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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

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  1. Nevermind..Sorry,I solved the issue already. 😅
  2. Some of my games are missmatch with the cover so i decided to edit and do some workaround with metadata,After edit the game is no longer in the list.Some were moved into other platform.Why is this happening..?How do i fix this..?Thank You
  3. I've got the same issue similar and i do not know how to fix this?
  4. Hi,I just try something new and i saw a shaders on youtube and i trying to apply it for console platform.It this normal..?Am i mess up with something? Or can anyone pointed me out for a tutorial for overlays and shaders? Shaders name : MBZ__3__STD.slangp
  5. I have downloaded your GBA overlays and cfg files but i don't know where should i copy these and make it work.
  6. Hi maybe im having the same issue too,Which is my PS2 games went missing suddenly,I have 32 PS2 games in total but in LB it shows only 18?Why is this..?Don't know what happen becasue last 2 days ago all games is displayed,But now i noticed that it wont show in my list.
  7. Thank You so much for the explanation,Sorry my BAD english recently broken
  8. Oh and one thing i forgot,While imported mame rom,I always choose WORLD region.I think that is why some of my rom didn't show up?
  9. I just removed everything and start over with.Before this it works and everything are good but after i change my pc,Something when wrong,I've got mame with playlist in every sub category,But now i have no idea what im doing,Even tough some of my roms are damaged and i think it might be old mame roms?plus,launchbox gives me error while importing so i had to choose the roms to import separately,Can you point me any links for the newbie for importing the roms in right way?I already forgot and mess it up.Thank you,And im sorry for this P/S: Some roms such as CPS/Neogeo are making me confused and i might dont understand if the CPS/Neogeo are in the same category with mame or not.
  10. Geez..I think im doing it wrong then..Should i delete everything and start importing back?Or is there any edits that i can do..?
  11. Uhh just currated i think,Because there's always an error when importing.Am i doing it wrong?
  12. After importing my mame/cps roms.I notice that these games are not visible in the sub category/Playlist.What could i miss here?Any help would be appreciated
  13. So i need to tick the option then..?
  14. Hi,Im truely sorry if this have been posted before and i already did search for this issue. Trying to import some of my old cps roms via launchbox but im curious about 'force using mame metadata',Should i tick it or leave it? Thank You. P/S: There will be more noob questions about this kinda thing and i hope someone could guide me.
  15. Nice! 🫡
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