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  1. Colorful - Dark & Coverbox TV Redux View File For a long, long time I searched for the perfect Bigbox Theme to use with my TV. Every time I found one I thought was pretty cool, there were just so many little things that didn't sit right with me. Either it didn't have game descriptions in the platform menus, or the game descriptions they had were too small (I use Bigbox on my TV), or the platform views of the theme were unappealing. Well, no longer! I discovered what I thought was the absolute best combination of themes, Colorful - Dark by Viking for it's incredible platform wheel 2 system views, and Coverbox by Faeran for it's incredible Text game views (which have a unique look for almost every popular emulated system out there). Luckily, both Viking and Faeran made their theme's community theme creator files publicly available for anyone to edit, so all my minor (and in some cases not so minor) annoyances were very possible to fix. After months of on and off work, I'm very pleased to release my custom versions of both themes so everyone can enjoy them as I have. At the end of the day, this is a series of relatively minor and moderate tweaks I made to two already fantastic Bigbox themes, and all of that credit goes to the original creators of those themes, Viking for Colorful - Dark, and Faeran for Coverbox. Part of my hope in releasing this to the community is that they take notice and possibly implement some of my changes into the mainline releases of these themes in the future. The optimal configuration for these themes in my opinion is Colorful's Platform Wheel 2 for platform selection and Coverbox for Text List with Details, with any system not covered using Colorful's Text LIst with Details. That's the configuration this modification is aimed towards, but you can use any combination you wish. This release includes a changelog of everything I've changed in both themes, down to the positioning of the elements X and Y positions and their Width and Height. Since going through every change I made would be impossible in this description, Here's a list of the most significant ones. Main Changes Platform Descriptions in Colorful's platform wheels have had their font increased and their sizes expanded. This was to make the text more legible if playing on a TV, which I do exclusively. If the font were bigger by default I may not have modified Colorful at all. Game Descriptions in Colorful's game wheels have had their font increased and their text boxes expanded. This compliments the change from above. Personally I prefer the Text list with details view for any system Coverbox doesn't cover, but the others are usable. Text Scrollers for Game Descriptions has been added to every platform theme in Coverbox that didn't already have one except for the Atari Lynx, Nintendo Virtual Boy and the Famicom Disk System. Each systems Text Scrollers have been given fonts that are related to that system in some way (I did reuse some of them though). For instance, Sega Genesis uses the HUD font from Sonic the Hedgehog, Game Boy Advance uses the Gen 3 Pokemon font, etc. Coverbox Text Scrollers that were too small had their fonts increased. The biggest beneficiary of this change was PSP, that font was TINY and impossible to read on a television. This change was also made to the Wii and the Wii U Background elements have been erased and replaced with modifiable image placements to make room for text scrollers, which makes them editable for those looking to make their own changes. I have included a complete changelog documenting every change I made to both Colorful - Dark and Coverbox, as well as included the logos and fonts I found and created for use in this modification, both of which can also be downloaded here if you want to revert any of my changes or recreate them in some way. If you like what you see, make sure to show your support to Viking and Faeran on their respective theme pages, they created two incredible Bigbox themes and are the ones that deserve most of the credit. I hope you enjoy my changes! Submitter AncientCarthage Submitted 12/06/2022 Category Custom Themes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    For a long, long time I searched for the perfect Bigbox Theme to use with my TV. Every time I found one I thought was pretty cool, there were just so many little things that didn't sit right with me. Either it didn't have game descriptions in the platform menus, or the game descriptions they had were too small (I use Bigbox on my TV), or the platform views of the theme were unappealing. Well, no longer! I discovered what I thought was the absolute best combination of themes, Colorful - Dark by Viking for it's incredible platform wheel 2 system views, and Coverbox by Faeran for it's incredible Text game views (which have a unique look for almost every popular emulated system out there). Luckily, both Viking and Faeran made their theme's community theme creator files publicly available for anyone to edit, so all my minor (and in some cases not so minor) annoyances were very possible to fix. After months of on and off work, I'm very pleased to release my custom versions of both themes so everyone can enjoy them as I have. At the end of the day, this is a series of relatively minor and moderate tweaks I made to two already fantastic Bigbox themes, and all of that credit goes to the original creators of those themes, Viking for Colorful - Dark, and Faeran for Coverbox. Part of my hope in releasing this to the community is that they take notice and possibly implement some of my changes into the mainline releases of these themes in the future. The optimal configuration for these themes in my opinion is Colorful's Platform Wheel 2 for platform selection and Coverbox for Text List with Details, with any system not covered using Colorful's Text LIst with Details. That's the configuration this modification is aimed towards, but you can use any combination you wish. This release includes a changelog of everything I've changed in both themes, down to the positioning of the elements X and Y positions and their Width and Height. Since going through every change I made would be impossible in this description, Here's a list of the most significant ones. Main Changes Platform Descriptions in Colorful's platform wheels have had their font increased and their sizes expanded. This was to make the text more legible if playing on a TV, which I do exclusively. If the font were bigger by default I may not have modified Colorful at all. Game Descriptions in Colorful's game wheels have had their font increased and their text boxes expanded. This compliments the change from above. Personally I prefer the Text list with details view for any system Coverbox doesn't cover, but the others are usable. Text Scrollers for Game Descriptions has been added to every platform theme in Coverbox that didn't already have one except for the Atari Lynx, Nintendo Virtual Boy and the Famicom Disk System. Each systems Text Scrollers have been given fonts that are related to that system in some way (I did reuse some of them though). For instance, Sega Genesis uses the HUD font from Sonic the Hedgehog, Game Boy Advance uses the Gen 3 Pokemon font, etc. Coverbox Text Scrollers that were too small had their fonts increased. The biggest beneficiary of this change was PSP, that font was TINY and impossible to read on a television. This change was also made to the Wii and the Wii U Background elements have been erased and replaced with modifiable image placements to make room for text scrollers, which makes them editable for those looking to make their own changes. I have included a complete changelog documenting every change I made to both Colorful - Dark and Coverbox, as well as included the logos and fonts I found and created for use in this modification, both of which can also be downloaded here if you want to revert any of my changes or recreate them in some way. If you like what you see, make sure to show your support to Viking and Faeran on their respective theme pages, they created two incredible Bigbox themes and are the ones that deserve most of the credit. I hope you enjoy my changes!
