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  1. Found another as I'm slowly making my way through my build ?, I'll PM you if or when I come across any more on the way.
  2. Its in No-Intro romset Genesis (20191211-032006) [1G1R USA,EUR,JPN] titled as Generals of the Yang Family (World) (Unl) confirmed using the current Dat o matic Dat file.
  3. Heres my go at it... Used Hakchis spine template which is not that good resolution wise
  4. so glad we got TeknoParrot for this?
  5. Hi Robin, Generals of the Yang Family (World) (Unl) doesn't seem to be your pack unless its under another name ? Here
  6. I see makes sense to keep it consistant ?
  7. Hi Robin, Dont know if you want to change your current below Dragon's Lair (USA) (Proto) (June, 1994) boxart With this one from Here
  8. Thanks Robin, Also some quick bezels I did to go with Tanglewood here ?
  9. Tanglewood (World) (Unl) - Bezel 8bit Or 24bit [1920x1080] View File These are Mega Drive bezels I made for Tanglewood mirroring The Bezel Project theme @ 1920x1080 for both 8 bit & 24 bit formats. Also included in the zip is the .cfg file for Tanglewood (World) (Unl) which your rom name must mirror. Submitter MadMax4Q2 Submitted 01/10/2020 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays
  10. Version 1.0


    These are Mega Drive bezels I made for Tanglewood mirroring The Bezel Project theme @ 1920x1080 for both 8 bit & 24 bit formats. Also included in the zip is the .cfg file for Tanglewood (World) (Unl) which your rom name must mirror.
  11. I made up some bezels for Xeno Crisis here which are inspired by The Bezel Project that go nice with Robins boxart
  12. Xeno Crisis (World) (Unl) - Bezel 8bit Or 24Bit [1920x1080] View File These are some bezels I made up for Xeno Crisis mirroring The Bezel Project theme @ 1920x1080 for both 8 bit & 24 bit formats. Also included in the zip is the .cfg file for Xeno Crisis (World) (Unl) which your romname must mirror. Submitter MadMax4Q2 Submitted 01/09/2020 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    These are some bezels I made up for Xeno Crisis mirroring The Bezel Project theme @ 1920x1080 for both 8 bit & 24 bit formats. Also included in the zip is the .cfg file for Xeno Crisis (World) (Unl) which your romname must mirror.
  14. Not quite to your standard Robin but heres my attempt at Tangewood Megadrive 3d boxart with those files provided. I use Gimp to edit so was unable to use the .atn file provided ?.
  15. Many thanks Robin I just noticed the Xeno crisis one after posting. Your are a legend ??
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