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Everything posted by ps4isthefuture

  1. If the auto update feature does come about, I would suggest and option to allow a user to not allow auto updates if said user did not want to use this feature. Like myself I have spent hundreds of hours (if not more lol) trying to gather proper data and images for my collection. No disrespect to everyone hard work. Like myself I will be contributing to the database as well, I just don't want to see all my own work disappear from my collection. I hope that doesn't come off as selfish, that is not intended. Cheers to this fantastic Community that is growing very fast!
  2. I've been only using AMD in my last 2 personal computers 1st one 8 years ago and this one almost 4 years now. Also used AMD in all 162 computers I have built over the last 10 years. Like SentaiBrad says make sure it's the same socket type and supported by the motherboard. Make sure to thoroughly clean the base of the heatsink and reapply your thermal paste. I'm sure you knew but just incase. I need to upgrade soon also. My AMD A8-5600k 3.2GHz (OC 3.8GHZ) and my AMD HD6670 2GB don't like some of the new games so much.
  3. Starnge...Thailand has much slower internet but we don't have data caps, unless you are on 3G or 4G network. When I lived in Japan there was not a download cap but there was an upload cap of 250GB per month. And that was on a 1Gbps down/1Gbs up, man do I miss those speeds.
  4. Just wondering if this was in the works or if these were going to be just considered arcade. Personally I have my arcade games, neo geo arcade, Capcom arcades and so on. Just my preference, and I have most of them all classed already. Cheers!
  5. DOS76 said @ps4isthefuture nice to see you on the forums its been awhile. Thanks been busy, that's life, very easy to get caught up in everything. I'm making an effort to get back involved with the community and forums again.
  6. Well the first game that I finished, that actually had an ending, was Super Mario Bros. NES. However the game I enjoyed finishing the most was and still is Donkey Kong Country SNES. I still can't believe I was able to talk my mother into buying this game for me upon release. It was $70 in 1994.
  7. Awesome, saw this a few days ago too.
  8. I spoke too soon, I doesn't run perfect. I had to run it in compatibility mode for XP SP3 it runs fine except it freezes after a race. But at least it runs. I hadn't played that for my computer in about 10 years.
  9. I found a useful site replaying.de they have a few patches for a few older games so they will work on your 32 or 64 bit OS. (you may want to put the url in google translate unless you can read German) I just installed Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit for Win 95/98. Runs no issues for me on Win 7 64 "no compatibility mode used". Did have to set affinity to 1 core though. I will keep you all posted if I find more.
  10. Just a reminder many games have a crc attached to them and this could help also maybe
  11. My friend's kids are a bit younger, 5, 7, and 8. Good to hear the youth in the western world is getting into retro gaming...wow just saying that now made me feel a bit older. But I am happy growing up when I did seeing video games growing up with me.
  12. Lol, well I guess they got one thing right for 2015 from the movie. There are a few minor things in the movie that hold true just not the big things we want....where is my power laces and my hoverboard!!
  13. Maybe this is just something here where I live. Several times my friends will come over with their kids. I think ok I'll throw on some games I liked when I was a kid for them to play. I let them watch me for about 2 minutes before they are going crazy really wanting to play. I give them a controller and they just look at me with this, what am I suppose to do with that thing. They get frustrated and give up not because they don't want to play, because they really want to play but just cannot grasp the controller concept. And then they go grab their Ipad....Apple what have you done to the children??? So now they just come over and watch me play, I try to teach them but they just tell me, no I just watch you...I don't want to use that thing (the controller). But the culture here is different, most house holds don't have a console, many don't have a computer, maybe a laptop, but mainly cheap knock-off smart phones and tablets. But this is still a developing country, I have to remember that. I live in a land that most people don't know who Mario is!! Crazy
  14. Oh and this article, HERE, people are thinking too much into things. I'm sorry but do parents now forget that kids 3 - 5 don't think like us, let alone actually really remember more than a few minutes after watching anything. All I can really remember for the most part are the songs and maybe a few funny sketches. Am I alone on this or am I the crazy one?? Mahnamahna!!
  15. I remember the fond memories of watching Sesame Street when I was a kid. “Sesame Street: Old School” is adults-only: “These early ‘Sesame Street’ episodes are intended for grown-ups, and may not suit the needs of today’s preschool child.” When 8 years ago Sesame Street Classic was released in two DVD sets. Awesome right? Well until you see it is rated for Adult viewing only, not suitable for viewing by children...wtf....really? This means the people of my generation who grew-up on the old Sesame Street that now have kids decided that their children will become misinformed, corrupted, and offended by what we watched as kids. This is the example of the world we live in of people getting offended about everything. Because of watching Sesame Street I watched as a kid I was able to enter school almost 2 years before normal because I could count to 100, say my alphabet, knew colors (colours), and shapes. It also taught me to share, be polite, caring of others, and helping people in need. I just can't believe it. I wonder what other programms I watched as a kid they might say I shouldn't have? Reading Rainbow, 321 Contact, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, Square One, and what about Schoolhouse Rock? Absolute.....I can't find words for my utter disappointment and disbelief right now....
  16. bd000 said ... just ... Also, I think you should stop distracting @jason with your videos. You are hindering LB development mate j/k No TV and no beer make Homer something something
  17. Take Pac-man or Ms Pac-man and make it a multi-player online. One player plays as Pac-man controlled as normal. The ghost are controlled by the others, but they can only move like the ghost on the game, no changing direction mid-way between paths. Tah-dah a new Pac-man game, lol. Ok someone take the idea and run,lol.
  18. I never was into Sega when I was growing up. But looking back to the Dreamcast , Sega could have made it if they weren't so crazy with their decisions previous. I would much rather see Sega in the place of Microsoft in the console market. And Nintendo needs to remember us, the ones who grew up with the NES and SNES.
  19. Why not just run it in compatibility mode for the supported windows versoin?
  20. Sorry mate, been meaning to I just have been caught up in other things. I will make more of an attempt to check it out.
  21. I have back in the States still, my original SNES, original Playstation, my best friend's original NES, one of my friend's 5200, 2600, my original PS2 (waiting in line for 2 days for), Game Cube, N64, Sega Genesis, my friend's Saturn and I think that is it, ohh and my original PSP and GBC, GBA, wait I just remembered I have a 3DS here with me. Also have a Red Octane Pro DDR pad for the PS2/PC in storage, it's very heavy and it was expensive, but great for parties. I had a Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii but I bought them and sold them for more than double and waiting in line Friday for the PS3 and Sun for the Wii, fun times urban camping, lol.
  22. Mine was the Mattel Intellivision, well it was my dad's but we played together. It came out when I was very young. My favorite one is tough.... between the SNES and Playstation (one), I think I have to say the SNES. That is what I played the most and have the most fun memories of.
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