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Everything posted by sean6027

  1. The original post was made in September 24, 2015
  2. Thank you.
  3. Bezel integration pretty please.
  4. Just to add .... If you download media files without the Roms. I use an application called "FatMatch" , its from EmuMovies . just google it ( Not sure If I am allowed to post a direct link) Super simple to use. Select your Roms Folder and select your relevant media folder, for the roms you wish to add media to and it will produce the correct names for the Images/Videos to use on LB. Just press start. Then move the media files to the correct folders. Simple as that, If I can use it , anyone can !!
  5. Hey Retro666, this has worked well for me. I found some Rom Packs with media included (Clear Logos and Video snaps) and Just dropped them into the relevant Image/Video folder and they show up no problems. Just make sure all the files are all named correctly.
  6. Hey Guys, the problem still exists in LaunchBox with missing cores being shown incorrectly. Thankfully I followed user: erexx23 instructions by changing the problematic core to anything, closing LB and then adding the correct core once reopened. Mupen64Plus_next_libretro in this instance. I actually downloaded every single core for Nintendo in RA troubleshooting (I'll do some house keeping at a later date). By the way, RetroArch works 100% all of the time with the specified cores and LB normally works as well with other platforms such as Sega Megadrive/Genesis SNES etc via RetroArch/LB with no issues, So I can only assume the file paths are correct. Seems to be a communication issue between applications. Not a big deal to be honest. Just giving some feedback.
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