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viking last won the day on January 4 2024

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  1. Strange @Jameslit281. I'll check it out sometime. Here are the videos. Created by @CMOSS : Colorful 4K - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - (1.0) by CMOSS.zip Colorful HD - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - (1.0) by CMOSS.zip
  2. Very very cool!!! Thanks for the work! Just 2 comments: mac: Maybe take the latest one. With a background matched to the hardware color. Your visual will age better I think! PNG: can you remove the white halo from the backgroud on PNGs? The whole series is really transparent. It's going to mismatch with the rest of the series.
  3. There's already a video for the ZX. Can't you find it? Colorful 4K - Sinclair ZX Spectrum - (1.0) by CMOSS
  4. It's great! I have no problem with your background color. I'm doing my best to find the time to integrate them into the set.
  5. @faeran do you have any more recent sources to share? thx!! Sorry for my silence lately. A lot of work IRL since Christmas + the kids + renovations in my house. Don't expect any update very soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. But I haven't given up! I still have the theme v3 in mind. And once it's developed, I'll go back to creating platform videos. Thanks for your support and patience! <3
  6. You're in luck because I don't have many sources left for my Nostalgia set =D here's all I've got: MS Dos.psd
  7. Well, no. I'm no longer the one developing the theme. All the code is done by @faeran. I'm only in charge of design and graphic assets. You'll have to check with him.
  8. We do our best! Since the start of the year, I've had a lot of work IRL, and I'm not managing to make progress on the new theme as quickly as I'd like. That said, if you want to make a fork, no problem.
  9. Yes, you're right. Especially as the video player's interpretation of colors can change. The next major theme update will be a total revamp. There will be no more color overlays betwin image and video. So, hue variation will no longer be a major problem. Color management will also be much simpler. If everything works as we want it to, it will be a simple text edit file.
  10. OK, thank you for your patience! Here's a little update : Mugen Mugen by @Brohnson OpenBOR
  11. Faeran and I are working on v3, which will be a total overhaul. Please be patient, we're doing the best we can! =)
  12. Yes, In next major update. We do our best. Next version will be a complete overhaul! Thks for your patience! =)
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