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Everything posted by mtib

  1. Hi, I would like to integrate my BigBox to my Home Assistant automation open software. I'm not going to get into the discussion of turning on the PC, turning on the TV, turning on the Moonlight app and opening BigBox. My intention would be to use a voice command, for example: "play Metroid on Super Nintendo", HA would recognize the voice command and execute scripts to search for the console and the game. So the question: Is there a public BigBox API to make this easier? Or would I have to try this via command lines? Cheers
  2. mtib

    On Screen Keyboard

    is anyone using this function succesfully? I´ve tried many ways and does not seems to work. - Core Options - Input - Enable On Screen Keyboard - ok - Input - On Screen Keyboard - ok - Control Options - ok Am I missing something?
  3. After creating the folder manually, it was possible to install themes again. Thanks.
  4. Hi all, after a fresh install, I can´t install themes anymore. First I uninstalled Launchbox and then deleted the LB folder. Install it again, applied License and tried to install a theme, no success, it doesn´t matter which one, I receive the following error: Is it something still saved on my android after I deleted the LB folder?
  5. I am also waiting for this. And these also would be fine to have: - Custom Launchbox Intro background - Hability to add custom emulators, such as Vita3K
  6. Nevermind, I figured it out adding an invisible png image inside the Clear Logos folder. Thanks anyway 👌
  7. Sorry bother again, they are not there. I also did a full scan for PNG files on my Odin Lite and didn't find them either.
  8. They are all in there, except those 3 I mentioned.
  9. @faeran , Thanks for the Theme, is awesome. I just want to know where is located the clear logo images from "all games", "recently played" and "favorites".
  10. Hi @faeran thanks for the Theme, it fits also very well on my Odin Lite. Is it possible to change a variable on the "Text list with box.xaml" file so would capture 3D Boxes instead Front Boxes?
  11. Thanks, it works now as expected.
  12. Actually I meant as a conditional, right here, I cannot go further than that:
  13. @faeran Thanks, I managed now regarding wheels. My target was to edit the theme to add scanlines and I got it. I just didn´t figure out how to let the scanline not visible with platform conditions. For ex. I don´t want the scanlines for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U platforms and I can´t see variables where I can choose from. Or do I need really to create a second view without the scanlines and manage it on big box? But in this case I can´t create a second TextGamesView, right? 1769153541_LaunchBoxBigBox2023-02-2519-34-31(video-converter.com).mp4
  14. Hi all. Maybe someone could help me to figure this out. I am editing the theme through CTC but when I publish many things are different. So I decided to test without doing any changes and publish and even so things are different. Maybe there are files from my actual theme that I should keep because they are edited but I have no shure which files I should keep. Heres what I mean: Actual theme: Published theme without any changes: Mainly is of course the size from platform categories and platform logos, the console images and the font itself. All fonts are installed.
  15. Now it works like a charm. Thanks again.
  16. Maybe I need an old version of CTC?
  17. Ok, it s exactly the file I have. So here´s the problem: If I use this file on BB, the snaps videos are ok. But I want to change the font on the Game List View on CTC. The only file for CTC is the 2.0. So I take it and change the font and do nothing on the video part. When I publish, the videos are not showing. I am usinc CTC 2.3.
  18. Thanks @faeran. Switching video player didn´t work. Where can I find this 2.11 version? I didn´t find it here.
  19. Hi, I still can´t get the video snaps to work. In Big Box Options - Videos - it´s all unchecked. I know the videos are playing because I hear the audio, but I see only the static gif. Already tried to delete the gif. Any ideas?
  20. Yes, with LB closed. Will try to reimport then. Thanks.
  21. Hi, I recently had to rename all my saturn roms, excluding the country´s publisher and of course the rom does not run anymore because can´t find the file. So if I edit the game on launchbox and locate the right name, it will save on Sega Saturn.xml. But I tried to edit directly on the xml file to make it faster and curiously doesn´t affect on Launchbox. Is that right? LB 12.9
  22. Great work, thanks. Is it possible to increase the platform´s font size on the Details List View? Or even better, replace with the platform´s clear logo? If so, how?
  23. @Kiinkyfoxx thanks. I moved the backup file I had created, replaced the extension again and now it is working. This is weird, because actually the name from the file is different from the platform. Anyway tks guys. @C-Beats
  24. Sure thing, it was closed! I did already with other platforms and it works, but is something with this platform which is not right. Maybe is something related that I used the Mame Full Set Importer on Launchbox? Maybe I have to change another xml instead of this?
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