Looking into launchbox. I spent the better part of 2 days getting Hyperspin up and working. Its clunky but it works and all the files run from my NAS. I have a 20TB drive setup with all the emulators,roms, and SW on a NAS drive. Its roughly 12.4TB full. The NAS handles all my backups of my drives.I'd like to leave everything on the NAS and just use a PC I have built up to run emulation.
I was able to get hypersin to run completey from the NAS with minimal instalation on the host machine. I'm curious if I could accomplish the same thing with Launchbox. It looks like a better interface and less tedious to get working.
But I noticed even if I left my roms on the NAS it wanted to import all the media and images to the host machine. Can it install onto the NAS?