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Everything posted by Scottad

  1. I will miss you Brad. The videos of you guys at Retropalooza helped me see and care about the people behind the program, they are still my favorite videos on the Launchbox channel. I'm already subscribed to your YouTube channel and I'm glad you will continue with Retro Style Spotlight.
  2. Im from England and im a lifetime member of emumovies just use paypal to buy your subscription. I got my membership using a discount code that came with launchbox premium it gets you about 20% off the price.
  3. I noticed in the nintendo pokemon mini section of the database Snorlax's Lunch Time was the only game without box artwork so I have made a box artwork for it. I have submitted this as a fanart - box - front image along with other images for the game.
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  4. Replacing all my videos now great update!
  5. With the new nested filters are we able to sort platforms by the manufacture like Nintendo, Sega, Sony etc or would that be a different feature? I would like to sort my Bigbox like Consoles > Sega > Sega Genesis or Handhelds > Nintendo > Game Boy
  6. I'm not sure if this is just me but when using the combine roms feature Launch Box will pick a beta version of the rom over the full version. For example if i have "GameName (usa)" and "GameName (usa) (beta)" the beta version will be the default rom after import. Would there be a way of having Launch Box pick the beta as the additional app on import?
  7. Scottad


    I add Scummvm games manually by pressing Ctrl + N then fill out the details in the scummvm tab (you may need to uncheck the box in the emulation tab before it will let you use the checkbox in the scummvm tab)
  8. I have done an alternative version where the text is in a single line (I think I prefer this one to the original) I will also make a shorter version of this later on
  9. I have added a shorter version its about 12 seconds long. I will post a video of it on here when Youtube finishes processing the video
  10. Version 1.0.2


    A Startup video inspired by the TV show Stranger Things To use this video rename the file to startup.mp4 and place in your videos folder. You may need to change the minimum startup video duration in Options > General (18 seconds works well for me but could be slightly different on your system) Shorter Version Alternative Version
  11. Stranger Things Big Box Startup Video View File A Startup video inspired by the TV show Stranger Things To use this video rename the file to startup.mp4 and place in your videos folder. You may need to change the minimum startup video duration in Options > General (18 seconds works well for me but could be slightly different on your system) Shorter Version Alternative Version Submitter Scottad Submitted 01/30/2017 Category Big Box Startup Videos
  12. I think they all look great. Thanks for the MSX2 and PSP Minis
  13. I made myself a logo for "media" just thought I would post it here.
  14. ok thanks
  15. I called it retrostate. I haven't got any experience with video making so I wasn't planning to make one. I have just posted the images in the downloads section I can take the file down if you would prefer it be submitted as a part of your skinpack
  16. Retrostate Skin - A skin for Futurestate theme View File Retrostate Skin - A skin for Futurestate Theme by @Hexxxer ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Skin for the excellent theme Futurestate by @Hexxxer. You will need this Bigbox theme for the skin to work. You can get the theme form here To install the skin replace the original Futurestate files in the theme folder at "FutureState\Images\Theme" Submitter Scottad Submitted 12/19/16 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Retrostate Skin - A skin for Futurestate Theme by @Hexxxer ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Skin for the excellent theme Futurestate by @Hexxxer. You will need this Bigbox theme for the skin to work. You can get the theme form here To install the skin replace the original Futurestate files in the theme folder at "FutureState\Images\Theme"
  18. Tested it with your new version (excellent work) it seem to be working well on all the different views.
  19. @Hexxxer I have made a skin for your theme (it's just alternative images) is it ok to put it in the downloads section for other people to use?
  20. Excellent update Viking. Your work inspires me to add platforms to Launchbox that I would have never have done without seeing your videos. If you do another update could I make a request for PSP Mini's and MSX 2 please? Im not sure if this is helpful but I saw this image of a MSX 2 there seems to be many variants of the machine.
  21. Thanks for the quick turnaround on AHK it works just like it did before.
  22. This is just the tool I have been looking for cant wait for its release
  23. I'm looking for a logo for GG Aleste please.
  24. I don't want scan lines on the platform view but how about if you include an alternative view file in the theme folder? So there would be one file without lines and one file with lines people could then just copy/past whichever they prefer.
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