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Everything posted by mtib

  1. mtib

    On Screen Keyboard

    is anyone using this function succesfully? I´ve tried many ways and does not seems to work. - Core Options - Input - Enable On Screen Keyboard - ok - Input - On Screen Keyboard - ok - Control Options - ok Am I missing something?
  2. After creating the folder manually, it was possible to install themes again. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, after a fresh install, I can´t install themes anymore. First I uninstalled Launchbox and then deleted the LB folder. Install it again, applied License and tried to install a theme, no success, it doesn´t matter which one, I receive the following error: Is it something still saved on my android after I deleted the LB folder?
  4. I am also waiting for this. And these also would be fine to have: - Custom Launchbox Intro background - Hability to add custom emulators, such as Vita3K
  5. Nevermind, I figured it out adding an invisible png image inside the Clear Logos folder. Thanks anyway 👌
  6. Sorry bother again, they are not there. I also did a full scan for PNG files on my Odin Lite and didn't find them either.
  7. They are all in there, except those 3 I mentioned.
  8. @faeran , Thanks for the Theme, is awesome. I just want to know where is located the clear logo images from "all games", "recently played" and "favorites".
  9. Hi @faeran thanks for the Theme, it fits also very well on my Odin Lite. Is it possible to change a variable on the "Text list with box.xaml" file so would capture 3D Boxes instead Front Boxes?
  10. Thanks, it works now as expected.
  11. Actually I meant as a conditional, right here, I cannot go further than that:
  12. @faeran Thanks, I managed now regarding wheels. My target was to edit the theme to add scanlines and I got it. I just didn´t figure out how to let the scanline not visible with platform conditions. For ex. I don´t want the scanlines for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U platforms and I can´t see variables where I can choose from. Or do I need really to create a second view without the scanlines and manage it on big box? But in this case I can´t create a second TextGamesView, right? 1769153541_LaunchBoxBigBox2023-02-2519-34-31(video-converter.com).mp4
  13. Hi all. Maybe someone could help me to figure this out. I am editing the theme through CTC but when I publish many things are different. So I decided to test without doing any changes and publish and even so things are different. Maybe there are files from my actual theme that I should keep because they are edited but I have no shure which files I should keep. Heres what I mean: Actual theme: Published theme without any changes: Mainly is of course the size from platform categories and platform logos, the console images and the font itself. All fonts are installed.
  14. Now it works like a charm. Thanks again.
  15. Maybe I need an old version of CTC?
  16. Ok, it s exactly the file I have. So here´s the problem: If I use this file on BB, the snaps videos are ok. But I want to change the font on the Game List View on CTC. The only file for CTC is the 2.0. So I take it and change the font and do nothing on the video part. When I publish, the videos are not showing. I am usinc CTC 2.3.
  17. Thanks @faeran. Switching video player didn´t work. Where can I find this 2.11 version? I didn´t find it here.
  18. Hi, I still can´t get the video snaps to work. In Big Box Options - Videos - it´s all unchecked. I know the videos are playing because I hear the audio, but I see only the static gif. Already tried to delete the gif. Any ideas?
  19. Yes, with LB closed. Will try to reimport then. Thanks.
  20. Hi, I recently had to rename all my saturn roms, excluding the country´s publisher and of course the rom does not run anymore because can´t find the file. So if I edit the game on launchbox and locate the right name, it will save on Sega Saturn.xml. But I tried to edit directly on the xml file to make it faster and curiously doesn´t affect on Launchbox. Is that right? LB 12.9
  21. Great work, thanks. Is it possible to increase the platform´s font size on the Details List View? Or even better, replace with the platform´s clear logo? If so, how?
  22. @Kiinkyfoxx thanks. I moved the backup file I had created, replaced the extension again and now it is working. This is weird, because actually the name from the file is different from the platform. Anyway tks guys. @C-Beats
  23. Sure thing, it was closed! I did already with other platforms and it works, but is something with this platform which is not right. Maybe is something related that I used the Mame Full Set Importer on Launchbox? Maybe I have to change another xml instead of this?
  24. Hi, ok will try to be short as possible. I had a bunch of .zip mame roms. So now I have an updated set but as .7z file. I cannot just rename the extension from the file, it doesn´t work, already tried. So I edited the Arcade.xml file on \Data\Platforms and replaced all .zip to .7z. But even so, it didn`t change. What I am doing wrong? v. 11.11
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