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Everything posted by newyears1978

  1. Can someone help me using this? When I ran it, it said games folder found..but then didn't do anything - it appears to have just hung up..unless I just have to wait quite awhile for it to finish (seems locked up currently) Edit:/ Well it finally finished and said "eXodoc imported" or whatnot, but there are no games in my list.
  2. I could never get any eXo game to run in Launchbox...
  3. I'd like to do it but I don't know XAML at all. Actually it wouldn't be too hard to just port the graphical part over probably and make it similar..but yeah..I haven't the time to learn due to my new job. My free time is severely limited now I have all the source files if anyone does decide to give it a go
  4. Well, since that's my HyperSpin theme (I mean, I am the creator) I would hope it's doable. I already posted in the BigBox threads that I wanted to port it. But I don't know much about XAML and haven't looked into it yet. Also my free time is completely shot (thus why I never completely finished the hyperspin theme) Someone port my skin, I will give you many hugs.
  5. SentaiBrad said NewYears1978 said Wondering if at some point I can port my HTPC/Kodi style theme that I was making for HyperSpin (you can see it here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13804-aeon-mq6-unified-16x9-wip-branch-of-dark13s-aeon-nox-xiii-htpc-kodi-style/) I hope so as LaunchBox is far more user friendly for the unexperienced user. Since this looks very close to one of the BigBox views as is, then yes. BigBox was made in the same theming engine we are allowing users to use to create their themes. Yah I know it's possible, what I meant by my post is more like inner thinking. Was wondering to myself if it was possible for me to accomplish my theme... If that makes sense lol. It was a crap ton of work and since this themeing engine is new..would have to learn it..looks similar to HTML though ;) (Just in messing with Big Box last night though I am not so sure..I installed the Beta and the Box art's keep disappearing..they work then after using app a few mins they all turn grey (or some of them do)) I love how far Launchbox has come for sure :)
  6. Wondering if at some point I can port my HTPC/Kodi style theme that I was making for HyperSpin (you can see it here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13804-aeon-mq6-unified-16x9-wip-branch-of-dark13s-aeon-nox-xiii-htpc-kodi-style/) I hope so as LaunchBox is far more user friendly for the unexperienced user.
  7. Jason Carr said Hi NewYears, we'll definitely be focusing on different views for Big Box first, but I can see that as a possibility for LaunchBox as well eventually. That probably won't be any time soon, though, admittedly. Any time soon for either mode or just for the standard mode. Maybe not too far off for big box? :)
  8. I've developed skins and Mods for games in the past and I know what you mean about entitlement. I hope *I* didn't come off that way. I supported the project because I wanted to. From my perspective though, it would be quite frustrating if all the features I wanted most get implemented, after my license is already up. I too am a family man, in fact I have three teenage daughters so you want to talk about broke? I own a business that is failing and because I have done it for 25 years since I was in high school, finding another job making enough just to pay bills is impossible. So you want to talk about $20, which to many is not much, to me is actually quite a big deal. So when you then talk about another $50 down the road, to get the updates that I look forward to (assuming they are implemented of course, like customization for Big Box for instance) then it becomes a bigger deal, which has nothing to do with entitlement at all :( I of course support the project and the ease of use LaunchBox has compared to any other launcher is mind blowing. As you mention Jason spends a ton of time on it and deserves compensation. I don't know if any other launcher like RetroRE, Hyperspin, GameEx or any of those charged any fees ever...not to my knowledge but they probably should due to the shear magnitude or work that goes into them. So yeah, my comments may have been judged incorrectly..if so I apologize..but often you have to take a step back and view things from both sides ya know? My point about not buying if I had known about the 1 year updates, is that I would rather have waited til the features I wanted were implemented and THEN paid for it, rather than have to pay multiple times money I don't have. Here's to a bright future for LaunchBox I hope it booms and grows and becomes one of the best launchers.
  9. DOS76 said Awesome review even though some of his facts are a little off like the license isn't forever anymore and I believe that your artwork and videos do need to be named exactly according to the title that LaunchBox is using in order to be recognized. Wait what, the license isn't forever? Oh I see now it is only good for 1 year of updates. What about premium does that also expire after a year? I didn't know that or I likely wouldn't have purchased to be honest.
