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Everything posted by ThePolish

  1. I'm going to have to play around with this. I know the mame part of this was the most frustrating and I needed to use the specific version in the first post to get it to work myself. I'm not sure if subsequent releases worked. It isn't ideal but try changing the pointer from mouse to joystick (right or left) in touchmote and see if the cursor then works?
  2. I haven't ran into that. Do you mean when tochmote is set for pointer to emulate mouse it doesn't move? You should only need to pair once, then set the dolphin bar to 4 on the bar. After that you can configure touchmote to have cursor = mouse pointer.
  3. I've recently become interested in visual pinball. I'm curious about people's experiences with it. Has anyone built a cabinet? Has anyone tried launch box with it? Has anyone played that darn Red Dwarf Ultimate pinball table that has disappeared from the internet?
  4. I have no idea how to compile, is there a binary of the new fork compiled for download?
  5. Haha, they were used at a local Ohio Gamestop store. They're not nice and heavy like an arcade lightgun, but feel almost balanced with the wiimote inserted. Could probably be better if I put a small weight on the bottom of the mag well .
  6. I didn't realize the dolphin bar got preference, I may have to physically do the same thing if a software solution isn't available. Biggest headache for me is having to remap mame or heaven forbid supermodel after a pc reset.
  7. I just picked up 2 nyko perfect shots at game stop for 5 a piece, spray painted them black and they've worked great since.
  8. I'm just speaking of the normal updates from the LB youtube page
  9. I would highly HIGHLY suggest getting true windows 98 hardware (p2 or piii with board and assorted hardware) rather than any VM environment. It is darn near impossible to get windows 98 working on any modern hardware and any VM that will run 98 uses pretty poor graphics card emulation which would take away from the elements LB can showcase including videos.
  10. I'm beyond excited to see this thread picked back up a little bit. I haven't been around in a bit - but following on youtube with Wood's videos. I'm going to try option 2, X and Y if its possible, area 51 is what I play alot of and have issues with. A calibration tool would be great. The biggest issue for me (well one of the 2) is the player 2.. Mouse is nice and quick, the X,Y joystick for player 2 lags a bit always. That's where I wish it could be calibrated. (The other issue I have with this setup is there isn't a way for my 2 wiimote light guns with dolphin bar, dualshock using scp driver, xbox 360 controller any anything thing else to play nice together with teh way xinput works - you have to literally reconnect everything after a reset and play with device manager to use the 4 slots)
  11. I personally wish touchmote would be picked up and expanded on since I believe it is opensourced so the backend could be integrated into other projects, and used cross platform but for right now it's windows only =(
  12. @Jason CarrAlso - another little quirk - in big box In games view after going into a platform- when I cycle through images manually (my windows platform only has 2 images per game- box art/clear logo) It seems to cycle though all the "blank" spots. When the logo is up, next press cycles to box, then to get back to logo - and a total of 7 presses to get back to the clear logo. In contrast on n64 which has 5 images (cart, box, 3d box, 3d cart box, box back) it still takes me 7 presses to get back to clear logo but it is much less noticeable since you're seeing a visual cue on button press. If there was a way to only cycle though filled image slots it would seem to run more seamlessly on manual presses. If you end up implementing the automation to cycle images on games view, I think this will become more pronounced due to the long wait between image 1, 2, blank blank, blank blank, blank, image 1 vs say a game that has all 7 images or even 5/7 attached to the game.
  13. @Jason Carr this still exists - but I realized its not a bug, it's a feature! When after selecting one of these and backing out in order to get back to "normal" you have to select "view all platforms" again, simply backing out takes you to an endless loop of what you selected. This is the same for anything like ratings or view genres. I was under the impression that if you selected something - you viewed your library filtered, and backing out would take you back to "normal" - To me it seems strange you're setting an option that sticks out of the menu rather than selecting a category of games to quickly view, and backing out normally would take you back to "normal platform view" - if that makes sense.
  14. I would suggest going into the bitbucket.org and suggesting the feature or voting for the feature request that's already there (I'm sure there is one). I think that's how that works anyway to show more interest.
  15. I don't believe so. I try and follow the beta testing thread and haven't seen it yet. Recently has been a lot of bug fixes, so now I believe Jason will start on more features, it'll be interesting to see where this falls on his list to implement.
  16. Never ending thread! This one's open until Jason manages to complete every request in these 66 pages followed by Big Box becoming self aware and closing the thread itself. (that is not a dig, it's just highlighting how much stuff was brought up, it's been a wild ride)
  17. If you're on Android, hold in and "select all" where you type your text then hit cut and it'll clear that quote part. Also, just backup your LB directory to another folder, and install the old version over the beta, that's what I did and works. But in case something breaks you have your backup to move back into place.
