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Everything posted by Vlansix

  1. Forgot to post, fix is uploaded. See description in first post.
  2. Heya @elliot763, Noticed that this has been broken since the XML split. Are you intending on updating it? If not, I'd be interested in porting it over to a C application. Seems like a bit of fun (Kinda stupid, but parsing text is fun o.O), and it should remedy the "i can't get the .jar file to work / execution is taking too long" issues. Lemme know
  3. Hi Paul, The file kills explorer.exe, so it may be falsely recognized as a virus by AV programs. Make sure to disable it or mark the file as safe if you can :).
  4. Yeah. Problem is the fact that Demul keeps changing the name of the window it is using, which makes the program think that the window it is tracking has closed. I'll add a fix tomorrow that addresses that in the normal version. As for background, aye, once I get a bit more feedback i'll turn off the console. Right now though, it's handy to see what it's doing in case there are problems like this one :).
  5. @Maddoc1007 - I think I have the issue pegged. Can you try using the NoQuit version and let me know what happens?
  6. @Maddoc1007 Aye, just looked into it. Seems to be working fine on my end. See, it checks for window names. Demul's window changes its name depending on what you're asking it to do. Make sure to add the correct window title :). for example, I added "Demul" and "gpu" to mine to get it to hide for demul.
  7. @CliveBarker Aye, should be all possible. The only problem is that I won't have access to the actual games database, so I'd have to basically create a temporary changes database offsite so we can look back / read notes / etc, same for a popup IRC client, but it's not much of an issue. I've got a few domains lying around gathering dust and lots of spare bandwith.
  8. @Maddoc1007 - I'm just looking over demul and... well, I understand why you want these options. Basically, there's no means to get demul into fullscreen mode through command line, and no means to close it once it's fullscreen. Rightyo. I'm having a call of cthulhu night tonight, so i won't have it done today, but i'll have it up tomorrow.
  9. Hi all, I've been thinking of making a quick extension to allow us to collaborate more (in real-time) when moderating the games DB. (Think something along the lines of reddit enhancement suite, with access to a shared database and an IRC server.) I'm looking for ideas as to what we would want (within the realm of possibility). (Think of: Mod chat, approval/refusal database accessible to all mods and users who use the extension, guidelines popping up from question mark icons next to fields that can be edited from a central page, notes left by mods on requests, etc) I've spoken with Jason about it and he's okay with the idea, I'm just looking for some inspiration from you guys. So, what do we want?
  10. Hi Maddoc, not sure if I understand correctly. You want a program that would: 1. Cause demul to go fullscreen 2. press alt+F4 once the window is open yes? If that's the case, sure. I've got a few things to do today, but i'll see what I can whip up.
  11. Ah, quick P.S, you need the .NET framework to run this. But, since you're already on the LB forums, I'm guessing that you'll have already installed it for launchbox :).
  12. Hi all, I've seen a few cursor removal tools on the forum. Figured I'd make one open source, and with some extra functionality so as to make my life easier. Long story short, you simply add the window titles you want to hide to config.txt, and it hides your cursor when those windows are present. Contents: LaunchBox Cursor Changer.exe - Add as an additional application through launchbox to hide the cursor for a specific emulator. Will stop itself once the target program has exited. It's got a built-in timer, so even if your emulator takes a while to show up, it won't matter. If you're having issues getting it to target the correct window, you can edit the config.txt on-the-fly, it will recognize the changes. LaunchBox Cursor Changer NoQuit.exe - Run this separate from launchbox so as to constantly hide the cursor for all windows in config.txt, without having to add it as an additional application. Same as above re: config.txt config.txt - Text file containing the window titles for which you want the cursor to be hidden. (Ex: "Retroarch", "Snes9x", etc). It's not case sensitive, and will match substrings, so as long as the main title remains the same, version numbers shouldn't change anything. Normal.cur - Normal cursor icon used to reinstate cursor after hiding is completed. Hidden.cur - Transparent cursor icon the cursor is changed to once the program detects that one of the target windows from config.txt is active. Warning - There is a reason why most programs don't globally hide the cursors, things can go wrong. The program has multiple failsafes built in to reinstate the normal cursor if something goes catastrophically wrong, and it is also the first thing is does on a new run, so, If your mouse cursor disappears, and you didn't want it to, either re-launch the program (it will reinstate the cursor), load a target application and exit it (it will reinstate the cursor) or restart windows. This shouldn't really be a problem, as I don't see how it could happen, but still. I don't want a bunch of people mad at me :P. All in all, this is a beta version, I've played around with it a lot and it works well. I'll remove the console once I've gotten some feedback from people :). P.s. I know my code is all horrific and nausea-inducing. Gives me nightmares as well. UPDATE: - LBCC still checks for window names initially so as to make window matchin easy for end-users, but then grabs PIDs to monitor processes so as to correct for windows that have changing names. What does this mean? Simply, LBCC only needs to grab one of any of the window names that a program uses. @Maddoc1007, this should solve the issue you were having. - LBCC normal version (no the NoQuit version) now has a five second window before closing automatically, instead of automatically ending when it loses sight of a process. Should correct for processes that end and spawn new processes. - Debug console now is minimized at all times, except when encountering an error. One step forward to removing it completely. Should be gone soon, once I'm happy with the results. FAQ: - My cursor disappears even though the program I listed isn't active! What gives? A: LBCC checks window names for any match between the text you entered in the config file and *any* opened window. So, if you have a website with "Snes9x" in the title open somewhere, and "snes9x" is in your config file, it will assume that this may be a new version of snes9x and hide your cursor. Either be more specific in your entries in config.txt, or make sure no windows are open that may screw up the search algorithm :). LaunchBox Cursor Changer.zip Source.zip SourceV2.zip LaunchBox Cursor Changer v2.zip
  13. Update: updated to match FireFox version and made public on the chrome store.
  14. Update: Just got signed by the FF team, so all is good. Updated the version to remove some extraneous code and debug lines.
  15. Heya Ark, If you're having issues with mednafen under retroarch, what I've found is as follows- 1) Mednafen requires that BIOS files match specific checksums and case-sensitive filenames 2) mednafen only supports uncompressed games or PGP-compression. If you open retroarch, download the latest mednafen-balanced core under the "online updater" feature and make sure that LaunchBox passes the correct mednafen_libretro core to retroarch as a command line parameter under the "manage emulators" window, you should be abke to get games running in it. Or just pass -FULL to xebra.
  16. @BlueArrowUK this is better
  17. Happy to help :). I'm in front of the computer waiting for things to render / extract / compile most of the time, so I may as well be useful :). Let us know if you need anything else. p..s just noticed that I messed up that logo o.O, i'll send a fixed version in a minute
  18. @BlueArrowUK Had to partially redraw this one. It should look fine scaled down to fit in BB/LB.
  19. Here's one done
  20. I'll see what I can do for the rest. Be back in a bit.
  21. @SentaiBrad - New thread is up for the FF version.
  22. p.s. i'll fiddle with it more when the mood strikes me and I have some free time. I'm aware that the icon isn't transparent and etc, but, for right now, i gotta go back to coding things that actually pay the bills :P. Lemme know if anything wonky happens with it.
  23. Hi all, As requested, here's the firefox version. Same thing. Should actually work better than the chrome version. Here you go: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-Us/firefox/addon/launchbox-games-db-search/ edit: Online now. Source.7z
  24. Heya Brad, Lemme see if I can't throw some love at the Firefox peoples. I'll have some coffee and duct tape/WD-40 it into firefox somehow. edit: Just looked into it and Firefox *should* support it as-is. I'll just upload it to mozilla's servers, test it out a bit and be right back :P.
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