  3. Is there any way to shift the starting position of the platform images in platformwheel2 before they scroll over in CTC? I've enclosed an example, there's an unfortunate duplicate effect that could be fixed if the original images were shifted just a little bit to the left. Here are some examples for reference.
  4. Hi Faeran, I was wondering if you were planning on adding game views for Xbox 360 and PS3 in the future? Would love to see those systems integrated into Coverbox in the future.
  5. Hey @viking, I just downloaded the Nintendo Wii platform video and I noticed there's some crackling on the preview of the wii system menu at the beginning. I was just wondering if you were aware of this. Edit: It's happening on the wiiware video as well. Edit 2: I have created versions of the Wii and Wiiware video that fixes the audio issue. I've attached them to this post. Colorful 4K - Nintendo Wii (Sound Fixed).mp4 Colorful 4K - Nintendo WiiWare (Sound Fixed).mp4
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. I hope they get it fixed soon then.
  7. Recently I've been having a lot of issues with the Emumovies integration in my Launchbox install. At first I thought things were just really slow on emumovies end, but it doesn't seem like anything is downloading from them at all. it's either endless query loops or it just says the games aren't found in Emumovies. Is this a known issue with Launchbox 12.9? Or is something else going on with Emumovies right now that's causing this?
  8. I have four Hex codes for you @viking that fixed the problem for me. Hopefully These help in the long run. Sega Genesis = #b72d2e ScummVM = #e7931a Sammy ATomiswave = #3abd70 SNK Neo Geo CD = #ae90e4 If anyone else runs across this problem and doesn't have photoshop, you can upload a screenshot of your screen and test different hex codes here= https://imagecolorpicker.com/en, then once you have it change the appropriate hex code in the corresponding .xaml file (depends on your platform view)
  9. I have the fixed hex codes here, they worked for me, so let me know if they work for you or not ScummVM- #e7931a Sammy Atomiswave- #3abd70 SNK Neo Geo CD- #ae90e4
  10. I'll give it a try when I get home for sure. I'm not sure what's causing the issue unfortunately, but at least the fix is relatively straightforward.
  11. Wanted to post an update, You have to change the hex codes in PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml and PlatformWheel2FiltersView.xaml, or whatever .xaml file corresponds to your chosen view. If you just search for the platform of your choice in notepad, you should find the corresponding Hex code under it. getting the right one took some trial and error in photoshop for me, but the Hex code I have for genesis is #b72d2e. Thanks CutTheRug!
  12. I'm having the same issue he is. I tried changing the color hex in the same file he did for genesis, no luck. it didn't even register the change when I booted up bigbox.
  13. The Steam Client Beta fixes the issue. To get it, open up settings in the steam applications and, under the account section, change beta participation from "NONE" to "Steam Beta Participation." Just restart steam to update and it's fixed.
  14. Edit 2: Steam has released a new client beta that fixed the issue. To get it, open up settings in the steam applications and, under the account section, change beta participation from "NONE" to "Steam Beta Participation." Just restart steam to update and it's fixed. Edit: This is a known issue. for more information look here: Example: For comparison, when not running it through big picture mode: After some testing I've found the issue only occurs when launching Bigbox through Steam big picture mode. If you launch it from the desktop it looks perfectly fine on your TV through steam link, so I think it's a big picture mode issue. Anyone encounter this before and know of a fix?
  15. I'd love to be able to launch the Wii system menu with Dolphin through Launchbox, but I don't even know if it's possible. Is there any way to add it as a game or something like that? Same question for the GameCube and PS2 BIOS's (with standalone Dolphin and PCSX2).
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