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Everything posted by Kiinkyfoxx

  1. So did the above work for you or not or have you not tried it? I load all my Demul stuff through AHK's in LaunchBox and Big Box and the mouse cursor is hidden across all games and platforms that use Demul (in total I have about 6 different versions of ahks for Demul based emulation for different systems and controllers etc and as I said all of them hide the mouse cursor, plus no mousy works for bringing it back for the one game that I actually need the damn cursor for.) In the above ahk you will need to change the following line to close demul as at the moment it will close the launching ahk and not demul WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} to WinClose, ahk_exe Demul.exe This is assuming that you haven't renamed the Demul.exe for any reason - as I didn't know you were using an ahk to load it I use the generic shutdown rather than specific to the exe. Does the mouse hide at all when you do the ahk launch? does maybe the AHK finish and close so LB thinks that the emulator has closed and therefore brings the mouse back? in which case the above in Running autohotkey tab might not work either - afraid I don't know about that as it is beyond my skill set and knowledge. From what you say it sounds like it is linked more to your ahk rather than Demul or LaunchBox-but I could be completely wrong. Anyway good luck with it
  2. The following MIGHT work but semi untested as I'm not having the issue here and don't want to play with a system that isn't broken at my end Try adding the following to the Running Autohotkey Script tab in the edit emulator section #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. SetSystemCursor1(Cursor := "") SetSystemCursor1(Cursor := "", cx := 0, cy := 0) { SystemCursors := "32512IDC_ARROW,32513IDC_IBEAM,32514IDC_WAIT,32515IDC_CROSS,32516IDC_UPARROW" . ",32640IDC_SIZE,32641IDC_ICON,32642IDC_SIZENWSE,32643IDC_SIZENESW,32644IDC_SIZEWE" . ",32645IDC_SIZENS,32646IDC_SIZEALL,32648IDC_NO,32649IDC_HAND,32650IDC_APPSTARTING,32651IDC_HELP" if (Cursor = "") { VarSetCapacity(AndMask, 128, 0xFF), VarSetCapacity(XorMask, 128, 0) Loop Parse, SystemCursors, % "," { CursorHandle := DllCall("CreateCursor", "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 32, "int", 32, "ptr", &AndMask, "ptr", &XorMask, "ptr") DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 5)) ; calls DestroyCursor } } } return Esc:: { RestoreCursors() RestoreCursors() { SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57 DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 ) } WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} ExitApp } In theory it hides the mouse, and then when you press escape it brings the mouse back and then closes Demul. Obviously if you aren't using Esc key you might need to change it and might need to but the Esc (or whatever key) and lower part in the Exit tab if exiting from pause menu - you will need to try that to find out. This thread might be worth a read as it is a way of doing it across all platforms for all games and also works if you use a custom mouse image Cheers
  3. Is there any chance that Arcade - Kopie.xml (which can be seen in the background of image 1) is a copy of your original arcade.xml BEFORE you changed from .zip to .7z If so try making the changes to Arcade.xml with LaunchBox closed, plus deleting (or just moving out of the data folder) the Arcade - Kopie.xml and then open LaunchBox and see if the changes have worked.
  4. Not sure why that is. Using same script as your original one so should in theory work same way as it did before. (ie if it held down the key before it should now) Just tested it here on two joysticks and worked as if they key was being held in. Maybe try it as two separate ahks one for each joystick and see if that works before combining them.
