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Posts posted by JoeViking245

  1. The losing controller settings "issue" is by design.  That said, there are a few workable solutions to fix that.  The simplest way making default.cfg Read Only.  Beyond that, the controller does need to be loaded (turned on) before Mame starts.

    You could create an AutoHotKey script and set it to run before a game launches that will display a MsgBox or SplashImage stating what you said.

  2. The related/similar games sounds like the different Views (Genre, Developer, Series...) that are available.  So I think what you're saying is when you select a game in BB, you'd then see a curated list of other games that are same Genre/Series/Play Mode/Developer/Publisher... as the one selected.  Almost, but not quite a redundancy.   I think the biggest problem that would come about with this is the logistics of what constitutes a related game.  That is, how many and which one(s) of the 'details' need to match to be considered related?   Though I suppose something could be possibly added somewhere in LB options where you check which details you want to sort from and in what order.  Similar to Image Priorities.

    For recommended, I don't think that'd work.  LB/BB would have to keep a database of everyone's "Favorites" (assuming this isn't done alongside star ratings or anywhere for that matter) then process accordingly... "Other's whose this was a Favorite ("who like this") also had listed as their Favorites ("also liked") these".

  3. Just for kicks and grins... (and process of elimination) maybe download a 'new' mame 0.201 from MameDev (Downloads - Previous Releases).  Just the program. No roms (which of course you can't find there).  This will ensure a complete 'reset' as opposed to just a file or 2.  Rename your existing Mame folder (i.e.  D:\Mame_old\) so as to keep save-states etc in tact.. and extract the download to the same folder-name as your existing folder was.  Then open LB, un-check the "Forceful Pause Screen..." and see if you still don't get the pause screen.  

    If you don't get the pause screen, re-check the box and try again.  

    Doh!  after thought... Before launching LB, you'll need to run [the 'new'] Mame and tell it where your roms are.  Don't worry about controllers, marquees ect. at this point.

  4. 10 hours ago, DaveC1964 said:

    I would actually like a stand alone UI that maybe could directly load cores or emulators. 

    That's exactly what LaunchBox is.  AKA, a Frontend.  

    10 hours ago, DaveC1964 said:

    Is there a quick fast solution?

    Have multiple instances of LaunchBox 'installed' and set each one up for each of your individual 30 platforms, respectively.  So you'd have something like:  D:\LaunchBox-SNES\  and D:\LaunchBox-N64... etc.  From there, create  shortcuts on your desktop to each LaunchBox.exe and naming them accordingly.


    With 30 platforms I'm guessing you have A LOT of games.  Assuming LB has been given the time to build it's cache files (which on 1st time around can take some time, especially with a lot of games) it shouldn't take 4 minutes to load.  Keep in mind, what it's mainly loading [basically] are the image files for each game (via cache).  Given that, next best option is to upgrade components of your system.

  5. How are you connected to the tv? (HDMI, WiFi..)

    Is it actually 'slow' or is it there's a lag or delay like between the controller and what you see?

    If you're connected HDMI and having lag or delay, try adjusting the video cards' v-sync setting.


  6. Make a backup of your MAME folder!  (lesson learned :) )

    Place the downloaded "xbox2player.cfg" file into the ctrlr folder.

    Edit "mame.ini".  Scroll down to "CORE INPUT OPTIONS" and add in xbox2player on the ctrlr line.image.thumb.png.092b7ae8e864795efef6be19c3f92028.pngThis will now load that file (that's located in the ctrlr folder) instead of "default.cfg" (located in the "cfg" folder)  Any game-specific configuration files (located in the "cfg" folder) will still be loaded as before. 


