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Everything posted by raptor

  1. here two more magicbal.zip skychal.zip
  2. here is another two prmrsocr.zip spcforce.zip
  3. Here is another ones animechmp.zip finalttr.zip razmataz.zip maniacsq.zip wldcourt.zip ws.zip countryc.zip fredmemus.zip twins.zip
  4. do you have this one funkyfig.zip. I can not find it and this one citycon.zip Thx
  5. Another one I can not find is goonies.zip , ninjakun.zip and plumppop.zip. Do you have that one? Thank you
  6. That one is great, If I see others one I can not find I will let you know. Great to make the collection better
  7. What about metlhawkm do you have that one?
  8. Someone find a bezel for Moon Alien?
  9. How to create the right overlay for those png? how you can figure out the cordinates for those png I need to know the bounds for those. <bounds x="682" y="991" width="2640" height="1980" />
  10. can be integrated with pixelcade?
  11. where I can find the icons for the arcadeEIP for the streamdeck? I like those one you have but I can not find them. Let me know and Thank you Another questions how I can make with eip and streamdeck to assign a button for mame emulator and go direct to that with launchbox?
  12. So you can have different list like mame, nintengo , sega and each button when you push go to that list?
  13. Like if you click go to mame section directly. like shortcuts to the sections.
  14. Can you bind a " view specific platform? from ArcadeEIP
  15. Any plan to do bind a "View specific platform" key ?
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