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Everything posted by ps4isthefuture

  1. Gradius - song Burning Heat (remix) https://youtu.be/Fs7kfC3N3II
  2. Chrono Trigger (Live at Symphony Hall) https://youtu.be/iEGniXc7Xtc
  3. Zelda - A Link to the Past https://youtu.be/DomOnH2rWg0
  4. Zelda - Ocarina of Time https://youtu.be/j8wv9nzScU8
  5. Zelda - A link to the Past - Dark World piano https://youtu.be/bRO9JZ2j2so
  6. Super Mario Bros - medley on piano https://youtu.be/dFZki6TcY4w
  7. Jackie Chan - NES https://youtu.be/P6nKkiIp5jo
  8. Super Mario Bros https://youtu.be/Y4IWtNO1jOw
  9. Pac-man https://youtu.be/MnURWFxwmk0
  10. The Mountain King https://youtu.be/i8Bw7MmTdy8
  11. First you may want to watch this video so you understand....a little. Also it is a very early pre Alpha so you must be patient with it and the servers....and the people who can't play well and make a mess. https://youtu.be/QwvU9eWAxm4 If you would like to try the game you can HERE. You have to create an account to play, after you get the activation, login and then go to the games tab. You will also have to install Unity, follow the prompts, also it is recommended not to use a Mac and to use Firefox per the forum. Enjoy the chaos!
  12. Windows GDI issue.... wasn't that the big issue that Vista had? Maybe they never fully removed it, if that is the same thing. If not don't pay attention to my nonsense, lol. Not a big deal Jason, take your time, this is your baby to share to the world.
  13. I do not have the numbers on in the left panel and I could use the 512MB but when I have it open it is already using 378MB straight off the get go. So just between Win 7, LB, and FF I'm sitting at 2.82GB of my 8, launch NBA 2k15 from LB and then add 3.8 more, so around the 6.6ish area.
  14. Yea, still using CPU (15 - 22%) after turning controller support off and the RAM cache was always off. However I just noticed that LB continues to show as running in the Task Manager processes. Now I have to manually end the process. Not sure how long it has been doing that, didn't really look before.
  15. Jason, Is there any plan to add the Additional Application setup to the Bulk Editing Wizard? Or possibly I missed it. Otherwise if someone has a large collection they will have to add each Additional App to each game individually. Thanks.
  16. Please read carefully and follow the photos provided below. I attempted to make this walk through for people who are a bit new to LB, emulators, and Daemon Tools. If anyone finds an easier way feel free to let us know. The following setup will save you a ton of time when adding your Sega Saturn collection to LB. 1. Select the Emulation tab. 2. Tick the box - Use an emulator to play this game 3. Click Add... 4. Make an entry in the Emulator Name box, whatever you want to call it. 5. In the Emulator Application Path box enter the full path to your DTAgent.exe file. 6. In the Default Command-Line Parameters box enter the following (that is a number zero at the end): -mount dt, 0, 7. Tick the box labeled "No space before ROM (primarily for NullDC)" 8. Click OK. 9. Select the Additional Apps tab. 10. Click Add Application... 11. Open Note Pad, look at the photo below and copy the code (please replace the exe path with your own exe path). Go to file and select save as, I named mine SSF, then save the file to the same directory as the SSF.exe file. After you save it, close Note Pad, then go to your .txt file you just saved. Rename the SSF.txt to SSF.bat, just say ok to the warning windows throws at you. 12. Return to LB on the Add Application wizard, in the Application Name box make any name you like. 13. Application Path box enter the path to the SSF.bat file you just made. 14. Tick the box "Automatically Run After Main Application" 15. Click OK 16. Now you are back in the main edit window, Click OK Note: You can see by the date and time on my last played and last modified that I have just tested this setup before writing this walk through.