    The MameDev Team put in the if-the-controller's-not-plugged-in--reset-everything as a kind of fail safe to the "oh crap! I configured everything wrong and now nothing works!" scenario. One solution you've already found. Make default.cfg Read-Only.  Another solution is to have [all] your controllers plugged in, start mame and configure everything just the way you want it using the xbox controller(s), keyboard, mouse clicks, combos....  Now Save Configuration and exit MAME.  Now in the cfg folder, copy 'default.cfg' and put in the ctrlr folder.  From here you can rename it to something like.. oh, I don't know... "xbox2player.cfg" or what ever you want. Then edit mame.ini to load it as noted above.  [Instead of editing mame.ini, you can always add to the command line "-ctrlr xbox2player".]


    • Like 1
  7. Per https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm


    Combinations of three or more keys are not supported.

    This of course excludes modifiers (Alt, Ctrl, Win, Shift....).  

    That being said, they continue on with something about GetKeyState. I was able to get a 3 key press to work.  ("key" being a non-modifier, joy/mouse button...)

    #if GetKeyState("Z", "P")
    X & C::MsgBox X then C were pressed while holding Z.

    If while Z is pressed, X and then C are both pressed/held, post the message box.  It seems like they need to be pressed (and held) in that order.  Just change Z, X and C to your 1Joyx.

    If you have to have 4 buttons pressed, I'm sure there's a way to do an If-Then-While-Not-Get... overly complicated, brainiac way.  Well, maybe not that bad.

  8. I created platform device images that show the platform co ntroller and the corresponding buttons for my cab in which I incorporated into my main theme.1357377430_NintendoEntertainmentSystemController_proc.thumb.jpg.1b42af03353d2fd23ddb7aee13806c56.jpg1719522895_platformdevice.thumb.jpg.20d5af1a98f4faf802e634d4728b10b0.jpgI would like to be able to add that image to the pause screen which is (I'm pretty positive)  

    <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.DeviceImagePath}" />

    I tried adding that in and it doesn't work.

    <Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Source="{Binding SelectedPlatform.DeviceImagePath}" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                    HorizontalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality">
             <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="10" Direction="-90" RenderingBias="Quality" ShadowDepth="1" />

    My guess is that once the game is loaded, the platform becomes irrelevant so is not stored.  Hopefully I'm wrong and just messed up the code.

    As a workaround I know I can copy that image to all the game-names.png and put them into an "Arcade - Controls Information" folder for the given platform and just use SelectedGame.ArcadeControlsInformationImagePath.  This doesn't solve the issue of per-game controls for consoles which I agree would be an extreme undertaking and is not important to me.  It would be nice to be able to use the 1 image rather than creating a mess of duplicates.

    Anyone have any thoughts?  Hopefully simply something I overlooked or missed

  9. 4 hours ago, Tomkun said:

    The script needs a few variables from LaunchBox, such as romname and system

    LB/BB will pass the rom name as %1%.   It won't pass the emu's game specific system though.

    EDIT: I (half way) take that back.  It doesn't appear to pass the roms' name (as %1%) to an AHK script that's used under Additional Apps.  It will however pass it along if you create/Add an emulator that points to and AHK script.

  10. Just shooting from the hip...

    Since you're launching retrochange each time you start an RA emu game, how about putting this in the RA emulator under the AHK tab...

    #SingleInstance, Force
    Sleep, 3000  	;give RA a few seconds to load
    Process, WaitClose, retroarch.exe
    Run, "G:\LaunchBox\changeres.bat"

    Another thought would be under the games' Additional Apps, add g:\LaunchBox\changeres.bat and have it run "Automatically Run After Main Application".

    • Thanks 1
  11. 14 hours ago, darrenmarchand said:

    I thought it was easy to just assign buttons where I wanted them?

    It is. :) 

    I'm not familiar with the F300elite, but (though sounds like you may have) you should be able to: while the game is loaded (waiting to 'insert coins' or during game play, doesn't matter) press Tab on your keyboard and select "Input (This Machine)". Then select "P1 Button 5" and map it to the button you want to use for shield. Then Esc. Esc.

    It should work, but if that doesn't work, it'd be a Mayflash thing.  I'm not sure what their customer support is like.