  18. I was going to say you can always install the release version if the beta is an issue. I've had to do that before.
  19. This could be a separate thread all of its own haha. I imagine a lot of system specs too, I just upgraded to ssd and new i5 as well. Maybe someone can start a benchmark thread!
  20. 2689 over 17 platforms.
  21. My fitbit has a stopwatch..... Launch seconds from open click on desktop. BETA 21 LB/BB 4.8/7.2 Beta 22 LB/BB 4.2/5.8 Thanks @Jason Carr
  22. Haha! I'm wondering how long his "short list" is for features and bug fixes! That bit bucket is more like a bit 55 gallon drum than bucket at this point Can't wait to see what he fits in next, I know I have some requests that I hope get implemented one day, but every time I think about it he adds 3 new things I didn't know I needed that make me forget! Super stoked for 7.0 @Jason Carr!
  23. Great! Hope it helps people. Supermodel works using this too but is a pain and I still don't fully understand how I got it set up. The whole binding keys there is like pulling teeth.
  24. I wanted to share this - after research I've managed to get full light guns working with light gun games in Mame. I've done this on windows 7 and now 8.1. I can't confirm it'll work on 10 (edit, it works on Windows 10. Also see bottom of this post for a link to a later post with info on later version of MAME) ***The below isn't depreciated per say but the very bottom has edits that are of note. I suggest you read and understand this original post, then read though the whole thread or at least THIS and then the linked post at the bottom forward. There has been forked a better version of touchmote for this purpose thanks to @Tomkun and this whole project now DOES work with mame 234 now, no need for an outdated version OR mame uifx - I don't want to remove anything from this first post though because it gives the groundwork for what has become a pretty cool project*** Requirements: Mayflash Dolphin Bar Wiimote(s) Tochmote Software (GIT Here) Mame UIFX Mame (not working with .180, but tested w/.174 and .175 dinput builds) It is a little tricky to get set up but I've been using it for awhile and I wanted to throw down a quick walk through of my settings and how I got it set up. Download required software and install. Keep dolphinbar on position 4 - this makes everything nice when you go to use other emulators - no change required . TURN YOUR CONTROLLERS ON IN THE WAY YOU WANT THEM ON WHENEVER YOU WILL BE PLAYING I cant stress this enough due to the way xnput handles slots. If you navigate lb/bb with xbox 360 controller then switch to this setup - you'll want your remotes in 2/3 slot. Otherwise you'll be resetting bindings all day everyday. I personally set mine to 1 and 2 and turn off my xbox controller when I'm going to play light gun games and nav with the keyboard. - one though - is if you want to nav with wiimote - think about setting arrow keys in the touchmote setup as well as one of your buttons for "enter" and another for escape. Touchmote Setup In Touchmote - pair your wii controller and set your motes up with Layouts- . Go to settings then controller config - and hit the plus. I have named mine Mame Light Gun 1 and Mame Light Gun 2. I would delete all but the default profile and just keep the 3 in the list of configs (more on why later). To set up profiles it is pretty easy - on the right side there is a list of outputs which you can filter by device. You can safely leave it in all, and just scroll the list. Remember when setting these - Green boxes are xinput controls, Yellow boxes are keyboard keys, Red are mouse controls. If you set set escape to a button, make sure to set it to one you will not be using in game obviously) Set up profiles like this - For Mame 1 you're going to want to set your pointer to "mouse cursor". You'll also need to set plus, minus a, b 1 and 2 to whatever keyboard keys or xinput buttons you want. Number pad works pretty well. For Mame 2 set your pointer to "left" or "right" stick under xbox 360 (green box) This will give your cause the left stick to function similar to a mouse for aiming your light gun. You'll cycle through these profiles after opening touchmote. When you're ready to play a game, open touchmote, hold "home" on the controller and use up or down dpad then a to select layout. You'll set 1 for P1 and 2 for P2. Mame Basic Setup Extract into your mame directory (you may want to make a new one just for these games and direct RL to use this emulator since you'll be messing with settings) the version of non uifx mame you want to use (I use .174 mame.) Extract over top of that the mame uifx (I use .175) Open Mameuifx64.exe - and find your light gun game, right click and edit properties (alt+g when selected). Under Controller - tick enable mouse, enable joystick, enable light gun, enable off screen reload. You'll also want to move your sliders for deadzone and saturation - this effects player 2's pointer set to a stick). mine are set to .06 deadzone and 0.50 saturation. Under Controller Mapping I set paddle, dial, adstick, trackball, pedal and positional to keyboard, mouse to mouse and lightgun to lightgun. Hit okay to close and save all changes. You can also set properties for these under "properties for XXXXcabinet the one if you right click on the game under the