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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hehehehe. @Klamp and @Wattoo, we'll need to coordinate updates on the French translation so that we're not all updating the files at the same time. I'll hold off on fixing anything until I hear back from you guys. @Klamp, if you want, you can download the latest French translation files here to fix things: http://api.launchbox-app.com/DownloadLanguage.ashx?l=fr-FR Just let us know if you're working on it so we can hold off while you do.
  2. Hi @LJKO, you can customize the sorting by using the "Sort Title" field on games. It might take some tinkering, but you should be able to get the games to sort how you want.
  3. Hi @Angelwork, I just re-sent your license file. @ferroman, thanks for the purchase. I just re-sent your license both with the automated system and my personal email; hopefully you receive it. Let me know.
  4. Either way works. If you can just send me a list of issues I can get them fixed. :)
  5. So sorry @Wattoo. We've been communicating via email so I got confused. I meant to refer to you instead...whoops. Yes, I used your translation. I've only received yours.
  6. Will do, Clive. Pretty much everything in Big Box is in the Strings file. Thanks. :)
  7. Hi @linrom, welcome. You're correct; LaunchBox currently doesn't support that situation well. I have a fix for that on my list. :)
  8. All, just one more heads-up. Before the 5.0 release there will be a few small release notes that will need translated. If we can't get them in, it's not a huge deal, but hopefully we can. I keep putting off the 5.0 release, but I expect that it should be out in a couple weeks.
  9. @Klamp, can you translate these for the setup? WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the [name] Portable Setup Wizard WelcomeLabel2=This wizard will install [name/ver] on your computer.%n%nPlease note that LaunchBox is a portable application; the installer will not touch any files outside of the destination folder.%n%nStart menu icons will be created if not deselected in the wizard. ClickNext=Please click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit the wizard. ExitSetupMessage=The setup process has not completed; LaunchBox has not been installed.%n%nYou may run the setup again at another time to complete the installation. Do you wish to exit the setup? LicenseLabel=Please read the following license agreement. LicenseLabel3=You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation. SelectDirLabel3=Please do not install LaunchBox into your Program Files folder; it will not function properly. SelectDirBrowseLabel=%nLaunchBox is a portable application and must be installed to a location with full write permissions for your user account.%n%nIf you use Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, we would suggest installing LaunchBox there.%n%nOtherwise, your user folder (default) or your Documents folder are good options.%n Website=%1 Website Forums=%1 Forums Wiki=%1 Wiki CreateDesktopIcon=Create &desktop icons Ignore what's to the left of the = sign; that's just the ID of the string. Thank you!
  10. Hey guys, I just put out a new beta with the updated Spanish translation (thanks to @CliveBarker) and the new French translation (thanks to @Klamp). @Klamp, we'll need to review all of the forms to check for overlapping elements, etc. Give it a review if you can and I can fix whatever needs fixed. :) @PattersonCZ, I just created a new set of translation files for Czech: http://api.launchbox-app.com/DownloadLanguage.ashx?l=cs-CZ Thanks much and I'll look forward to adding the Czech translation. The instructions for everything are at the beginning of this thread. :)
  11. Also, just put out another new beta with the updated Spanish translation and the new French translation.
  12. No idea really on the site. I ran a DNS check around the world and everything seemed to be working fine. Do let me know if you happen to find some good sounds that are royalty-free, @CliveBarker. :)
  13. Ugh...that's not good. No, I haven't changed anything on the site. Anyone else seeing that archive.org thing? Ick. Good to know on the intro sound. Wonder what I can do about that one, hmm. You can actually already personalize the sounds just by overwriting the wav files in the Sounds subfolder.
  14. Ah, I see, sure. I assume this is because you've configured the games to be borderless?
  15. Lol. Another new beta is out. I think I've finally addressed the remaining stability issues; please let me know if anyone runs into any additional crashes or errors. Also, still need feedback on the sounds. I'm off to add the updated translations.
  16. Thanks, @Karura. Sent it off again. Let me know if you don't receive it.
  17. No one really cares, Brad; they only like me for my software. :P Just put out a new beta with sound effects. You can, of course, turn them off in the General options. I'm not sold on these particular sound effects (other than the startup sound I created). If anyone finds anything better, please speak up. Of course we can't use it unless it's royalty free. The sound effects can be replaced just by overwriting the files in the Sounds subfolder. LaunchBox already needed DirectX for game controllers, but now Big Box uses it for the sound effects as well. I'm thinking I might need to put that requirement into the setup, as well as the .NET framework. It feels less portable that way, but oh well. Also, unfortunately, I've been noticing crashes come up around once a day or so. They're heap corruption errors, which are a royal pain to resolve, and they don't give you any kind of error information. Has anyone else seen these? They seem to be happening primarily on slower systems or when the system is busy doing something else while in Big Box.
  18. Hi @Karura, absolutely; we'll get you your license. However, I can't tell which payment was you. What's your first name?
  19. Awesome, Clive. Thanks. Display is on the platforms form, right? It means the type of display for that platform.
  20. Lol, maybe I should refrain from posting at 1:00 in the morning. Sorry for that @Haelstrom; I was just kidding.
  21. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. If you run LaunchBox on Windows 10 your hard drive will crash.
  22. Hi @LJKO, per Big Box, I intend to make it as flexible as LaunchBox is filters-wise; it just might take me a bit to get there. However, I don't intend Big Box to ever be used for significant editing. That will always remain in LaunchBox itself. Per the pop-up idea, we certainly could use a better interface for playing different versions than the right-click menu. I don't see us moving away from the additional applications approach, but it can always be presented in a better way, like your popup. However, I don't think that will solve the entire problem for you, as it sounds like you want the ability to connect a single game to multiple platforms. That would be quite a structure change in how LaunchBox handles game data. I can see the benefit of it, but I'd also be worried about the interface becoming too over-complicated. We could implement a "related games" (or similar) feature, though, that might get us closer to what you're looking for. The challenge is to keep things simple enough for complete newbies while keeping the collectors happy.
  23. Most often you can completely disregard GOG's configuration. The easiest thing to do is just to use their links, but otherwise you can tell LaunchBox to use DOSBox and then point the Application Startup Path to the DOS exe. You can use the config files in the DOSBox configuration tab if you want/need to. You shouldn't need to use any emulators or command line parameters.
  24. @CliveBarker, how are the Spanish translations in Big Box? Are they all working properly?
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