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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. With the same analogy though, you can't play the same disc or cart on two consoles either. :P That doesn't include different games though, you are right there.
  2. BigBox is set up differently than LaunchBox, but no there is no apparent searching functions in BigBox as of this post. However, on our BitBucket I remember seeing someone make a ticket wanting to see this. Some have said letters on the side and I know that the letter wheel like Valve created can work well, they'll just take time to implement. At the top, go to Send Feedback. You can search them up and see if one exists. If it does you can vote for it and comment about it, or if it doesn't exist (I am sure one is there) you can create it.
  3. Some of those Japanese games are super fun and amazing, and a lot have Translation patches too. I covered that in the NES / FDS tutorial actually. http://www.romhacking.net/
  4. I've worked with Windows enough now that I just look up about the new services and go from there myself, or when I want to remove Windows Defender because it sucks. Actually it's really good, but very picky. The other service I want to get rid of Cortana, but no ones made a removal for her yet, I also haven't looked in a while. About the crashes, I am unsure if the other users were using RocketLauncher or the DolphinBar, however something in how they run may be common in everyone, like the driver Dolphin uses, or the code and overlays RL does. Something must be interfering.
  5. SentaiBrad

    Raspberry Pi 2

    I would personally say minimum an i5 and depending on the rest of the pc you might even get Gamecube and Wii in there... just maybe. Just for N64 and PS1, I would say an i3. At least keep a bit of power under the hood.
  6. What exactly are you doing? A bit more info might help. Are you trying to install a DOS game in LaunchBox? Are you just trying to launch a game through LaunchBox? We do have tutorials on our YouTube channel that deal with DOSBox, if you'd like you can watch those by clicking the link to our channel in my signature. Jason went over how to install DOS games from a disc a while ago, I went over it recently and showed users how to use DOSBox Daum (which I've since started to use less in favor of other forks of DOSBox, but it is still better than default in my opinion), and how to install games if you have the install files or how to copy them from an iso or disc in your PC to then install from the files.
  7. SentaiBrad

