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Everything posted by Scotsman

  1. I redid the Mega Man 1 hacks that you had asked for previously It makes it more consistent with the ones you have requested here. Silver Rings - Arthurcoutinho600 .zip I have included the GameCube LodgeNet Silver Ring incase it's needed at some point. Silver Rings - nyxxic200.zip
  2. Silver Rings.zip
  3. Ikemen Silver Ring
  4. I must have glanced over that, I'll see what I can do.
  5. Silver Rings.zip
  6. Hopefully these are ok for you
  7. Here is the one I have.
  8. Never thought you were TBH. My point was that you mention issues and the inability to get it working, But without more information or specific issues you have, how can anyone help? Such is the nature of emulation. What seems "bad" or "too much trouble" usually turns out to be easy, ONCE you get the relevant information You see a bit of sarcasm as an attack? OK, I'll put away the daggers and pitchforks
  9. A bad workman always blames his tools. If it was that bad, then EVERYONE would have the same exact issues and the app would have been pulled long ago. I'm using the free version, so I can only comment on that version, but I have had NO issues at all importing and running any of my chosen (and supported) ROMS and emulators. What you need to remember when it comes to Android, is that most problems are caused by the OS and/or security permissions needed, NOT with the app itself, just my experience. Same issues? Would you care to elaborate on these "Issues" or should I dig out the Crystal Ball and Tarot cards?
  10. SteamGridDB has a couple of the DBZ logos you're after. Nowhere near the quality of @seaview59 but should help in the meantime.
  11. Thanks. The stats are now changing again, However something else seems to have cropped up. Just 1 approval or rejection is adding 16 to either total.
  12. Can confirm. Moderation stats do not change for any approvals or rejections.
  13. I came across a similar example. Someone submitted a region change from 26 to 6 with no mention of which number corresponds to which region.
  14. Searching with the games Alt name should get you the metadata. Rampage (Adrenaline Amusements)
  15. No problem, here you go.
  16. Here's the rest of the rings. Silver Rings.zip
  17. Silver Rings.zip Here are the rings I've managed to do so far. I'll try and get the rest done as soon as I get the chance..
  18. Same here, I've noticed since about April 2022 there seems to be a bit of an "Accept everything" policy going on with the majority of moderators. No matter how blatantly wrong the submission is. In my opinion these should be rejected. From my understanding these hacked subsets change NOTHING about the actual game and are just used to trick RetroArch in to giving you a different set of achievements. According to the guidelines that would not warrant a separate entry in the database as there is no significant difference between the original and hacked game.
  19. Yes, it is possible and has been discussed on the forum before. But I'll give you a quick rundown of what to do here. These are the only ROMs I'm using, but I imagine it would work with the rest as well. The ROMs in BLUE are the original N64 games Dezaemon 3D (Japan), F-Zero X (Japan) and Super Mario 64 (Japan) renamed to match the 64DD ROMs as the 64DD requires these. I think these are the only official 64DD disks that require a specific game, but there is a ROM Hack Zelda 64: Dawn & Dusk that requires the original OoT N64 ROM as well. The ROMs in RED can be any N64 ROM, just rename it to match the 64DD ROMs (I duplicated Xingji Huohu (China) (v4) (iQue) (Manual).z64 a couple times as it was only 224KB) Make sure the 64DD games end in .z64.ndd and have them all in the same folder. Now import just the .z64 ROMs and not the .ndd ROMs into Launchbox, setting the platform to 64DD (Obviously lol) and when you start the game, Retroarch will load the 64DD disk automatically. I'm not sure if there is another (proper?) way to do this. But it works for me.
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