  17. Reminds me of the old SideKick cell phone.
  18. Jason Carr said What happens if you put those commands in as additional apps, and mark them to fire before and after the game? Jason you are the man! Yes that works like a charm. Add an additional app to start before the game, add the path to DT exe, then add the command-line below, select automatically run before, and select wait for exit : -mount dt, 0, "..\Games\Windows\Quake II\Quake2.cue" Add a second additional app to end after the game, add the path to DT exe, then the command-line below, and select automatically run after: -unmount dt, 0 I tested it with The Sims, the original, it does open a window for the contents of the cd image. But the screen goes fullscreen quickly and it goes away when DT unmounts on exit. So a very, very minor issue.
  19. Jason Carr said If the escape key works correctly, yes I could alter my script to always use Escape for ePSXe instead of Alt+F4. Should, mine works with Esc, I'm using ePSXe180. But I'm just using the Esc key myself. I will do ahk on HyperSpin when ever I do start to make an arcade cabinet. LB is for my own personal use because it's quick and easy to navigate. HyperSpin is pretty and flashy but if you want to play a game fast and you have 13,000+ games, it's time consuming. That is where the handy search bar you have is fantastic.
  20. Can you not assign the Esc key to select start combo to advert this?
  21. I went and visited my friend in college a long...long time back, at Michigan Tech one summer. A bunch of us decided to canoe along the shore of Lake Superior, well in the protected harbor it was fine. Then we got past the break-wall, and immediately a 3 foot wave knocks us all into the water. I know Jason might know, but for those who do not, Lake Superior is a massive body of fresh water (largest fresh water lake in North America). It was late June and it was very hot for then about mid 90sF however the water was extremely cold and we all almost got hypothermia in process to getting to the break-wall to get out of the water. Then we laid on the black rocks in the sun for a while. Later we came back to check the water temp and it was 36F. Everyone had for got that large bodies of water take a long time to warm.
  22. Jason Carr said Not sure if DT has an unmount command or not, but.... -mount dt, 0, "..\Games\Windows\Quake II\Quake2.cue" this is the unmount command, but I have only got the auto-mount and auto-unmount to work using a bat for each game. -unmount dt, 0
  23. You can use the same short cut keys to select multiple files just like windows. Shift+End or Shift+a to select all or to select and chose specific individual files Ctrl+Left Click each. Also if you do this, then right click and choose edit it will open the bulk editing wizard, just a tip for the future.
  24. Hey Jason, I remember a while back we had this issue before with LB randomly using 25% of my CPU before and it went away for awhile. I noticed with the last update that it has been happening nearly every time I open LB about 90% of the time. However now it fluctuates from a low of 18% and a high of 37%. Just though you ought to know, I could understand if I had a Intel Duo or Celeron but this is a 3.6Ghz 4-core OC to 4.2Ghz. I will keep you posted upon the release of the up coming releases if things change. I know and understand it's not easy to find the where the issue is coming from or what is causing it. All in good time.
  25. nmc said These are my settings under "NullDC 1.0.4 r150 " The nulldc is a bit tricky, so first you have to make some changes in the configuration file " nullDC.cfg " ( open with notepad ) located in the emu main directory, change the following: Emulator.AutoStart=1 Emulator.NoConsole=1 AutoHideMenu=1 Fullscreen=1 PatchRegion=1 LoadDefaultImage=1 DefaultImage=defualt.gdi LastImage=I:\Sega Dreamcast\*.cdi In launchbox don´t use the emulator pannel, instead use the main one " Launcher ", in " Apllication Path " put the emulator location path : " c:\*.*\NullDC_Win32_Release.exe ", use this one not the " no trace " In the command line the extension look a bit messy but it works launching the hames individually, put: Ill put my one to give a start C:\Program Files (x86)\Emulator\NullDC 1.0.4 r150\NullDC_Win32_Release.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="I:\Sega Dreamcast\daytonaUSA.cdi" Yes all that. nmc pew pew pew and out..... Just so people know on this solution above for NullDC, once you put the exe path into the application path you do not need to add it again in the application command line. So you will only need the following in the command line: -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="full path to game.cdi" Saves a little time. I was using Makaron forever and then it just decided to keep asking for the date and time and refused to load games anymore. So I switched to NullDC tonight.
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