@CliveBarker @cyanjiang @AFaustini @Wattoo Thanks for bearing with me this week guys. I'm planning to launch 5.0 a week from today, and we need to catch up on some setup translations, and we'll need to translate the release notes as well, if possible.
@AFaustini, after this beta I'm putting out tonight, there should be no more language changes before 5.0 (at least I'm gonna do my best to make it that way), so now is the time to add the new stuff.
@cyanjiang @CliveBarker @Wattoo There have been some minor language additions to LaunchBox since your latest translations. I believe the only additions were to the Strings.resx file, however, so that should hopefully make it easier to catch up, if you can, before the 5.0 release. If not, those features will just show in English until we can get the translation into the next release.
Thanks again guys. :)