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Crabi's Achievements

8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Thank you for the help but i'm not using an external HDD !
  2. This solution will hide ea app after exiting an ea game : Create an ahk file and put this in it, or download in attachment : ; Vérifier si le script est exécuté avec les droits d'administrateur if not A_IsAdmin { Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ; Relance le script avec élévation ExitApp } ; Vérifie si un paramètre a été fourni if (A_Args.MaxIndex() < 1) { MsgBox, Aucun fichier .exe spécifié en paramètre. ExitApp } ; Récupérer le premier paramètre (le chemin de l'exécutable du jeu) game := A_Args[1] ; Extraire le nom de l'exécutable SplitPath, game, , , , gameExe ; S'assurer que l'extension .exe est ajoutée si elle est absente if (SubStr(gameExe, -4) != ".exe") { gameExe .= ".exe" } ; Lancer le jeu Run, "%game%", , , PID_Game ; Vérifier si le jeu s'est lancé correctement if (ErrorLevel) { MsgBox, Échec du lancement du jeu. Assurez-vous que le chemin est correct. ExitApp } ; Attendre un peu pour donner le temps au jeu de démarrer Sleep, 3000 ; Délai de 3 secondes pour laisser le temps au jeu de s'initialiser ; Attendre que le processus du jeu apparaisse dans la liste des processus actifs Loop { ; Vérifie si le processus du jeu est actif Process, Exist, %gameExe% if (ErrorLevel) ; Si le processus est trouvé break Sleep, 1000 ; Vérification toutes les 1 seconde } ; Si le processus n'est pas trouvé après un certain temps, afficher un message if !ErrorLevel { MsgBox, Le processus %gameExe% n'a pas été détecté. Vérifiez le nom du fichier. ExitApp } ; Boucle jusqu'à ce que le processus du jeu ne soit plus trouvé Loop { ; Vérifie si le processus du jeu est encore en cours d'exécution Process, Exist, %gameExe% if (!ErrorLevel) ; Si le processus n'est plus trouvé break Sleep, 1000 ; Vérification toutes les 1 seconde } Sleep, 2000 ; Envoyer un message pour cacher la fenêtre d'EADesktop WinHide, ahk_exe EADesktop.exe ; Quitter le script ExitApp Then in Launchbox create an emulator : Then link this emulator to your games EALauncher.ahk
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The Panic Button is a script designed for arcade and emulation users running Windows. If an emulator crashes or unwanted processes appear, it allows you to restore the Windows session to exactly how it was when the system first booted, without needing to use the keyboard. This script is especially useful for users controlling their system via a game controller and using tools like JoyToKey to map keyboard shortcuts to controller buttons. How the Panic Button Works Initializing the session: Users start their Windows session and launch all the necessary tools (emulators, frontends, etc.). Once everything is ready, they run getProcessList.exe or getProcessList.ahk. This generates a processes_start.txt file that lists all the active processes at the time of session startup. Activating the Panic Button: If an emulator crashes or unwanted processes start running, the user can simply press Ctrl+Alt+P (or a shortcut linked to their controller via JoyToKey) to activate the panic button. The panicButton.ahk script compares the current list of processes with the one recorded in processes_start.txt and closes all processes that weren’t present at the session’s start. Restarting Key Applications: After cleaning up the session, the script will restart key applications such as: JoyToKey with the desired profile. BigBox (or any other arcade frontend). Launching the Panic Button at Windows Startup If you want the Panic Button to launch automatically when Windows starts, follow these steps: Create a panicButton.bat file to run the panicButton.ahk script. Add a shortcut to this panicButton.bat file in the Windows Startup folder. This folder is typically located at: C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Make sure to modify this line in the panicButton.bat file to match the path to your script: set script_path="D:\HFSBox\Utilities\PanicButton\panicButton.ahk" Customizing the Script To make this system work with your setup, you need to adjust two lines in the panicButton.ahk script: Modify this line to match the path to your JoyToKey configuration: Run, D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe "Layout 8 boutons.cfg" Modify this line to match the path to your BigBox application (or other frontend): Run, D:\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe Conclusion The Panic Button simplifies process management after a crash by resetting the session without the need for a keyboard, making it ideal for arcade and emulation users controlling their system via a game controller. It automatically restores essential tools and relaunches BigBox, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  4. Panic Button - Restore Windows Session to its Startup State After an Emulator Crash View File The Panic Button is a script designed for arcade and emulation users running Windows. If an emulator crashes or unwanted processes appear, it allows you to restore the Windows session to exactly how it was when the system first booted, without needing to use the keyboard. This script is especially useful for users controlling their system via a game controller and using tools like JoyToKey to map keyboard shortcuts to controller buttons. How the Panic Button Works Initializing the session: Users start their Windows session and launch all the necessary tools (emulators, frontends, etc.). Once everything is ready, they run getProcessList.exe or getProcessList.ahk. This generates a processes_start.txt file that lists all the active processes at the time of session startup. Activating the Panic Button: If an emulator crashes or unwanted processes start running, the user can simply press Ctrl+Alt+P (or a shortcut linked to their controller via JoyToKey) to activate the panic button. The panicButton.ahk script compares the current list of processes with the one recorded in processes_start.txt and closes all processes that weren’t present at the session’s start. Restarting Key Applications: After cleaning up the session, the