alt+g set properties" but do not do this unless you find yourself needing to trouble shoot that cabinet. I know it is not necessary for jaguar.cpp) Setting Controls Open Touchmote and pair controllers. Hold home on each wiimote and select "mame light gun 1" and "mame light gun 2" on your two remotes. Remember I usually set light 1 to 1 and light 2 to 2 to remember player 1 and 2. This is why you wanted to clear out layouts earlier - makes quick setting when you go to play. Open your game up in mame64uifx - hit tab, and hit input for this machine with your keyboard. You'll hit enter to set each control. So for example, set coin 1 to minus by hitting enter - then minus - you'll see the key/button you set in touchmote pop up. If you don't - check the toubleshooting section for ideas. Do this for trigger (sometimes called button 1), start, coins, any anything else how you want your settings done. For your light gun pointer - crosshairs on will probably help (I leave mine on all the time anyway since I'm not worried about competitive playing). To set crosshairs - hit enter on X analogue and Y analogue and move your wiimote swiftly in the X and Y directions (for Y point wiimote up/down, X side to side after hitting enter). Back out of menu and test by inserting coin and hitting start - you should be able to play in mameuifx at this point after calibration of the machine. Setting Up Mame/LB Add your light gun emulator mame64.exe (if you made a new one) to your usable emulators, import your light gun games to launch box. Set use emulator pointing to the new mame64.exe with launchbox for these games. With luck - the config files in that folder will already be set and you're good to go. To play - open Touchmote and set controller and select your game! First Play You'll need to calibrate your gun - this is a little trial and error. TAB and set dip switch to service mode (depends on game) Navigate to gun calibration (most games have you use a combination of p1 and p2 start and triggers) you may need to use your actual mouse first time around to select calibration on the screen) Follow on screen prompts (shoot at dots). Have Fun! - You should now have 2 player light guns working with mame using 2 wiimotes and a dolphinbar! Troubleshooting On first run - if your guns don't work opening from launchbox - try setting them inside mame opened from launchbox following the steps 4-8 under setting controls - this is hit or miss on the x and y axis', I've only ever been able to set the mouse pointer axis to set under mameuifx64. Make sure in the "gamename.ini" file there are 1s next to the control settings you set under mame basic setup above. 1 is a ticked box 0 is unticked in the ini files) - its an ugly way to do it but it works. If you can't set controls for x and y axis' - you might have to run though mameuifx again - sometimes the game.ini and game.cfg files won't stick - haven't figured out why yet. Check these files in your mame directory with notepad++ to see if configurations have changed. Again - the mouse on controller 1 is usually the one that gives issues. Also try opening mame64.exe directly and setting things if the above doesn't work (rather than opening though launchbox - this will give you the ability to use your esc key if you didn't bind one. If you can get stick working but not mouse (e.g. gun 1 doesn't work but 2 does) - it is a mame issue - check to make sure lightgun is set as lightgun in game ini or mameuifx. Try resetting your PC, reconnect controllers and play around - it does work but takes some fussing at times. Known Issues: Stick sensitivity for gun 2 leaves room to be desired- but Touchmote seems like a dead project at this point so I doubt they'll add an adjustment feature. To shoot off screen to reload - you may need to hit the edge of your screen (if crosshairs are on it becomes apparent what I mean) and mash fire. You get use to it after a little play and it's not that big of a deal. You may get it working and it just STOPS one day. Most likely its due to xinput slot changes. Rebind controls and move on. It sucks - but its part of life until someone can figure out how to assign device id to slot and prevent the system level changes. While this isn't an "aimtrack" setup - its cheap, dirty, and fun for the casual. I have my wiimotes in some no name handgun zappers and have also set up Supermodel for JP with this - lots of fun after some frustration. I hope this write-up, if not perfect - will at least get anyone who wants to try in the right dirrection. There wasn't much documentation on how to do this, but trial and error got me to a working setup. I have another thread open for some issues with using multiple controllers like this if anyone has advise on it - with regard to how xinput handles controllers after reset or plugging/unplugging. EDIT July 2021 - see this post for ideas later in the thread for getting this working with later version of mame / specifically 234b EDIT August 2021 - see page 14 for info on getting a much better setup for accuracy when using 2 guns using @Tomkun's build of touchmote - leaving the above up for learning
  25. You can cycle through art in the platform view and if you downloaded arcade cabinet when you downloaded the rest of your art it'll show up.
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