  12. Visual Pinball X    Startup Screen - Good      Pause Screen - Pause is good. But when you un-pause, it goes to VPX's editor window.  Press Alt+Tab (once to get back to the table's window [titled "Visual Pinball Player"]), it will pause/un-pause without issues until you exit and a new table is loaded.

    Pinball FX2   Startup Screen - Good      Pause Screen - Pause is good. But when you un-pause, it goes to FX2's menu (paused).  Not that big of an issue.

    Future Pinball   Startup Screen - Good      Pause Screen - Does not work. (nothing happens)

    Dolphin   another confirmation that all's good.

    • Like 1
  13. Got a wild hair and revamped the script to look for (and load) game-specific custom configs.

    You still need to have 7-zip installed and you'll need to edit the location for pcsx2.exe and the directory were the config folders are stored.  Otherwise that's pretty much it other than creating the new 'emulator'.

    ;********** Extract - Run PS2 bin file - Delete temp folder  **********
    ; PCSX2 script file for LaunchBox/BigBox to run a games bin file that is inside a compressed file.
    ; Will work with any zip format that 7z.exe handles (zip, 7z, rar...)
    ; This will also look to see if you have a custom configuration for the game
    ; and if so, will load that with the game.
    ; The zip file must be the same name as the bin file
    ; The config folder must be the same name as the zip file
    ; i.e.
    ; Ghostbusters-The Video Game (USA).zip
    ;   Ghostbusters-The Video Game (USA).bin
    ;   Ghostbusters-The Video Game (USA).cue
    ; ..\pcsx2\MyConfigs\Ghostbusters-The Video Game (USA)
    ; Edit "PCSX2 =" to point to your pcsx2.exe file
    ; Edit "PS2Config =" to point to where your configuration folders are located
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    PCSX2 = F:\Emulators\pcsx2\pcsx2.exe
    PS2Config = F:\Emulators\pcsx2\MyConfigs
    FullFile = %1%
    SplitPath, FullFile,,dir,,NameNoExt
    outdir = %dir%\%NameNoExt%_tmp
    if (A_Is64bitOS = 1) {
        RunWait, "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y -o"%outdir%" "%1%",,Hide
    } else {
        RunWait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y -o"%outdir%" "%1%",,Hide
    IfExist %PS2Config%\%NameNoExt% 
        RunWait, %PCSX2% --fullscreen --nogui "%outdir%\%NameNoExt%.bin" --cfgpath="%PS2Config%\%NameNoExt%"
        RunWait, %PCSX2% --fullscreen --nogui "%outdir%\%NameNoExt%.bin"
    FileRemoveDir, %outdir%, 1



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  14. On 4/23/2019 at 6:19 AM, neil9000 said:

    Actually you just need to set the controls for individual cores in the quick menu/Controls section, just change them to how you want then in the same menu is a "save core remap" option, hit that and it will save them for the currently loaded core.

    After several trials and a lot of errors, I think I came across the solution.  Unfortunately for me (and you?), it's Exactly as neil9000 had stated.  (as I just now re-read it.  DOH!!!) ☺️

    Load/run a game
    Press F1
    Down arrow (or Up Arrow is actually faster) to Controls
    Press Enter
    Adjust all your controls
      (i.e.  Left side will have in it "(Key: ctrl)".  Right or Left Arrow until the right side shows "A")
    Without backspacing out of this menu, scroll up to "Save Core Remap File"
    Press Enter

    Because it's "in the same menu".  (Dang I feel stupid!)

  15. Ya DOS76, I was trying to keep it simple. ☺️ 

    I thought about elaborating on that but figured baby-steps.  My OCD likes it that I keep the ROMs in one directory and have a sub folder with the BIOS/Device sets in and another with the CHDs [folders] in.  

  16. "Good" is always subjective. :)  I don't think I've ever seen 'sets' available so probably on an individual bases.

    The CHD file will be in a folder with the same name as the games zip file and that folder is placed in the same directory as your Mame roms.

    So in you roms directory, you'll have:

    blitz  [folder]

    In the blitz folder, you'll have the file: blitz.chd

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