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Posts posted by CriticalCid

  1. Tools -> Manage Platforms –> choose a platform and click on edit -> Folders But unfortunately uses RocketLauncher a different folder structure than LaunchBox, so I can’t say if LB will find all or even any manuals in an RL folder.
  2. I don’t know if I understand your question correctly. I have my own folder structure so I don’t use the „roms“ folder within the MAMEUIFX installation. So for me it’s always the same folder in which I keep my MAME ROMs and I just point every new version of MAMUIFX to that folder. If you keep your ROMs within the MAEMUIFX folder than you can simply just move that folder into the new MAMUIFX installation. It shouldn’t matter if you do this before or after the update. Rebuilding the whole set into a new folder every time would just be an unnecessary waste of time in my opinion.
  3. So today SimplyAustin started an emulation news videoseries on his channel and features LaunchBox 6.0 as a big headline in the first video :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61HptozkioY
  4. Here you go: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchbox-beta-testing/page-89#p18362 https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchbox-beta-testing/page-90#p18365 https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchbox-beta-testing/page-91#p18489
  5. I just thought of something that will probably improve the looks of the metadata in BigBox. If you look at that picture of Kodi you see that the names of the metadata categories like Year, Genre, etc is colored to separate them from the actual info of the film. I think that this will definitely look really good in BigBox as well. You even could make the color customizable for the users so that we would have something like a rudimentary color scheme in BigBox. Unfortunately is every bug I found and reported in this thread in the last 2 or 3 days still there. I hope you don’t have forgotten them because ReleaseCandidate sounds so final for me. But nonetheless like always thank you for all the work you put in LaunchBox :)
  6. The whole set is preconfigured for every game and uses various DOSbox versions to run the games. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Here you have a high quality logo and wallpaper(which I use as fanart in BigBox) I found. http://img.clubic.com/07994124-photo-windows-3-x.jpg and http://wallpaperstock.net/microsoft-windows-version-3.1_wallpapers_38698_1920x1080_1.html Also the "cover" of the Win3xO collection: https://i.imgur.com/NjbBdLn.jpg
  7. I see that you have dropped the game notes in the CoverFlow + Details view for the logo and I can’t say that I like that idea. Would it be possible to add an option in which I can choose if I would rather have the Clear Logo or the notes? If I have to choose between the two I would definitely prefer the notes over the logo. The fade to black effect for the backgrounds in the details + CoverFlow view is really nice. Any chance we will see that for the normal CoverFlow view before 6.0 comes out? I also noticed that I can change the view only one time when I’m in a filter which isn’t platforms. After that the change button stops working in all filters except for platforms.
  8. Just found a strange bug in the new Wheel/Clear Logo view. Sometimes when I jump between the letters with the alpha-numeric navigation some logos are falling up or down on the left side of the screen. I recorded a video of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBVEn4k1FsY
  9. Firstly big thanks for the platform background support for the games. It really looks much better now when I go through my games in BigBox :) It seems that the VLC engine doesn’t like playlists. I have some .m3u playlists which contain the EmuMovies gameplay video and some old TV commercials and they work totally fine with the WMP engine, but with VLC I only get an empty space where the video should be. The problem is in LaunchBox and BigBox. vlclaunchbox.jpg vlcplaylist.jpg Also when I have selected a game with a playlist in LaunchBox (with activated VLC engine) and switch to BigBox I get this error message. With WMP that error doesn't show up either. error.jpg
  10. Nice, the CoverFlow + details view is the view I'm most anticipated for! I love that kind of view since I discovered it through Kodi years ago. :) I would like to take the chance to address the backgrounds a bit, because as I said I really want that view but I also like the fanarts and it would be a bummer for me if it wouldn’t support that like the current CoverFlow view. 1. I know that you tried the backgrounds for CoverFlow in a Live Developer Session and it looked horrible with the cover reflections. A solution for this would be to fade the bottom of the background to black. Here’s a picture of Kodi using that method: 2. Also something what bugs me since a long time is that currently games without their own fanart just have a lame plain black background. It would be awesome if you could add the option that a game would just use the same backgrounds as the platform it's assigned to if it doesn’t have its own fanart, instead of simply just being black. I think that would improve the look and feel of BigBox a lot.
  11. There are actually 2 different banners and logos for the TurboGrafx-CD already existing: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/the-image-thread-platform-images-clearlogos-box-templates-and-more/page-5#p13213 and https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/new-launchbox-platform-image-collection-thread/page-6#p8984 Maybe the official platform images should be updated with the missing ones? @SentaiBrad
  12. As far as I know do the the update packs only contain new dumped ROMs files. But a new MAME update doesn’t only add a few more files. Things get renamed, reorganized, etc. all the time.
  13. SentaiBrad said Merged means that as many games as possible are merged as to not break the game functionality, split leaves no games combined. Merged is a little smaller but is a lot harder to upgrade, you need software like CLRMAMEPro to update properly. A split pack isn't exactly like a regular normal pack (or maybe it is @CriticalCid can correct me), but it can be upgraded a lot easier and it doesn't house everything still. With a Split pack, if you download an Update pack it should just work to drop the update in to the split pack directory and it should work.
    From my CLRmamepro tutorial: Non-Merged: Each set has ALL files it needs. This is normally a waste of disk space because even clone sets have the parentsets included. Split: Parent sets only have the parent files and a clone sets consists of the clone files only. Merged Sets: Full merged sets are parentsets only, which also include all clone files. So you will have every version of the game in just one file. For the most compatibility with FrontEnds I highly suggest Split Sets. But I honestly don't know how LaunchBox exactly imports MAME games so a Merged Set could work as well but I didn‘t test it. And just drag and drop isn’t a proper way for updating a MAME set. Nonetheless if it is a split or merged set. Sure you will definitely break way more less if you do this on a split set rather on a merged one but you should always update only with tools like CLRmamepro.
    SentaiBrad said I just read your PM back, in terms of Software vs Roms, Roms I know to be the games. Software I am unsure exactly all that it entails, but it doesn't have everything properly if it even has games at all. Again, maybe @CriticalCid can provide more concrete descriptions and correct me.
    A MAME ROM Set only includes all the arcade games for MAME. Software Lists are containing the games for all other systems like consoles and handhelds which can be emulated through MAME since they've merged with MESS.
  14. Like Brad said they have their own update packs and you can update the ROMs without the updated CHDs or a complete CHD set. For the latter be aware that the scanner will of course tell you that you’re missing some CHDs and sets. I also cover CHDs on Step 34. If you want to update the CHDs you can just move all the CHDs from your CHD update packs after you already scanned and rebuild your entire romset. That's because the rebuilder of CLRmame doesn’t copy any new CHDs into your romfolder. Only the scanner renames/removes old ones (if you have CHDs checked in the options). I would suggest you to do that in order of the versions. So first copy/move the updated CHDs for 0.162, than the ones from 0.163 etc. If it asks you at any point if you want to overwrite old files I would suggest you to decline that and do another scan so CLRmame can fix the CHD names from the older update packs. After that you just move the remaining CHDs from the update pack which wanted to overwrite old CHD files and than simply continue with the other update packs. If you've finished updating the CHDs I would suggest to do one last final scan. Btw. thanks for pointing that out. I guess I will add these information’s to the tutorial as well any time soon. EDIT: Just updated Step 12, 34 and 36 with some new information's :)
  15. I can’t believe how fast your little MAME import alternative for LaunchBox has grown to such a huge monster and maybe the ultimate tool for importing MAME games for every mentionable frontend out there. Kudos to you! Can’t wait to test it in all its glory when it’s finished.
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