  5. Hi @d8thstar Try the following - semi untested - So you might need to move the key bindings around a bit #Persistent ; Keep this script running until the user explicitly exits it. #SingleInstance Force SetTimer, WatchJoy1, 5 SetTimer, WatchJoy3, 5 return WatchJoy1: 1JoyX := GetKeyState("1JoyX") ; Get position of X axis. 1JoyY := GetKeyState("1JoyY") ; Get position of Y axis. KeyToHoldDownPrev := KeyToHoldDown ; Prev now holds the key that was down before (if any). if (1JoyX > 70) KeyToHoldDown := "Right" else if (1JoyX < 30) KeyToHoldDown := "Left" else if (1JoyY > 70) KeyToHoldDown := "Down" else if (1JoyY < 30) KeyToHoldDown := "Up" else KeyToHoldDown := "" if (KeyToHoldDown = KeyToHoldDownPrev) ; The correct key is already down (or no key is needed). return ; Do nothing. ; Otherwise, release the previous key and press down the new key: SetKeyDelay -1 ; Avoid delays between keystrokes. if KeyToHoldDownPrev ; There is a previous key to release. Send, {%KeyToHoldDownPrev% up} ; Release it. if KeyToHoldDown ; There is a key to press down. Send, {%KeyToHoldDown% down} ; Press it down. return WatchJoy3: 3joyX := GetKeyState("3joyX") ; Get position of X axis. 3joyY := GetKeyState("3joyY") ; Get position of Y axis. KeyToHoldDownPrev := KeyToHoldDown ; Prev now holds the key that was down before (if any). if (3joyX > 70) KeyToHoldDown := "G" else if (3joyX < 30) KeyToHoldDown := "F" else if (3joyY > 70) KeyToHoldDown := "D" else if (3joyY < 30) KeyToHoldDown := "E" else KeyToHoldDown := "" if (KeyToHoldDown = KeyToHoldDownPrev) ; The correct key is already down (or no key is needed). return ; Do nothing. ; Otherwise, release the previous key and press down the new key: SetKeyDelay -1 ; Avoid delays between keystrokes. if KeyToHoldDownPrev ; There is a previous key to release. Send, {%KeyToHoldDownPrev% up} ; Release it. if KeyToHoldDown ; There is a key to press down. Send, {%KeyToHoldDown% down} ; Press it down. return $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } I have changed away from Process, Close, as it isn't recommended anymore as it can cause issues, so hopefully this will still close it for you
  6. Hi @maabus I had the same issue as yourself and the only way I have found so far is to rename the files in System32 and SysWOW64 when I do the update and then return them to the correct names for Devreorder to work again afterwards. If you find another way then I would be interested to hear about it, I have just set up a very basic AHK to allow me to do it with the press of a couple of buttons rather than having to rename the files manually full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } ;Allow LaunchBox and Mame to update 1:: filemove, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8.dll, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8dev.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8org.dll, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8.dll, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8dev.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8org.dll, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8.dll, 1 return ;Allow Devreorder to work again 2:: filemove, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8.dll, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8org.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8dev.dll, C:\Windows\system32\dinput8.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8.dll, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8org.dll, 1 filemove, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8dev.dll, C:\Windows\sysWOW64\dinput8.dll, 1 return ;Close AHK 3:: ExitApp I'm sure you have figured this out yourself or maybe even come up with a better solution but I have included the ahk above just in case it is any use to you or others. 1 - renames the files to allow you to do the update in LaunchBox 2 - puts the files back to the correct names after you have done the update 3- closes the ahk Cheers
  7. Managed to get some spare time this evening and having disabled Devreorder (just requires renaming of 5 files) and tried the import I am very happy to say that it worked as expected, and can then rename the same 5 files back again and Devreorder works again. Thank you so much for all your help as I wouldn't have known what the problem was without the xml file. Works with the executable called mame.exe as expected. So this was purely caused by user error rather than anything LaunchBox based. Thank you all for your time and effort, especially as the problem was only effecting one user rather than a large percentage of the user base. Keep up the amazing work.
  8. Okay I will disabling Devreorder a try and report back. Might not be for a couple of days with Easter and such. Thank you to everyone on the thread for all your help and hope you all have a great weekend. Edit I have already tried clean installs of Launchbox and Mame but because devreorder is system wide it didn't work. At least I have an idea now and something to work with And devreorder shouldn't be too hard to disable
  9. Hi Jason Thanks for the help. Mame runs fine and the roms play, it's just the importer that I get the error in. Have corrected the ini file and can produce the xml as per C-Beats instructions. That is how I was able to finally find that number line in a Xml Is there anyway of using that manually created xml with the importer at all? Maybe replacing the file in the temp folder that the importer produces? I assume I would need to tidy the xml up and remove the lines that cause the error within Launchbox. I understand this isn't a Launchbox issue because it is related to my specific system and if needs be I can try to disable devreorder and then retry the importer.
  10. I am using Mame 0.230 now as that was my original thought and why I didn't bother about it However looking at the above xml I have seen that I have this at the problem line 19:52:32.178 00006904 devreorder: Calling hooked DirectInput8Create I use Devreorder system wide to control the order that my system recognises controllers, could that be causing the issue and explain why only happening here? However I do admit to being completely beyond my very small knowledge here and might be completely unhelpful Edit To answer your question the error was Illegal boolean value for dual_lightgun: "I"; reverting to 0 but I changed the ini file to correct that
  11. So I have run the command and got an error in my ini file - corrected that error and then retried the command and it produced the listdump.xml Tried the import again but still getting the same error Can I use that list dump somewhere? I notice a temp folder is made inside the metadata folder in LaunchBox when I try the import. Does it need to go there and have a specific name? Cheers
  12. Since MAME 0.229 the executable supplied in the Mame download has been just mame.exe and the 64 part has been done away with. I have tried renaming it to mame64.exe but still get the same issue. Any other ideas? Thank you Edit - Sorry this comes across as quite short - that's because I tested it quickly whilst cooking dinner and just wanted to answer for clarification and to let know I had tried that.
