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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. Also, I'm kind of lost setting up my Xbox 360 gamepad with XM6G for games requiring more than 2-3 buttons. (EXAMPLE: Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition)...does anyone have experience with the right settings for this, can't seem to figure it out on the controller / input settings area...thanks if you can help!
  2. Thanks again for the all the help. In addition to my question above...any way to utilize the HD version I see with some games in XM6G? It's a .hdf file
  3. Cool....I have to press ALT+F4 in mine to quit...or at least, that works fine... One major question: When starting games with SAVE files forces me to say YES or NO when quitting game to save over that state....with XM6G....is there any way to have it NOT ask that when I exit? I'd rather create another save state per game then risk overwriting my launch one...
  4. Thanks, how do you exit the emulator, just ALT+F4?
  5. Three questions for you if you don't mind. You've been so helpful, it's really awesome. :-) 1. Are any of the ALT versions of any games or variations like set 1, set 2, etc... (to your knowledge) essential / worth using over the original ones? 2. Can PAUSING the game be changed to a different key then ESC easily? I want to use a script to force the emulator to exit using ESC if possible... 3. How do you know in otpions / system, what default machine to use? If I have may games, what is the best general setting to have there by default? Obviously I want to max it all out, but I don't want to break most games too, haha.
  6. I'm gonna try that with Genocide now....but I noticed with AM6G, for Mugen Senshi Valis II, I had to point the game still to (A), and change my %romfile% line to the SAVE FILE...and it works perfectly...of course it asks me if I was to update my save every time I exit...I say no....would rather not force it to start later in a game if I want to replace it later, etc...but that's really a cool trick!
  7. Patham, awesome so after save state is created (presumably once the actual game logo/title is starting), so I actually choose the save state AS THE ROM FILE in LB? Like, replace (A) Rom with that or some other way? Sorry i’m thick! I appreciate your help!
  8. Thank you so much Patnam and everyone, got this working with XM6G, multi-disks via the command-line recommended on the first page with: %romfile% with the page to the 2nd image... However, how do I do this with 3 disk games? I noticed you explained a crazy complicated way with MESS to use another program, but what about with XM6?
  9. I haven't looked through all 7 pages, but want to ask...what if the games I have are Floppy .HDM files? I also have some hard drive .HDS files... ?? should it still work with MAME?
  10. Is the best way to approach this (if I have the upload credits, and I do...) to simply get rid of the old 3.1 versions and download these fresh?
  11. Thanks so much eXO, any chance of getting the option to EXCLUDE adult games like it used to ask? or at least have it generate a list for us to see which ones are there? Thanks.
  12. Wanting to split my SNES / Genesis collection into ones that feature (Hacks), (Translations), (Unlicensed), etc.. What is the quickest way to mass duplicate into another, retain everything, and basically just manage the roms and rename it, etc...? I think I'm doing this the long hard way...tips appreciated.
  13. Problem is the mapping is all weird in the INPUT when I do this, it's all LETTERS, numbers and KEYBOARD keys instead of directions...I figured out in space invaders K was LEFT, L was RIGHT....and F was fire....but the other games....no idea...such a mess.
  14. I got the games launching, but TAB doesn't work to bring up MAME options, and my wired xbox controller, that works with MAME arcade games, and my keyboard DO NOT WORK...I have no control capability... Any ideas?
  15. Graphics are unplayable characters, look fine but all the mode7 background/tracks are all smeared...I've tried two different US roms (smc and sfc), and I've tried EURO and JAPANESE rom, they all do the same thing. I originally had the issue where it would not open at all, and found the bioses....I had to rename/split (duplicated the file only with a COPY) each dsp1 and ds1b files to (EXAMPLE: dsp1.data.rom and dsp1.program.rom) and the the game runs fine but once the track stars is unplayable. I suspect this IS the problem cause the roms are fine...can't find anything on this....any idea how to fix? does anyone have the proper DSP roms to place i my Retroarch \System folder? I'm sure someone plays this game....a lot of people...would appreciate it!
  16. Nobody is saying force only game title results (at least I wasn't), but giving the option to have the results be a TITLE search only...well, seems completely logical to me to have the OPTION. I'm frankly surprised not many care...I just always assumed it was an obvious bug being worked out eventually.
  17. The ability to simply search for an existing genre (EX: RPG) and pull up all such games across platforms at once (in Launchbox view), and be able to do a LIST VIEW afterward.... WOULD BE STELLAR
  18. Hi Dane, I just got passed 42K....omitting comics and video game magazines...are you importing only US/EURO sets or do you included japanese/latin games too? I only include translated to english japanes games, except my NEC-PCFX and some Famicom games (translated when possible), and go through great pains to get rid of duplicate versions, demos, betas etc..
  19. Why even post this, ""if I'm searching for Sonic games and get 6 results that aren't sonic games doesn't really bother me as I have a lot bigger problems in life than what a search box returns but I guess that is just me." - Yeah so do I....I can barely pay my bills sometimes, but I'd like to have a nicer search too because at least something would work right! :-)
  20. DOS76, An improved search feature doesn't matter have to conflict with the pressing a key feature at all...I like doing that too, I'm glad it was added, especially since I have so many games, but I'm not sure why has to be mutually one way or the other....a 2sec delay like wirtual82 suggested would work fine OR even having to click a new icon on top before topping to enable a better effective search (as mentioned before) would be ideal...
  21. Yes thank you! I download and combine all of it together.
  22. Thank you. If we are manually moving it into our collection, which I’ve done with the rest of them, we still have to run the setup.bat right?
  23. Playing Beneath a Steel Sky, when I save, I get no choice of where, and it saves to \LaunchBox\Games\MS-DOS\Sam & Max Hit The Road CD v1.11 (1994)(LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC) [Adventure] I do have this as my MS-DOS platform, but all my eXoDOS games are in my \LaunchBox\eXoDOS\Games I guess I don't mind game saves going in the top main path, but why the wrong game name???
  24. I use the stand alone version because there is a major input/gamepad bug I can't seem to figure out with my xbox 360 controller, only with it in Retroarch
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