    Raspberry Pi 2

    LaunchBox and BigBox will not work with Linux, there for it won't work with any Pi. It can run Windows 10, technically, but it is extremely poor performance so LaunchBox wouldn't run there either. As far as N64 and PS1 goes, I've heard some mixed response. For the most part it's meh to bad.
  8. Yea, I don't have a Video line for metadata, I've never paid for EmuMovies. I have an account, but I don't pay. So we don't by default download movies, you need to pay EmuMovies for that.
  9. Go in to the options and see if the Beta Update box is checked. If it's not, check it and restart.
  10. Any files, regardless of if it is Video, Images, Music, Manuals, etc etc needs to be named within reason to what it needs to match. So if your game name is Legend of Zelda, the rom file is named Legend of Zelda (USA), a music file named Legend of Zelda (Japanese) will probably work, a file named Legend of Zelda would also work. Something like LoZ wouldn't work, or Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time wouldn't attach to Legend of Zelda either. So obviously it can't be crazy, but it can be within the logic if LaunchBox.
  11. That was really well done actually, so then I wonder if I myself am just more visual so I default to "make a video out of it".
  12. That might be more of a video, which I do want to do a FAQ or Questions from the community type of video. I want to keep the written FAQ a bit more simple.
  13. The daily limit is something we can't fix, but the bug is fixed by updating to the Beta. Yea, I am going to create that FAQ. If anyone see's this and wants something added to it, please let me know. I will start compiling it.
  14. Yea, I love Museums, and websites and organizations trying to archive and preserve gaming for our future, but the law is murky and I just don't want our forums attacked. The likely hood of that happening I will admit is super super low, but as we grow it is something we need to be conscious about. I'm not gonna delete posts, or ban people or anything like that. I even said "archive.org" in several posts, but actively linking is a line that I have to draw. It is sadly something we've gotta do. If someone released something for free, like Bethesda did with Elder Scrolls 1 and 2, they released it for free, then I would link that all day long. If someone posted a link on where to download Elder Scrolls 5, I would remove that in a heartbeat. Abondonware is legally not a thing, but it is in such a state that some games rights aren't held anymore by anyone, they've not supported the games for so long or you can not easily purchase them. Chances are no ones going to come after you, but until there is a concrete legal precedent I just want to protect our community. For the record too, even Jason has said before that he thinks I am being over protective, but he admits we are beholden to other peoples whims.
  15. DOS76 said If they use the same file extension you could go into the folder in explorer and type the extension in search and all the files will show up without the folders or if they don't have the same extension you can type *.* in the search bar and it wlill return all files and folders in the directory scroll past the folders and then highlight all the files you need for all the games and then drag them over to LaunchBox. I don't know anything about ScummVM so if they don't work like regular ROM files and there is no emulator then this actually wouldn't be a valid method. If they do though it would definitely work to access the files you need from sub directories at the same time. Edit: After reading Brads post I see this will not work. The problem though is ScummVM games are not a single file, nor do they have an exe, so it is kind of tricky.
  16. It doesn't matter what other websites say it is, it is a giant grey area of law. Unless someone goes to court over this exact permientation and there is a verdict and there for precedent then we need to operate carefully. Regardless, Nintendo owns and still protects "Donkey Kong", and you can even purchase the game legally from them, at a good price and very easily. In the realm of the United States where our server is located, United States law prevails, regardless of your country of origin. I really am not trying to be mean or anything, so I greatly apologize if I came off that way, but Archive.org is not a legal representation of video games. They're doing a good thing in preserving the games, but regardless of if they let you download or stream the game they technically do not own the rights to do so. It is part of my job to try and protect our website, and after PayPal and Google decided to become jerks to us we've grown a bit more protective.
  17. So we don't really have proper tools and methods for ScummVM yet. We've very much let it go to the wayside over the past year or so. Steam and DOS got revamped but not ScummVM. Truth be told it isn't very popular in our ecosystem and it got lost in the sea of requests and threads. Jason and myself were just talking about this the other day because I wanted to do a tutorial for it, but we're going to wait till it gets a revamp. Jason knows about it, and in about 2 weeks he is going to have a ton more time so he can start moving through the back catalog of features and revamps. ScummVM is at the top.
  18. Well it doesn't matter what the old pathing was, we were trying to tell it the new pathing. At this point, the easiest solution would be to just reimport. I've had to do it myself at least 8 or 9 times over 2 years. That's part of how I learned as much as I did.
  19. You don't need to completely reinstall, just use a new XML. The images will stay there as long as you use the same Platform names. And by use a new XML, just delete your current one and start LaunchBox up. It will create a new one.
  20. Also Jason needs to fix the sub forum so people can post suggestions like that in the suggestions thread. I haven't made one for the tutorials yet because NO ONE CAN POST ON THE RSS THREAD... JASON... xD I told him let me do it, that's what im here for. Lazy ass. ;)
  21. I should do that. I am unsure how often people will see it though. It is surprising how many people don't search the forums. I've thought about making a tutorial on how to use Notepad++ in case something happens and you need to manually fix it. A Tips and Tricks video would also work too... Having people see either is going to be hard though.
  22. Make a backup of this XML first in case this doesn't work, or you'll probably need to re-import your games. Search for ..\..\..\ in Notepad++ and replace that with the drive and path it should be. So Ctrl + F, click the Replace tab at the top, search for ..\..\..\ and replace that with F:\ https://i.imgur.com/rVQ9abv.png Then click replace all.
  23. No, it is technically not legal. Abondonware doesn't mean it is legal, it means that the rights holder doesn't care to support or go after someone redistributing it. Donkey Kong is very very very protected from Nintendo. You can also buy modern versions of it on Nintendo platforms. So I am going to have to remove that link.
  24. Then either the relative path is wrong or it's not using a relative path. The game you just tested, copy and paste the path from the XML then from LaunchBox.
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