  10. Not sure if any of you follow Simply Austin on Youtube, he is a big skinner and user of Hyperspin, RetroFE, etc. He just posted a video about LB and he loved it ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu7ODdyfEAc
  11. Yes you had told me about beta :) Thanks for double checking. Great update can't wait to get off work and check it out.
  12. I hae been into emulation for quite some time, and I used to have a really nice HTPC setup with XBMC with Rom Collection Browser built in and it was legit. The greatest thing about XBMC/Kodi (and other launchers) are the different view modes where you can display different art types on your list and layouts, and video snap. The issue with Kodi and most launchers are that the setup is so difficult, confusing, however Launchbox setup is 100% easy. So TL:DR - Are there any plans for different view modes. I really want to stick with LaunchBox (or maybe launch LB from Kodi instead of using in Kodi launchers) but also would like new looks. Maybe with Big Box that is your future intention..but I am referring to regular mode (non Big Box) as well. I can come up with some concept screenshots to showcase what I am talking about. Or you may have no plans to add anything of this sort at all. It's hard to get a specific look with anything unless you use a highly skinnable app like RetroFE or Kodi where things are completely skinnable..but LB is just so elegant and easy to setup using anything else after LB is a nightmare haha! I guess my previous question about 100% accurate image dimensions for art also comes into play here, because without that some view modes might look weird. I love the default clean LB but would like to be able to customize it to some extent besides colors =D But even if not possible/never gonna happen, I still love LB :)
  13. Jason Carr said Ah, interesting, good to know. I've seen No-Intro around of course but I had no idea that it was any kind of standard. I'm not sure if it would be a perfect fit, but we'll have to have a discussion on it to see if and how we should change things to match. I am no expert but I think everyone uses the No-Intro naming standard. =D
  14. Jason Carr said Hi @newyears1978, feel free to add this to the issues list and vote it up. I don't think it's there yet, but it might be. @Jason Carr Done thanks :) https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/273/remove-or-customize-shadow-behind-game
  15. You can disable the border in the options. I am not at home right now but I know I disabled it myself last night. Not sure if you can in free version I would have to be home to know for sure :)
  16. Mines same as my forum name, anyone feel free to add me :) I added all people posted except these three below wouldn't come up with search. _neon32 Deathbringer122 Vini_256
  17. I will try to find the time to check it out. Many years ago I was working on a RPG Maker game, had full custom drawn maps and sprites and huge story I had written..but it proved too much to do for one person and I never completed it. Wish I still had the files I had done some epic work on the movies and intro etc. Question: What are the scaling limitations? I seem to only have two options small window or almost full screen. Also at the start some of your images were cut off, the credit images where you credited people a) looked weird (might be a limitation of RPG maker image type) and they were off tot he right and cut off) The next thing I noticed, and you may have intended to fix this later and this is mostly a personal preference thing, but the collision with terrain is wonky. This is due to the nature of tiled map building, however when I made my RPG I used map collision files to set specific collision. FOr instance the cars you can only get within a tile away from them and it looks/feels weird (to me) also you can't walk over the manhole. These are minor but I just know from using RPG Maker before that it is fixable with custom map collision files (It was basically a black and white file where white was walkable and black was not..or something like that..it's been 10+ years since I worked with it ) Will keep going and see if I see anything else :) Well, just when I thought I was going to enter Innocent Sin Online...sheesh. lol I like the story so far, which is the most important part..but also the battle system, which isn't shown here so hopefully it's cool :)
  18. Cool present. That beats what I got which is SD2SNES, but I was happy with that. Never been big on presents as long as the kids and wife are happy. Stinks about the hard drive, but glad you got it recovered.
  19. mbushnaq00 said bd000 said I don't think you can remove the shadow, but you can remove the title completely. Go to: Options > Theme > Spacing > Game Text Lines To Show and set it to 0 (zero) This will remove the title. Welcome to the forum btw Thanks alot! Now the interface looks much more cleaner :) I wish there were some animations though Came here to post about the shadows as well. I know they help to see on certain backgrounds but since there is no customization of the shadow it can often look bad. =D I may just hide titles as well!
