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Everything posted by tj122

  1. Thank you I'll Will try this when I finish downloading the new update. What I was doing was after updating mame and the rom set was going through the new game and manually adding them to LaunchBox. I want to see if I can write an add-on that can import mame updates like Clrmamepro and then give you the options like full set importer but just the updates. I'm trying to figure out how to how to do that if anyone has any idea how to do that please let me know
    Yes this is a great tool. I just have one question. Does it work with Software list CHDs? I know it will import them but I can't get them to play. I maybe doing some thing wrong. I know I can get the games to play in mame. I just can't get them to play through LaunchBox. I have researched the command line and this tool is doing it right as for as I can see. It's like some thing is messing.
  2. Okay so where is it? I don't see the download.
  3. Ok I found my problem. It was user error. So all the games work and are clearer on retroarch with the freechf core.
  4. I know you posted this a couple years ago but I'm going through and finding some of the same problems. Have you found an answer to it? I have noticed that all the games will work on a standalone mess. However the screen is not that clear is clearer on retroarch but retroarch won't play all the games.
  5. This reply might be a little late but I have noticed that Fairchild running on both mass and mame does come out blurry. Using retroarch with the Fairchild core the picture does come out a lot clearer. However I'm having problems with retroarch running all the games. I am looking through the forums trying to find a answer for this when I ran across your post. If I find an answer I'll let you know if you're still interested. From what I can tell retroarch is better for emulating Fairchild if all games play.
  6. Thank you for your reply. Launchbox tools dose have a scan for added roms and scan for deleted roms. I figured that would be the way to do it. When I do a scan for added roms it says there is none. When i scan for deleted roms it wipes them all out. I think it doesn't work well with mame because I can do it with my other games and it's ok. I'm going to just go through the whole process and download a full split set (I'm using non-merged now) sense .228 just came out and I'll try to figure out how to tackle this problem next month. Thank you
  7. Thank you, and yes that is what I'm doing. I have the full set on another drive just for the full set. The stripped-down set is on my launchbox drive. I think I understand what you're saying and it does help with part of what I'm doing. But the part on having more trouble with is just adding the monthly updates to my stripped-down set and adding them to launchbox without launchbox trying to add the full set to my games database. What happens is launchbox well I had the full set minus the ones I told it not to end the wizard but it will still add games that I don't have in my stripped-down romset. So launchbox is showing games that I don't have the ROMs for so I have to go through and delete those but that's a lot to manually have to delete. Again thank you very much for your help with part of the problem
  8. Is there a way to just import just the mame update rom set? The only option is to import full rom set? I'm trying to save space so if the game is not playable or it's games I don't play I don't need them on my drive. Afull non-merged rom set with CHDs is about 641Gb. By putting it though Launchbox and getting rid of unplayable, clones, hacks, and games I don't play I have 119Gb of games. use the tool to export/copy rom file to a new location keep the files small and I can get rid of the rest I also go through a delete games manually that I don't like. Ant there might be a few clones and hacks that I want so I copy those to the small rom folder. There's not many so I put them manually. The problem is when an update set comes out I almost have to go through the whole process again and that takes a while. The first time it took me over 2 days. Is there any way to have a wizard that would instead of trying to import a full set what is new?
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