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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Actually, curious to know if anyone else is seeing any stability issues. I just realized my system was on the fritz because Visual Studio was eating up all my RAM for some reason. Windows told me it was out of RAM...odd. So I'm not sure if the freeze that I saw was valid or not.
  2. New beta is out to fix the issue with the automatic updater. Automatic updating is broken with the last release in Big Box, so you'll need to update from LaunchBox instead. Also, just to note I'm seeing some stability issues that are showing up since beta 35. I think I know what is causing them but I'm still working on a solution.
  3. Ha, it can get overwhelming. Generally, I do a mixture of the most requested things, the things I personally want to see the most, and the things that are most immediately feasible.
  4. Yeah, I need to do a better job of keeping it up to date, though. Right now I have a long text file of things to add.
  5. Sure, makes sense. The easiest thing would probably be to support .NET DLL plugins. So C# and VB.
  6. Sure, I'll add those items to my list. Unfortunately, improving the editor here on the forums isn't very high up on my priority list.
  7. Jason Carr


    Sure, that's cool. Though I'd rather it just...work. I'll see if I can get it to start cleanly with the fade feature.
  8. I see that error now, guys. Not sure how I missed it before, but hopefully I can get it fixed tonight. @bookw, I do maintain a public list here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox Unfortunately right now it's a tad bit out of date, but it is the master list.
  9. Haelstrom said Heya. First, I'll note I have a pretty big collection in LaunchBox, and it's always ran a little bit slow until that performance optimization a few betas back - now I can scroll through my platform libraries pretty smoothly either in LaunchBox or in the BigBox mode. Reporting a positive success there. (Win10 with my LaunchBox/collection on SSDs, 7,000 titles.) Now for my greedy suggestion. I really like adding music/movies to each file in BigBox, but I was wondering if there was a way to do that with platforms (and the "front page" of BigBox mode) as well. Example: You select Nintendo 64 in the scroll menu, and then you can have a general N64 trailer or whatever playing. Having that (with an option for a default soundtrack to play in the background while navigating BigBox until you select whatever) would make for more of an arcade experience, IMO. Unless this is already doable to some degree. Then I'm blind. Much obliged on the program in general, I've messed with a lot of different frontends for years and this has been the best by far. Thanks, @Haelstrom. These are planned for platforms but I admit that I didn't realize I should do it until I saw it all together. I probably won't have this in before 5.0 but hopefully soon. :)
  10. Jason Carr


    Interesting. RL looks/sounds really promising but I haven't really had a good initial experience. The interface was oddly and unnecessarily difficult to figure out; now that I finally have it figured out, it doesn't seem to be doing what it promises (was hoping for true no-artifact/distraction emulator startups and shutdowns). I tried Dolphin and Nestopia and they both had ugly startups and shutdowns...is that working for anyone else?
  11. Good point, should be easy enough. Added to the list. :)
  12. Hi @badbob001, welcome. The rudimentary multi-controller support was actually never intended to be used by multiple people at the same time...you're the first one to even bring that up. That's a good thought though, I'll add that to my to-do list. Keep in mind that many more modes/screen configuration options are planned for Big Box. The initial version will be simple as it is now, but we'll keep adding more options (including box art lists and such) over time.
  13. Jason Carr


    Very cool; didn't know this existed. I like the concept. Might consider integrating it in the future.
  14. License sent to your hotmail. Let me know if you don't receive it.
  15. Hi LJKO, it looks like your PayPal email is incorrect; the license went out to LJkAze@domain.com. I'll go ahead and send you a license to your real email. Thanks for the purchase! :)
  16. @Game Lounger, sorry I interpreted you negatively. No worries at all; it's just hard to read into flat text sometimes. Per the crashes, I was afraid of that. Some of the performance optimizations I made I knew were risky. They're gonna be hard to solve without any kind of error text, especially if they're random, so any and all details you can give me will be helpful. Thanks much. Oh, what version of Windows are you running? (Sorry if I've already asked.)
  17. Just put out another new beta which makes the transitions with the videos smoother (they now play during the transitions). :)
  18. @Game Lounger, I'm always happy to hear feedback, but there's absolutely no reason to shed anything in such a negative light. Quite honestly, I'd much rather hear "I don't care for this" and "I don't care for that" than "I hate to have to break this to you, but your whole concept is flawed". I don't really know where you're coming from, but your feedback is not at all constructive. I don't ever mind if people call things crap, so long as they present a better solution...but it seems you haven't, so I don't really know how to turn your comments into anything positive.
  19. Hi @bookw, I do see your point. That is less of an issue with Steam these days, as you just get prompted to install a game if you try and run a game that isn't installed. But yes, I suppose we do need a way to filter out uninstalled games. You'd be surprised how little that is mentioned, though; believe it or not. If it was a regular request I would have added it by now. But I agree, it does feel like a very important feature. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to add and I can get it in soon.
  20. Hi Martin, yup, something like that is planned. G'night.
  21. Thanks Martin. I just put out a new beta; I focused heavily on improving the performance. I'm very interested to hear if anyone notices any performance differences. It ran perfectly for me before, so I can't tell any differences, of course. That said, I am a tad bit worried that some crashes might show up because of some of the more aggressive performance optimizations. So it will certainly need a good beating.
  22. Also, I did some studying up on WPF animation performance, and I'm going to put some time in to see if there's anything I can do to optimize it. There's a big long whitepaper on it all, so it's complicated stuff. We'll see what I can squeeze out of it.
  23. Ah, thanks guys. Martin, the fanart image size thing is really good to know. I suppose it makes sense that resizing the images might take a bit of time. I suppose LaunchBox could resize the images in a cache automatically, but that'd certainly take up a lot of hard drive space, and it'd take even longer on initial load. Hadn't heard about .NET 4.6, but good to know. That probably coincides with the Windows 10 release that we'll see in 2 days (actually I already have the RTM running on my laptop, hehe). @scree, good to know. That one should be an easy fix.
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