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Everything posted by maikeru1986

  1. @JoJoJuJu59 Could you try this one with your LB 11.3? if it works, kudo's to @JoeViking245. If it doesn't, maybe you could consider updating to 11.8 as it's pretty good imo Vidsnap_Scraper v0.1.3 Legacy.zip
  2. Ah I see. Was just thinking of the people who bought an older version. I guess if there are many requests for it (doubtful) I might look into it, but otherwise I think you're absolutely right.
  3. Thanks for the heads up, I'm not sure about the timeline of launchbox and which framework which version requires, could I change Vidsnap_scraper to be more backwards compatible by lowering .netframework version???
  4. Thats interesting, thats about the only bits that are the same between the two codes, but I doubt it's that as its pretty standard stuff... perhaps its a .netframework thing? Anyway, if I think of anything i'll get back to you.
  5. Ok so you don't even get the icon/item in the right-click menu? and you do have other working plugins, and there are no errors during LB startup. Thats right before anything even really starts so not sure what that could be but I will try to look into it for you but. you're on windows 10? which game are you testing out? platform? Sorry these are all shots in the dark. Perhaps someone else here could shed some light.
  6. Hi there, sorry to hear it doesn't work for you. Could you try changing the folder name to "Vidsnap_Scraper" (with the underscore) and trying again? i changed this at some stage and forgot to change the writup, apologies. Both of these are made by @srxz and maybe he could shed more light. I think Youtube Scraper needs an update or something, I think it uses YouTubeSearch library which unfortunately is kinda defunct due to Youtube changing things all the time. Steam Scraper works well for me too.
  7. No problem, its a pleasure. I started with your code and not knowing anything and ended up changing quite a bit so I've kept a similar name as homage to the original. I only posted here on suggestion, but I actaully still feel it should be tested and improved (by me or others), thats why I originally posted it in the "3rd party applications and plugind (Developement and Beta Testing)" section. I've posted the source there as well. see below: but yeah, i'll post the source here too to get more eyes on it maybe.
  8. Ive uploaded a new version. For now ive implemented what @JoeViking245 has suggested. But will look into it further.
  9. Interesting, I've tested it out and it seems to give me the path of where the dll is. i.e. C:\Users\<Username>\LaunchBox\Plugins\Vidsnap_Scraper It seemed to me that "GetExecutingAssembly()' referred to the dll. Thanks, i'll have a look into it.
  10. Thanks for the advice, just copied whatever VS game me. Is this because it's already in launchbox core folder?
  11. I've just tried out @C-beats recommendation and it works fine. I'll try yours too (will just have to figure out how it works - for learing purposes). Thanks!
  12. Great thanks. would this below also work or is it somehow bad practice or something? just curious Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Plugins", "Plugin_Name") should give ~Launchbox\Plugins\PluginName no? Actually realised i've used this previously in another app, such a dumbass trying to overcomplicate things. Thanks!
  13. I'm assuming launchbox may be in different locations from user to user, so this is why i went for system folder initially. I'm thinking now this is a bad idea, but am not sure how to get the plugins folder. I'm not sure if using a relative path will work. I could get it from the "videopath" then edit the path to point to the plugins folder? but that seems like a hack (would be inline witht the rest of the program though lol). Any ideas are very welcome.
  14. Hey, thanks for trying again. I think since "youtube-dl" is 32bit it is called from system32, but on 64bit systems it redirects to sysWOW64, which is why it needs to be in both. I thought this was your issue but I guess not. or maybe it's launchbox being 64bit, i honestly am not really sure. I updated it to find the system directory and call from their so you can try v0.1.1 if you want. Now "youtube-dl" only needs to be in sysWOW64. However i think its best to just put everything in launchbox's plugins directory and call it from there. will follow with another update soon.
  15. Well, even if it's unique to your system it's still valuable input. Did you place "youtube-dl" in both "system32" and "SysWOW64"? if not, could you do so and try again? I'm thinking in needs to be in both because some type of redirection is happening. if so, perhaps I could fix that.