  13. Hi @C-Beats 1)Turned it on now 2)Yes it is-assuming it mame.exe in the mame folder that I should be pointing at? 3)Have done 4)Failed with same reference I have attached the debug file below as hopefully it will help you to help me The below bit was where I managed to set MAME as the emulator but obviously not correctly after checking the edit box so it didn't register it - I went back and corrected it and then got the final error at the bottom which is the data line reference error it first showed 021-04-01 06:43:20 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ViewModels.MameFullSetWizardParseViewModel.DefineInvalidGlobal(Object ) Thank you for your help with this issue. Debug 2021-04-01 06-42-10 PM.log
  14. Hi @C-Beats I have had the trouble with standalone Mame 0.229 and also the new Mame 0.230 both direct from the Mame site, including downloading it via LaunchBox on a trial fresh install. (not using no nag or any other adapations) The rom set is updated to Mame 0.230 and all works inside Mame, the last time I updated via the Wizard at a guess would have been Mame 0.227 and in the previous version of LaunchBox I have tried fresh install of LaunchBox in a different location and with fresh installs of Mame 0.229 and Mame 0.230 but get the same error I have also tired renaming Mame.exe to Mame64.exe but still keep hitting the same problem, and changing the pathway for the emulator. I do have a couple of files within Mame set to read only to stop controller layouts changing (only just thought of that-so not sure if that would be an issue-but then again the fresh install wouldn't have the files or anything set to read only so that might be useless information) Thank you for your help
  15. Hi @Retro808 Thanks for that suggestion, and I have just tried it but unfortunately I got the same error again. If I run re-install LaunchBox 11.8 from the updates folder into a separate location and then run the importer in 11.8 it all works, which is a work around, and I would think I could then just move the Arcade and Playlist xmls to the 11.9 folder location. I suppose its needing to know which bit of code is at that line, and therefore which specific bit of data is invalid, and then figure out what on my end is causing that error to occur, would I be correct in assuming that only the developers would know what that line relates to or is there a way to review it? (by someone much cleverer than me who might actually understand it all) From memory 11.9 is when the new system was introduced for MAME so that the game list could be taken from MAME and not need to wait for the database to be updated? Not that waiting is an issue, and fingers crossed this might get solved for me when 11.10 comes out of beta.
  16. Hi everyone, As per the title I keep getting an error when trying to import the MAME full set - I have already run the importer before when set up originally and would normally update every month, however I haven't done it for a few months and when I tried with Mame 229 and LaunchBox 11.9 I kept getting an error. I decided not to worry about it until the next Mame update in case it was an issue at my end, so today a fresh new install of Mame and tried again but still getting the same error. I have stand alone Mame, which loads fine, the roms I already have also load fine, it works from a playing point of view I just cannot update the rom set with in LaunchBox using the Mame importer anymore. Have also tried a fresh install of Launchbox in a different location but again no luck Below is the error report and at the bottom is a picture Data at the root level is invalid, line 5629245, position 1. Anyone got any ideas for me please and thank you in advance for your time and effort Kind regards
  17. This might be a little bit late now, but if you are putting the ahk in the Running AutoHotkey tab or the Exit Tab on the edit emulator page then by adding the following to the top and your require script underneath it will elevate the internal AHK to admin. full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } So for the above example it would be full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } $ESC:: { WinClose, ahk_exe MKDX-Unlocked-Profile-v1.0.exe Send {ESC} Sleep 200 Send {ESC} } Cheers
  18. Hi @Fablog I don't know why it would only work as admin, unless Game Loader All RH.exe runs as admin and therefore needs the internal version of AHK from LaunchBox to be an admin, which means having to open LaunchBox as admin? But as a work around try the following (I cannot remember but I think you were putting this in the Running AHK tab) and this should make it work with LaunchBox or BigBox opened normally and not as an Admin. Untested as I don't use Game Loader All RH.exe but the concept works on other programmes/emulators/games that open as admin and need the internal AHK programme elevated to admin level. Anyone with some real knowledge and understanding is welcome to come up with a better idea. Cheers full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } ~1joy7 & 3joy7:: Duration=0 Loop { Duration ++ If !GetKeyState("1joy7", "P") || !GetKeyState("3joy7", "P") Break If Duration > 2 { Send, {Esc} break } Sleep, 1000 } return
  19. You need to edit the running Running AutoHotkey script of the emulator so that Esc isn't the exit key So do the following in LaunchBox 1 ) Tools 2 ) Manage Emulators 3 ) Pick the emulator (at a guess PCSX2) 4 ) Edit 5 ) Go to Running AutoHotkey script tab 6 ) Remove the text from in there that says ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } 7 ) Ok 8 ) Close Load your game and you can hit Escape as often as you want and now it will behave exactly as it does outside of LaunchBox, it will just pause PCSX2 and make it windowed rather than full screen , assuming you load it full screen. Good luck Ps This does mean you won't have an exit key for PCSX2 from within LaunchBox but I think that seems to be what you want, as when using outside of LaunchBox, I don't think PCSX2 has an exit key of its own.
