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Gill Figno

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Gill Figno last won the day on December 16 2024

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About Gill Figno

  • Birthday 09/22/1985

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  1. No one says you have to use any of them
  2. Would there be some way to use this plug-in to launch the current selected game's Manual? I just got a Stream Deck and would love to be able to launch the manual while playing the game with it.
  3. This was way too hard to do. Why not top 10? (in release order) Ys III: Wanderers from Ys Duke Nukem 3D Sonic Adventure Shenmue Dark Cloud
  4. Here are some of my favorite 4+ Player games. Sonic Shuffle: This is my favorite literal "Party" genre game. The CPU is so rigged, but it's has some really fun mini-games and the Soundtrack is great. Halo: Combat Evolved: Lots of fond memories playing Split-screen and LAN back when it came out. Super Smash Bros. Melee: Same with this game, much improved from the N64 original, and still the best in the series. I liked the multiplayer, but unlocking the statues is the best part. Power Stone 2: Great "Arena" style fighting game for Dreamcast for 4 players that gets crazy hectic during some of the stages. Dungeon Explorer: A classic co-op 5-player game similar to Gauntlet with an amazing soundtrack and great graphics.
  5. Yeah, the spine size of the "Long Jewel Case" model is much too skinny for SEGA CD, Saturn and Long Box PSX titles. These spines are actually around 22mm wide while, The "Long Jewel Case" 3D Model dimensions seem to be about 10mm, which is the size of a standard CD Jewel case spine.
  6. I don't know much about this game, but it's apparently a renamed version of 'Germany 1985' that was released in 1988. It may have not had a box all together as searches on the web and auction sites are not yielding any results. You could add it as an additional app or version and combine it with 'Germany 1985.'
  7. Personally, I make maps and posters a .CBR file and add them as an additional application, then they show up in the 'Media - Additional Documents' tab.
  8. They did just start working again suddenly. I figured that maybe something was fixed in Launchbox. Maybe try updating to the latest version of you haven't.
  9. They're working again for me now.
  10. Is anyone having trouble with Retro Achievements on this build? They are not showing up and the profile says "Failed to grab achievement information," but my credentials are correct, and it even connects to the API when tested.
  11. I noticed the logo on the cover was more blue, but I double checked and that's not actually what the logo looks like on the box art for the game. That's a re-created box art, as many of the online resources for the NES library are. If you look at the logo on the cartridge and lower resolution cover from Gamefaqs or Moby Games you'll see it's just the movie Terminator logo. You're welcomed to use that one for yourself if you want, but I wanted to let you know what's why my version was different.
  12. I'm unsure if this has been asked before in the thread, but why does a game count as "modified" now (Ver 13.3) just from clicking on it? Does it have something to do with cloud sync?
  13. Yeah, it's submitted. Elite Edition is the PAL version of Re-Birth.
  14. When you make a playlist or auto-populated playlist (Steam games, gog etc.) you can include it with platforms by checking a box on the details tab that says "Include this Playlist with Platforms". Then if you use the theme linked above it will show up in platforms. You will have to save the image to "LaunchBox\LBThemes\Default With Logos\Images\Platform Icons\Playlists" and name it the exact same name as the playlist name, then it will display. I included some with the theme all ready, so if you call the playlist "Steam" it will work all ready.
  15. Default with Logos View File This is simply the default Launchbox Theme, but with console logos in place of the Side Bar Icons. Requires LaunchBox 13.2 or newer. Made for 1920x1080 (Not sure how it will look on anything else.) Submitter Gill Figno Submitted 02/28/2023 Category Custom Themes  
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