script will restart key applications such as: JoyToKey with the desired profile. BigBox (or any other arcade frontend). Launching the Panic Button at Windows Startup If you want the Panic Button to launch automatically when Windows starts, follow these steps: Create a panicButton.bat file to run the panicButton.ahk script. Add a shortcut to this panicButton.bat file in the Windows Startup folder. This folder is typically located at: C:\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Make sure to modify this line in the panicButton.bat file to match the path to your script: set script_path="D:\HFSBox\Utilities\PanicButton\panicButton.ahk" Customizing the Script To make this system work with your setup, you need to adjust two lines in the panicButton.ahk script: Modify this line to match the path to your JoyToKey configuration: Run, D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe "Layout 8 boutons.cfg" Modify this line to match the path to your BigBox application (or other frontend): Run, D:\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe Conclusion The Panic Button simplifies process management after a crash by resetting the session without the need for a keyboard, making it ideal for arcade and emulation users controlling their system via a game controller. It automatically restores essential tools and relaunches BigBox, ensuring a smooth user experience. Submitter Crabi Submitted 09/18/2024 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  5. Thank you very much, it was that Here the script in the exit menu : ; PCSX2 has an ugly exit process; this cleans it up visually DetectHiddenWindows On ;if WinExist("JoyToKey") Process, Close , JoyToKey.exe Sleep, 1000 Run, "D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" "Layout 8 Boutons.cfg" DetectHiddenWindows Off WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}
  6. Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with the Pause Menu's Exit button not behaving the same as when I press the ESC key. I've set up a JoyToKey profile change that works perfectly when I hit the ESC key, but it doesn't trigger when I select "Exit" from the Pause Menu. Here’s the script I’ve added under the "Execution Script": ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape DetectHiddenWindows On if WinExist("JoyToKey") Process, Close, joytokey.exe Sleep, 1000 Run, "D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" "Playstation.cfg" DetectHiddenWindows Off $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} if WinExist("JoyToKey") Process, Close, joytokey.exe Run, "D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" "Layout 8 Boutons.cfg" } The profile change works as expected when I press ESC, closing JoyToKey and launching the appropriate profile. However, when I use the Exit button in the Pause Menu, this behavior doesn’t happen. Has anyone encountered this issue or have any suggestions to make the Pause Menu Exit button behave like the ESC key? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi everyone, I'm currently experiencing an issue with the Archive Cache Manager plugin, and I was hoping someone could help me out. When I launch a game for the first time, everything works perfectly—7-Zip extracts the archive and the game starts as expected. However, when I try to launch a second game, I get the following error message: "7-zip returned an error while trying to extract the archive." After some troubleshooting, I noticed that when I exit the first game, 7z.exe remains active in the Task Manager. This seems to prevent the next game from extracting properly and causes the error message to appear. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any ideas on how to fix it? I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks in advance.
  8. I know this is an old post, but i had the same issue, so here's my solution if it can help someone : I tried a bunch of ahk scripts without getting any good results, so i finally did it with JoyToKey, for the credit key, i gave him the key for credits and the mouse left click
  9. Hi guys ! My arcade configuration is using a lot of different official gamepads (dreamcast, gamecube, n64, psx etc...) For each platforms i'm using joy2key to play with my arcade panel, xbox one gamepad and an official one (when there's one) Problem : The platforms who use analog sticks can have only one gamepad configuration, and i want analog on my xbox one controller and the official gamepad The solution could be like that : get a copy of the original emulator with another gamepad configuration and when we launch a game, launchbox/bigbox ask you to select what emulator (gamepad) you want to use Is there something similar already done ? Or is it enough interesting so someone could develop this ? Thanks in advance
  10. Thank you very much, plugin very usefull !
  11. Man i love you ! Thank you very much ! Oh nice ! i'll maybe try it for other platforms it could help a lot ! Thank you for the advice
  12. Thanks you so much, the script now work when i press Esc, but retroarch do not exit now this is weird. Autohotkey seems to take the priority ! i can't do that per game (1400 roms just for playstation) , that why i try to do it for a platform , or is there a way to do it on all game in one time ?
  13. Hi guys, i'm trying to launch joy2key profile when i start a game from a platform, (same emulator like retroarch for exemple) i did something like that : on running Script DetectHiddenWindows On if WinExist("JoyToKey") Process, Close , joytokey.exe DetectHiddenWindows Off sleep, 3000 Run, "D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" "D:\HFSBox\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey\Sony Playstation\Sony Playstation.cfg" on exit script DetectHiddenWindows On if WinExist("JoyToKey") Process, Close , joytokey.exe DetectHiddenWindows Off sleep, 3000 Run, "D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe" D:\HFSBox\Utilities\JoyToKey\Default.cfg That works manually but not with launchbox/bigbox (it works on running script but not on exit) Do you have any suggestions ? i'm a bit lost ^^' Thanks in advance
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