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Everything posted by NJDave71

  1. I had built a custom Controller about 15 years ago using Happ ( Suzo-Happ ) Arcade controls. I primarily play classic arcade games. i had always played music through iTunes, Winamp but was looking for a jukebox interface that work well with a coinbox. I looked at some of the skins and I might have to make my own once everything is working. Once I get this to work Jason will have added the ability to play music through bigbox Jukebox style,
  2. That was good example but like i have said I have 8000 plus that could use a good clean up. just need a good script to clean everything up and Get a Cleaner Structure example: Pink Floyd / Dark Side of the Moon /01 - Speak to Me.mp3 ---> Pink Floyd / Dark Side of the Moon / Speak to Me.mp3
  3. I have the program just need to write the script that renames all folders and files and remove invalid char. help.mp3tag.de/main_scripting.html
  4. I noticed punctuation's in the folder names as well as the MP3 File names. The parser that builds the jukebox.db is crashing when it starts to read them. My Oldest mp3 is about 20 years old so i am sure there have been tagging changes over the years. nonetheless the structure is the sames Artist Folder Album Folder Mp3 file name (track number - Song Name.mp3) I have some other extensions .m4a and AAE depending on who i purchased my Digital audio from if I didn't have the CD, I guess I am going to have to write a script to clean the folders and files up. Need to figure out the MP3Tag scripting.
  5. what is the current recommend naming convention for MP3? I think its the length of some of the Mp3 Files.
  6. My collection is over 8000 songs and 15 years old. What does mp3tag do? Thanks and my collection works under iTunes winamp vlc to name a few
  7. My music is the base folder Artist Album Song.mp3 It's the building of jukebox.db that crashes. It could be parsing error. Make sense
  8. Tried this program and it crashes during Scan updating Database. Anyone have a work around or a solution
  9. Yes I am interested. I am working on using iTunes. But it's too much overhead. Thanks
  10. I Narrowed it down to the new Arcade playlist. Hopping that can be improved since it's a great way diving the games in to sub categories
  11. Intro video loops 1 and half times Search within playlist not working. It taking longer to load bigbox
  12. The arcade playlist are great. I removed the Daphne playlist from the arcade since it was exactly the same as my existing list. Thx.
  13. The new arcade playlist caused the issue. Daphne technically is laser disc arcade games. MAME never emulated this and now that it can today it requires a CHD which I don't have. So I removed Daphne from the playlist folder and retrieved and restore the old Daphne xml from the backup. Also their seemed to be server issues creating the perfect storm Splitting the arcade up was a great feature and worth exploring. Thanks
  14. I had a Daphne platform and a second Daphne platform was created when I created an arcade playlist. I think some logic should be implemented to check if something exists to not overwrite without being prompted
  15. I give up. games are vanishing........ All the Daphne Games have been wiped out and every time i try to re import them i am getting 0 fespite seeing the complete list in the wizard. The play fine directly through daphne. I shouldn't have switched front ends..... Beta 11 is screwing everything up.
  16. Don't see that option in beta 10. As of this morning I did have an option to upgrade to 11
  17. How do you generate list for arcade games.
  18. Jason the latest Beta is not being pushed. Like to break my arcade into playlists.
  19. Still on Beta 10 here. Like to break my Arcade collection into playlist but do see anyway in Beta 10.
  20. something like this
  21. I am looking for great Quality cabinet artwork for my collection. any suggestions?
  22. when it comes to jukebox software it can be complex or simple. i have tried various free and never had any luck either. I would like to somehow import the albums in like ROMS and you view by Artist, Album, Song, Genre, Year You use the search Engine to find your songs. add them to a queue or play them instantaneously. could be standalone or plays in the background of your UI. is this something worth having??
  23. I am looking for a easy solution to create Sub System based on MAME, I am looking to break down into CAVE, SEGA, CAPCOM 1 - 3 etc. Without having to have duplicate ROMS. Thanks
  24. Need a download all for option.....
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