  16. Vidsnap Scraper View File DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk! Please read and understand Youtube's terms of service. I will not be held liable for any mis-use of any product or service. This plugin makes use of the open source and unlicensed application, youtube-dl yt-dlp (forked from youtube-dl) to download game videos. It first downloads videos from the link provided in the metadata from LaunchBox, skipping videos longer than a specified duration, and then searching for videos for missing games based on input search terms. It is intended for Modern Windows games as this was my need initially. It may work on other platforms but is not well tested. Installation Instructions: Note: For this plugin to work, you will need to have yt-dlp.exe (included in .zip). Extract the contents of the .zip folder and place it in your LaunchBox plugins folder. Usage Instructions: Select a game or multiple games, right-click and select "Download Video Snap." Adjust the maximum duration if desired. The "Get Missing videos" checkbox sets whether or not to search for videos of games that don't have URL's in their metadata. The "Trim videos" checkbox sets whether or not to trim videos after it has been downloaded. Enter desired search terms for Missing videos. click "Start" to start the download process. Games will download asynchronously. resuming downloads is also supported natively. Known Issues: probably many that I am unaware of. Other: PLEASE NOTE: I AM NOT A DEVELOPER! I know very little about C# and programming in general, thus probably wont be able to address many issues that you may face. That being said I will try and fix things were I can. I've provided the spagetti source code for anyone to modify, improve, etc. (it seems you need to unblock the forms in the "Resources" folder -> RMB->properties->unblock) As of now, i'm more comfortable with the usability of the plugin, however there are still probably many issues, any comments to provide insight/improvement to the code etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks to @srxz for his source of Youtube Scraper of which this is based. Thanks: @srxz @JoeViking245 @C-Beats maikeru86 Submitter maikeru1986 Submitted 12/16/2020 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  17. Version 0.4.8


    DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk! Please read and understand Youtube's terms of service. I will not be held liable for any mis-use of any product or service. This plugin makes use of the open source and unlicensed application, youtube-dl yt-dlp (forked from youtube-dl) to download game videos. It first downloads videos from the link provided in the metadata from LaunchBox, skipping videos longer than a specified duration, and then searching for videos for missing games based on input search terms. It is intended for Modern Windows games as this was my need initially. It may work on other platforms but is not well tested. Installation Instructions: Note: For this plugin to work, you will need to have yt-dlp.exe (included in .zip). Extract the contents of the .zip folder and place it in your LaunchBox plugins folder. Usage Instructions: Select a game or multiple games, right-click and select "Download Video Snap." Adjust the maximum duration if desired. The "Get Missing videos" checkbox sets whether or not to search for videos of games that don't have URL's in their metadata. The "Trim videos" checkbox sets whether or not to trim videos after it has been downloaded. Enter desired search terms for Missing videos. click "Start" to start the download process. Games will download asynchronously. resuming downloads is also supported natively. Known Issues: probably many that I am unaware of. Other: PLEASE NOTE: I AM NOT A DEVELOPER! I know very little about C# and programming in general, thus probably wont be able to address many issues that you may face. That being said I will try and fix things were I can. I've provided the spagetti source code for anyone to modify, improve, etc. (it seems you need to unblock the forms in the "Resources" folder -> RMB->properties->unblock) As of now, i'm more comfortable with the usability of the plugin, however there are still probably many issues, any comments to provide insight/improvement to the code etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks to @srxz for his source of Youtube Scraper of which this is based. Thanks: @srxz @JoeViking245 @C-Beats maikeru86
  18. O ok, I'll post it there. i do feel it is not release worthy and is probably better to be tested first, like your issue with Cyberpunk2077. Mine does work however, same trailer at 1:40, but i'll look into it.
  19. Simple plugin to automate the scraping/downloading of video snaps. Any comments to provide insight/improvement to the code etc. would be much appreciated. maikeru86
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