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Posts posted by JoeViking245

  1. Oh snap!  lol.   Umm... might try:

    <TextBlock Text=DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt") FontFamily="LAUNCHBOX_ROOT_FOLDER/Themes/NeonDeluxeArcade/Beon.ttf#Beon" Foreground="#A8FFF3" TextAlignment="Right" FontSize="40" TextWrapping="Wrap">

    The code is for C# which is what Jason's code is written.  May also pass to Theme xmal codes.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Did you get it working in LB?

    I tried playing around a bit.  Couldn't get it force full screen (--start-fullscreen) in LB nor the command line [which I think I screwed up the command line for (operator error)].  But it does seem to open in the state it was last opened in (fs or windowed).   Couldn't get Brave to pass a .url shortcut either.  In LB I had to set it up with no emulator.  With Brave not accepting the .url and LB not liking the http link as the Application Path (File doesn't exist), I ended up with this.image.thumb.png.8cc81ce4b05786954c6367a1de886255.pngWhich doesn't help with any sort of mass importing. 

  3. Myself, I don't know.  Though I was just able to load a 'Default Copy' and it worked with Wheel3. My VS Community is up to date.image.thumb.png.2a12a62c261f08cd690a77aa21ab91fc.pngHopefully someone will chime in with "that one little checkbox" or whatever it takes to have it show.  The only remotely possible thing I can think of is, the Default theme (at least mine) uses .Net 4.6.1.  May check you have that. 

  4. Can you backup/move retroarch.cfg (say rename it retroarch.cfg.old) and then start RA?  I would think that'd at least get you back in (assuming it recreates the original .cfg) then you could compare the 2 files.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Never heard of Brave until now.  What you need to do is (unless I missed it in the reading) is to get it to do exactly what you want from the command (DOS) prompt 1st.  Whether directly or via a batch (or ahk) file.  So if you can pass something like 

    d:\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe "https://www.launchbox-app.com/" --start-fullscreen

    (however the order, quotes etc go) then getting into LB is easy.  Well, easier.  

    It looks likes there about a bazillion Chromium command line switches which Brave makes use of.

    Having Brave as your default browser is fine, but I think it's best to point to it directly as opposed to relying on Windows to pass the URL.  Also, you get to use your command lines.

  6. Sound like a serious project. :) 

    You can't run LaunchBox with a(ny) command-line parameter(s).  Wouldn't that basically be a shelled redundancy of just launching the emulator with its' command-lines?

    To get the rom path you can parse the platforms xml file located under ../Data/Platforms.   <Application Path>    If the specific game has a cl, it's in <CommandLine>.  Now, if the emulator for that game has its' own cl, from the  platforms xml file you need to get the emulators Guid from <Emulator> and then under ../Data, open Emulators.xml, search for the Guid in <ID> and in that node find <CommandLine>.

    • Thanks 1
  7. There isn't currently a way to setup an emulator with a 'run before main application' and 'run after main main application ' like you can per game.   However under "Edit Emulator" you can add your script under the "Running AutoHotKey Script" tab. Also, you could add your bat file command to the script instead of calling it.

    Run, d:\games\joytokey\joytokey.exe
    WinWait, ahk_exe x64.exe
    WinWaitClose  ; Wait for the exact window found by WinWait to be closed.
    Run taskill.exe /IM joytokey.exe /F,, Hide


  8. It sounds like start+select is mapped to something like Alt+F4.   So whatever window you have open, pressing start+select will close the active window.

    If you're saying that when closing (exiting) a game, it closes the other windows at the same time too, you may be just pressing/holding the buttons a touch too longgggggggggg.  Essentially still sending Alt+F4 even after the emulator closes.

  9. Do you envision these to get imported into the Arcade Platform?  I think it could get messy to use say the (existing?) Atari 2600 Platform.  Or maybe create a new Platform(s)?  Atari 2600 MESS, Arcade Software, Mame Software Lists or something like that?  

  10. Personally I prefer VP over FP.  But probably because it's what I used 1st.  That, and it gives me that nostalgic feel-good feeling. :) To me, FP (as well as FX2/FX3) has more of a "candy" feel/look (for lack of better words).  More-so FX2/3.  Don't get me wrong.  All 4 are great in their own rights.  With that, I do have all 4 on my cab. (upright only. no pincab. :( )

    I do have a couple VP9 tables because they haven't been converted to VPX.  i.e. Riverboat Gambler.  Fortunately there are some great table programmers out there so those are limited.  

    Is it worth it?  Yes!! Of course!  1st off they're fun to play.  2nd, once (finally) set up they look really cool in your BigBox collection alongside everything else. ?

  11. Since you can load a profile before a game starts under Running AutoHotKey Script in Edit Emulator, try adding something below what you have like 

    MsgBox,,, hello world

    Of course replacing the Hello World line with your  Load_BB_Controller_Profile_Command_Line.

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