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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. Does that mean it's okay to delete it all, and download the new adventure 3.1 pack there? sorry I'm thick...
  2. Thanks man....I have 337 items in that !Dos folder and will delete that entire folder and everything in it...is that correct?? (just want to be sure I'm not messing up my eXoDos RPG collection too that was downloaded there earlier...
  3. My gaming peeps.... I would love to be able to filter out any non-roms (games) from the ALL GAMES list, in both Launchbox and BigBox...would make things much cleaner for anyone who is also storing video game magazines and comics in Launchbox. I posted the request here, all proper-like...please vote? https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/3893/filter-out-pdf-cbz-and-cbr-files-from Thanks in advance!
  4. I plan on doing the same, but will first hide somewhere in my closet my main collection, and buy a smaller hard drive for this cut down version....that way I avoid the feeling of heartache, LOL...of course that costs more, but...
  5. Copying my collection for a friend (and yes, I actually had him BUY LB premium...cause I support this awesome software!), but I need to remove all adult themed games from my large 43k games collection... At least I need to try, I know some to remove, but any suggestions on how to do this quickly? Anyone have an adult playlist perhaps, so I can find some fast>... or is there a way to quickly see which games have been tagged HIDE in the edit view? ...which I do to all adult games in my collection when I noticed/add one... Thanks.
  6. I totally get what you're saying, but at the same time I'm not aware of any other program that allows you to batch process multiple video files in a folder and auto-assemble them together from extracted clips into a single video file....nothing that I've seen....so this seems like a unique and fast way to accomplish something that takes considerably longer with every other software solution out there. Or am I missing something else that does this and I'm simply lacking experience in this domain? I suppose that's totally possible.
  7. Sorry didn't really know who to tag; just excited about it and wanted to share :-) As soon as this stuff is implemented, I'll try it and post about my experience/results.
  8. It's the closest thing I've ever found to Launchbox, but for videos...a lot of the CLIPS and TAGGING features I actually requested and shared a lot of data with him, and he really took off with it :-) most of the work I suggested on it was around Version 2.0-2.09 if I recall...so it's been awhile and has grown a lot from what I see it's over v4 now.
  9. Oh sorry, slipped my mind! Ha! https://eazymojo.com/eazyflixpix-media-organizer OR https://eazymojo.com/
  10. @Jason Carr - wanted to tag you about this. Told him that I'd let you know about this and told him my main motivation was to make working on my Launchbox collection faster and easier and he jumped right on the idea. Good guy!
  11. I've known this guy for years...He made hands down the best video organization program available....I have no vested/financial ties, just stumbled on this guy awhile back...I've known him for at least 6 years, and he is one of the most responsive and accommodating app developers I've ever had the privilege of BUYING software from (although he does offer a trial to fully check out his software)...but what struck me and had be buying the software fast, was much like Launchbox, he genuinely cares about the quality of his program and he listens to ideas, much like Jason does with Launchbox,.... and if it's a good idea, and even a bit radical, he still moves to implement them quickly. I've literally donated extra to this guy as a thank you; which is something I never do for other software (although I have referred several people to buy Launchbox if that counts...) So... I take great pride is seeing some of the features I've requested make it into his video organization program, which BTW is the top one out there...I've tried them all... Anyways, after not discussing things with him for a couple years, I've been requesting some exciting feature updates to his excellent program, and he's agreed to work on the idea in a next couple weeks. The reason I bring it up is that it will be an amazing one to use to build video clips from, from single video files/games OR multiple video clips to build playlist or platform videos! The idea is to have a batch process available in his existing excellent program which will take any video(s) highlighted, and utilizing parameters you set (for time start/end time and clip second duration, or randomizing them), it will automatically pull clips from that video or many videos and compile them into a single video file. I'm excited cause I think about the time wasted just having to load an editing program and do this manually, when this could feasibly be accomplished in second or a couple minutes, and tweaked if the automated settings fail to come up with something nice.... Thoughts? Ideas? I'll happily pass it along...this guy is very receptive to feedback. I'll post more details later as I get some progress on this.
  12. Thanks. Do I just uncompress it over and overwrite my current existing, working launchbox adventure exodos collection that you released last time?
  13. I deleted a lot of games from a second collection of mine, I can clean up images easy using the LB image cleanup tool, but what about video clips? Any way to manage those removals better than manually doing so? Thanks guys.
  14. I'll probably archive it, but still have it as a massive master Lauunchbox library, it's still fun to set it up and show it off in BigBox, even if it loads slowly....but you're right, I'll also build a second smaller collection of favorites/games I want to play (seriously plan to), or believe I would like on a smaller drive...I'll just shelve the bigger one.
  15. Ahhh but many love to collect them, a bragging rights thing I guess.
  16. Same here, including playlists I've created and genre ones, I'm at 100 (probably about 70 platforms if you remove playlists) and 43K titles total not counting comics and vintage video game magazines.....not sure what else to add...I think a lot of larger ones also include non-english titles, duplicates, mame titles that are not merged, multi-disc games that may not be merged, etc......that would make sense...mine does not, except translations to English titles and about 160 jap famicom games, and a few NEC-PC-FX games..
  17. WOWzers....what hardware are you running this from? curious about your particular hard drive/raid implementation for it. Do you audit your collections at all or just wing it best you can?
  18. Hey guys, I fixed the issue, had nothing to do with the drive, I’m using a 128 GB USB three SanDisk ultra, and the problem was actually an Nvidia setting in GeForce control panel... no more flashing black... In those settings you go to the 3-D section, and scroll down and choose the option – Desktop only, I forget what it’s called but something to do with how it renders or detect. something. It was set to application controlled and somehow that was messing it up
  19. Probably should remove all vid clips, just love how pretty it makes BIGBOX...lol
  20. The most modern games I have on my small flash 128GB collection are a 6 Saturn (mednafen standalone) and 10 dreamcast (demul standalone), 7 PSP (PPSSPP), and 46 PS1 (rearmed retroarch), and they seen fine...but havent played very much on it....maybe I should, lol
  21. This one looks promising for portable SSD and is cheaper for 512GB version than the Samsung, but about $40 something dollars. https://www.amazon.com/512GB-Passport-Portable-Storage-WDBK3E5120PSL-WESN/dp/B06XNPPRD9/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1515606544&sr=1-6&keywords=Portable+SSD
  22. I want to do this with a second collection, just not my main "library of gaming history collection I have now"....how much space does yours take up on a drive with all media assets that you have?
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