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Rincewind last won the day on March 6

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  1. Yes I very much doubt it's your hardware, more like a bug in the updated version of VLC
  2. Yes that explains a lot as the VLC was updated recently. Glad you have a work around now.
  3. Have you tried changing the video player in the BB options just to see if there is a difference as this could well be a issue with either VLC or WMP
  4. I'm unsure sorry, but I do know that a hidden item will still take the room as if is was there so maybe it is still loaded in the background, so a collapsed item you would think is not loaded. As for performance I find keeping animations to a minimum helps also on some images that don't need to be high quality then have them load at performance instead.
  5. There is no need for a fix really, all you need to do is add a text element for the game / platform name and then condition it to collapsed unless the clearlogo is not there. There are some examples in CTC theme project files.
  6. I've not had a chance to play around too much with the 'Game Discovery Centre' (theme wise) but what I have seen, and the feelings I had were more being able to access the 'Platforms' the 'Platform Catagories' and the 'Playlists' from within the game discovery centre view all as separate wheels. Making it more of a mix between a 'Home Screen' and a 'Game Discovery' view.
  7. The fact you say you found a nice package of Launchbox on the Internet is worrying.
  8. Version 1.0


    I've been playing around with the new animated wheels in the CTC and came up with this as a concept. Any problems with it please let me know and all feedback is welcome. INSTALLATION Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\ _______________________________________ Thanks as always to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox.
  9. XamimeD View File I've been playing around with the new animated wheels in the CTC and came up with this as a concept. Any problems with it please let me know and all feedback is welcome. INSTALLATION Download the zip file and unblock it (right click the zip file, goto "Properties" then at the bottom put a tick in the "Unblock" box, hit ok when done) then extract the folder to --\Launchbox\Themes\ _______________________________________ Thanks as always to @y2guru for his amazing COMMUNITY Theme Creator for BigBox. Submitter Rincewind Submitted 10/22/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  10. Just seen this and thought it might be of some interest to the community. Looks like it could be a good watch if it gets the backing. Ctrl AI Delete, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ctrlaidelete/ctrl-ai-delete?ref=android_project_share
  11. Wow I could of sworn we used to get them, so much so I would of put money on it 😄
  12. Is it me or is this just how it is now. I have multiple installs on various machines and have noticed that the platform device images are not being downloaded when importing new platforms. At first I thought it was just the fact I hadn't done a fresh LB install for..... years, So I decided I would literally start from a complete fresh install. but after putting a couple of platforms into LB I found the device images are still not downloading. @faeran @C-Beats or anyone else, Is this the default now as it seems you only get a Clearlogo and a Banner image?
  13. v4.8 can now be updated with in the LB theme manager.
  14. @Retroid84 I have uploaded a new version which is waiting for approval. Here are the changes.... *Added - The Game Title to the Game Details panel on the righthand side. *Changed - Fixed an issue I found where the Fanart / Clearlogo area didn't collapse if there were no images. *Changed - The Platform Title text to bold. I have looked at displaying the full Game Titles below the Game Image but the results were not great so that's why I settled with the full name on the right. @C-Beats I took a look at the Old Default and I still ended up with different height boxes.
  15. @Retroid84 So I have taken a look and the issue is that when a name stretches over to a new line the whole box becomes taller compared to the single line ones. See the screenshots below... This is how it would look (screenshot taken from old default theme). And this is how it currently looks. Personally I prefer how it is over reading the whole name but depending on the consensus I'm willing to change it.
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