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Everything posted by Cristagally

  1. I would like to have some information too. Bezels are not launching when starting a game/launching a rom. I've tried with several platforms, same results. a few months ago it was working without enabling anything in Retroarch... How to solve this in Launchbox?
  2. Hello everyone, same issue here but I moved the LB folder into my Synology NAS folder (dedicated folder named "Launchbox"). And I have exactly the same issue, unable to have authorization to write blablabla... any ideas how to fix it? (noob inside)
  3. Did you find a solution to access NAS folder through Retroarch on your Shield?
  4. Ok i understand. I used to use the mame core in retroarch to apply my favorites shaders. So, I have 2 straightforward question: 1.What are the benefit of using the MAME importer and emulator instead of importing games and use Retroarch? I currently have the full Set merged 0.254 but I only want to play a few games in MAME... 2.I have no MAME.ini in my mame folder As usual, thanks for your help.
  5. I'm lost. Really. I don't want to create a new thread for asking the same thing. I imported my MAME game using the MAME importer in Lauinchbox. Everythiong is fine, games are launching, but I can't go into Retroarch when pressing F1. I want to apply some shaders, but how can I launch the retroarch menu?
  6. It works. thanks a lot for your help. I've never regreted to have paid for my PC and Android license. Such a good support from you guys. Thanks a lot for your help, again.
  7. Thanks for your reply. I've tried, but i must do an error cause it's not working. I launch a GB game I load the gameboy urinal shader Game looks like the original game boy! Under "shaders", I go to "save" I have multiple choice: Save shader preset as Save global preset Save core preset Save content directory preset save game preset What I'm doing wrong? You speak about override option, perhaps i'm not in the right place?
  8. Hello, this is exactly my problem right now, with the latest version. I load the urinal color on GB, save as a core preset (because I want this for all the GB game), and when I escape and load a new game, shader is not applied. Any idea?
  9. Thanks everyone for your answer. so basically, everyone is launching BB just by double cliking on the icon? I'm the only one who want to use a dedicated computer to play my games? How people with a bartop are doing? 🤨
  10. oh ok. But convert LB/BB to an open source distro is possible? My goal is not to convince anyone to do this, just to know if one day there will be a possibility to boot directly into BB.
  11. Hello everyone, How do you launch BigBox from your computer? My goal is to push the power button, then automatically launch BigBox. No more windows boot, nothing. Straight into BigBox. No offense, but for now i'm playing retrogames from 2 devices: my Intel nuc connected to my TV in my living room, and booting on Batocera. Why? Cause Batocera use a flash method to the SSD, providing an instant boot. On my main PC, i have LaunchBox and bigBox of course, but I'm launching it using my mouse, like any other programs. How do you launch easily Bigbox straight after boot? Second question: Are developpers planning to do a flashable/image version of Launchbox/BigBox? Like Retropie, Batocera, or Recalbox? It wouldbe great, don't you think?
  12. First of all, thanks fro answering so quiclky. 1.So, basically, I can keep my MAME 0.78 set? I've created 2 folders: the one with the full set, and another one made by me with only the game I used to play. Is it correct? 2. didn't see this. I will have a look. Thanks for the hint. 3.I guess my MAME 0.78 is a non merged by default?
  13. Hello everyone, I'm a bit lost. I have MAME 0.78 full set, and when I import it, I have so many playlist created each time... like... 60, or even more! I would like to download a more recent MAME version, but: 1.I would like to be able to keep "only" the roms I love to play. 2.I don't want -if possible- any playlist. 3.I don't know if I should get a merged or non merged MAME version. Thanks guys!
  14. Thanks everyone fro your tips! I will have a look shortly! How are you using your Big Box everyone? On your main computer?
  15. Thanks for replying so fast! Will I bother you if I ask you more questions? I understand perfectly that the others distributions are linux + ES on top. Like windows + Launchbox on top. But I found my BigBox quite heavy to use. I need to use mouse and keyboard to launch my Bigbox. Is there a most straightforward way to use it? I'm quite new to Launchbox to be honest).
  16. Hello everyone, I'm not sure I can't express properly what I've in my mind but i will try to do my best fro you to understand. You can download a Recabox/Batocera (not retropie) image tar.gz and flash it on a USB stick in order to boot directly on it and install it on a SSD drive for example. That what i'm using on my TV-connected Intel Nuc. On my desktop I -of course- have Launchbox installed. But I'm mainly play on my TV. Right now the olny solution I've found is to install Windows 10, then install Launchox. But it's not straightforward, and quite heavy in term of ressources (my Nuc is a Broadwell i3). Do you think it's possible to have a ready-to-flash image like the example mentionned above? Hope you will understand my request. Have a nice day, peace.
  17. Is there's a way to get it?
  18. What? The android version is not supported anymore as far as I know...
  19. Any update on the Ruckage snes mini theme?
  20. I figured out! so simple! So, for noob like me, just create a (for example) : and import it like a rom file. Then choose a default emulator, and that's it!
  21. Thanks for your kindness. However, i'm not sure to understand hoiw to do it. For example: "red dead redemption 2.txt?" Blank file? Or should I write something in the first line?
  22. Hello, Santa Claus brings me a PS4 pro. I would like to add some fancy visual box art on my Launchbox database. Is it possible to add simply "box cover" and not full 50gb rom?
  23. I'm looking for the original template. Do you have a link? Or OP please?
  24. Oh, sorry, English in not my primary language, and I probably misunderstood the real meaning of the previous message. I was thinking someone was complaining about the black friday deal. I misunderstood.
  25. Thanks for your help. I didn't know it was not enabled by default.
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