  20. Jason Carr said Hey guys, I can see the desire to keep your data in a different spot, but from the beginning I've tried to keep LaunchBox portable, which encourages everything to be all in one spot. When you start talking about different drives, that's when the portability starts to break. So the option is there, but honestly I don't really want to encourage users putting things outside the LaunchBox folder, just because it's the cleanest way to use it just to keep everything in there, and move LaunchBox itself if you need to. It doesn't make sense to put LaunchBox with your other apps anyways, because it's portable so it doesn't really even work to put it in Program Files. So unfortunately, that's not likely a feature that will be coming any time soon, just because I'd rather lean towards portability and everything being in one spot. @newyears1978, what is the "conventional naming of the images" that you're referring to? So far I haven't found any kind of a standard, it seems like it's just one big mess and no one can agree on any standards. @jason carr, Yeah the file directory thing is not a huge deal, I just thought I might mention things as they came up..but then realized I might be posting way to many..like..needing my own whole thread of stuff haha. The conventional naming I thought was pretty standard and I ran across it when I got into emulation and Hyperspin and found out about emumovies.com (which your app uses) If you download things from emumovies manually, which I do because it's easier (it can file match your files and not download stuff you don't have) they come in No-Intro naming format which is used across many sites. When you download them they are in this naming format and easy to manually move them into your Launchbox folders without having to change anything. It was still not too bad I had to remove the ending (USA), (Japan) etc from all my files so that they were left with just the game but having the conventional (or what I call conventional) naming would remove that need. Most of the people in the emu scene probably know about that naming standard and probably a lot more than me..I am still a newb ;) See here: http://www.no-intro.org/ Click DAT O MATIC on the right for the list that shows all the names of files that is used for No-Intro and by emumovies. (It's not a download even though it's under downloads. Also No-Intro, just for reference is just a name that stuck long ago but what they actually are, are ROM sets that don't have like 500 duplicates. They contain typically One release of a game (sometimes revisions Rev A, Rev B) for each region and that's it. Thus you don't have 15 of one game (different dumps) in your collection.
  21. Jason Carr said Hi @newyears1978, that is a new request that I've never heard before, actually. ;) Typically the box art you download for each game is a different size, so that's a pretty rare scenario where you could view all boxes at the original size. I see what you mean, though. Unfortunately it's probably not going to happen any time soon just because it's not a common request. It's not a huge problem I guess, but my OCD will drive me nuts ;)
  22. Since I am new to this app I feel like I am going to riddle this place with posts. I've noticed because of the "zoom" feature that art is never it's original size (front box art that is) therefore it's blurry. I use CART images for NES and they look bad no matter the zoom because even if you get it "close" it's not the actual image size..so the sharpness is lost. Not sure if there is a way to set 100% zoom so that it stays the actual image size with no scaling?
  23. johnmalloc said Yeah, my bad I didn't understand what you were asking for. I agree with you though, that feature would be very nice. It's all good :) I also wish for conventional naming of the images like all the other programs use...it's causing me issues when using my own files :\ About your edit, yeah it doesn't make sense to most, however like I said I typically put my apps on my main OS/App drive and all data on other drives. It's not a huge deal here I can just move the whole install, but I need to get a new drive first..mine are getting full.
  24. johnmalloc said Hey newyears1978. From what I can tell, Launchbox is completely modifiable, in a sense that you can simply change the folder you "installed". I know because I did it before, in your case I believe you can just drag Launchbox to the other drive with all your images files within. Just copy your folder and test it for yourself, I'm pretty sure it will work. Maybe for some reason you will need to add your games again, but the images will already be downloaded. Yeah I mentioned that in my post that there was as specific reason I didn't want to move the whole install. I will do that temporarily but the option to store stuff in a seperate location would still be nice. I typically install software on SSD drives and store data (like images and media, or music or other downloads) on my storage drives. Like for instance windows is on my OS SSD but I moved all my libraries to another drive (Pictures, Music, Documents)
  25. Not sure if this is already possible, or already requested, but: When I installed LaunchBox it went to a default location (which I thought was odd anyways, in Users folder), and now I am downloading art, music, movies and my main OS drive is rather small. I store all my files and game installs on other drives. Therefore I want to change the directories but I would have to manually change each folder (all 5-10 folders) for each system. Possible to add a "Root" option or something? So say I am installed at c:\Launchbox and right now NES images are set to C:\Launchbox\images\Snes (as example) I could change root data folder to say D:\ and automatically where it looks for images\snes in C: it would now look in D: Man I hope I explained that. I know the easiest would be just to move the entire install to another drive, but I don't want to do that for a particular reason (though for now I may do this) Thanks =D Edit: Alternatively an additional option when importing games to set a custom Data directory (which would house the art/music/etc) would work.
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