I think... I think Jason played right into Shaw's hands. He's pissed off a certain amount of his own userbase, created strife between longtime community members, and has sent to (evidently) 250k people some rather... uncouth dialog on his own part. Dialog which is *not* going to do him favors winning over any new customers from the PC gaming and emulation scene. I care enough about the people here and about LaunchBox that I was coming to fight for it, but I think this e-mail was poor strategy. I also think the response from many in this thread towards those with dissenting opinions is appalling. There's a very clear theme here of "Take Jason's Side or Leave." It's an attitude which I personally feel has been growing on the forums for some months (which is a shame, because it's the attitude taken up by Team-Kodi and similar projects, and not having that attitude is what used to set LB apart from the rest of the pack). You don't have to come right out and say those exact words for the message to get across. And not a single person sending that message is being clever about hiding it, either.
As for Shaw, he's an obvious scumbag... but I have to wonder if he can't "seriously do any major damage" what the point of this essay was.