpoint which 3 are missing. I have checked and rechecked my .xml file to see where the problem lies and if I can identify which 3 titles are missing. However, my .xml shows all 7,000 (7,000 application paths, ID's, title's, etc. without duplicates). Any thoughts as to how I can narrow this down? Not a big deal, but knowing that 3 are missing is making my OCD kick in. Thanks!
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