  20. Nice write up and very helpful - could have done with it when I tackled this game. Not sure if this will be much help, because I use a newer version of demul and also change the demul.exe name to make it easier for me to know which emulator version I am working on (eg driving games, light gun games etc) and also need to have the "other" window focused to be able to play the game but below is my exit ahk. I have this for all demul driving games, it works fine by closing the game window on normal games nicely and then just ignores the 2nd command as nothing there to close, but for F355 it closes the hanging window as well, there is most likely a better way to do it, but this works for me and might be a good starting point for you to improve on. Goes into Running Ahk tab in emulator - I have adapted it to take into account the name of your window and the fact you most likely don't rename demul.exe, and yes I know that Process, close is not recommended but on this occasion I found WinClose didn't seem to work as like you said you need to Alt&F4 the window #SingleInstance, Force DetectHiddenText, On DetectHiddenWindows, On SetTitleMatchMode, 2 $Esc:: { WinClose, gpuDX11oldhw Sleep, 2000 Process, Close, demul.exe ExitApp } Might need some tweaking but good luck with it
  21. If you take a look at your default start up view and look at Retro808 default start up view image, you will see the difference. Yours = platforms Retro808 = all games So go into options and change platforms to all games and then you don't open to the platform selection wheel, but the game selection wheel. Which I think solves question 1 for you. Good luck.
  22. Question 1 Read the thread below and this is a work around for it, but you will need to adapt the ahk Most likely something like SetKeyDelay , 200, ;you might need to change this delay depending on your computer #SingleInstance Force Sleep, 1000 ;a little wait so platforms ready Send {Enter} ;load the game selection screen ExitApp Question 2 Pass Question 3 If it is the Mame Warning bit then read the below thread as well You can add the line to Mame.ini and whilst it doesn't stop it forever it does reduce how often it shows, if my understanding of it is correct, seems to have helped here. Cheers
  23. Not 100% sure but I think you can just put the changes you want into a game specific cfg and it will read the base config first and then the game one, so any changes you make for a specific game will over ride the base ones. I only use it for PS1 and only use light gun games and I set just the light gun type in the game specific cfg and it is recognised. I just had a play with the first and last rendered lines for the PS1 and by putting the specific lines in a game config with different settings (eg orig were 0 and 289 so I changed to 50 and 200) I ended up getting a cut off image rather than a full one so I assume that it what it should have done?? Hopefully that is some help to you, sure you are aware of this but the cfg name must be exactly the same as the file name that Mednafen is loading with the correct system at end (for PS1 it is PSX and for Sega Saturn it is SS) eg Moorhen 3 - Chicken Chase (Europe) (En,Fr,De).psx.cfg and not Moorhen 3.cfg or anything else Cheers
  24. @Johno1980 Depending how desperate you are to get this sorted and if you can wait a week (I'm on holiday and not near computer) I have HOTD3 pc running at mine without going through the launcher and also using Escape to exit. Should also allow you to map the keys via AHK rather than joy2key as I only use ahk. But as I said away from computer and not 100% sure how I did it from memory. Below is my best recollection. Looking at it though I don't think you actually want to be closing the launcher with escape but the actual game which is not called hod3launcher.exe. Might be called hod3pc.exe?? Or hotd3pc.exe???? I also think that hotd3 runs as an admin and if you aren't running your ahk as admin it doesn't interact with the game correctly. Cannot remember the rest though.
  25. Not sure if this will be any help or has already been tried by you or still works.
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