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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. I like some of the ways you can customize RL to do extra things, and how it manages the ROM sets I have (audit), and how you can set up many functions/keys (save states for ex) to be more uniform across different emulators, etc... Also, I''m preparing this collection for a couple friends for Christmas and once it's all working I think it will make things easier to just play without having to tweak every single emulator; but maybe i'm making it harder than it has to be....
  2. Nice guess but no, they are both Arcade...
  3. UGH, can't figure this out....I'm using mame64.exe (0.180), and every time I launch a game I get the browser and have to hunt for the game...what a mess....I've tried several things I've seen online, nothing has worked.... Right now I have this in my emulators path set up for RL as follows (working for everything else so far): -f "%launchboxorbigboxexepath%" -p "LaunchBox" -s "%platform%" -r This is my config as follows, not even sure the RL config parameter I have set is in the right place and doing anything yet... Thanks for any help!! - Brett
  4. Thanks, it's just when something is this awesome (Launchbox) it's easy to find things to nitpick about, LOL
  5. I have hundreds of series and most of them have 1-2 titles in them.....would love to shorten the list without searching for hundreds of entries...being able to click it and DELETE it (on all the attached games) would be a huge time saver....I'm surprised nobody else has asked this...maybe I should submit a feature request and pray..... Thanks Jaythompson for the response.
  6. Is there a faster way to clean up (remove mostly) the series that are automatically being created and swelling to a giant amount of them as I grow my collection besides CTRL+A highlighting all examples in a series and making the series BLANK? Would be nice if there was a menu you could right click DELETE the name of the series and it removes it on all existing/assigned games...am I missing this feature? Thanks! - Brett
  7. Hi everyone, Is Lightspeed working now? (where do I look at progress/acquire latest version?) - or is there any alternative that works better than the default Launchbox MAME import process? Thanks.
  8. Thank you Jason, I've avoided the beta cycle so far because I don't want less chance of things breaking, as I'm still creating my collection, and learning LB, but this is worth upgrading to the beta versions for. I'll try it when I get home.
  9. Hello! Just wondering if this feature is still in the works or not? I just added a few more PS2 games and want to add them to my existing set in Launchbox. Would be really nice to at least have to click only one button to RESCAN/REFRESH the existing FOLDER I added previously... Thank you. - Brett
  10. Interesting...to your knowledge, will GZ (using -9 max setting) compressing PS2 games break any? It takes 15-60sec the first time you launch a game in PCSX2 with this method, but creates small (in the MB) temp file in the game directory for future launches to be near instant....I'm just starting to migrate my PS2 collection over to this format, and hoping this is reliable and won't break any game...Anyone have experiencing using this format? Thanks! -Brett
  11. Yeah I've decided to just use Launchbox....if I had an arcade cabinet to use this with, without a keyboard/mouse, I would consider Hyperspin, but missing that, Launchbox seems clearly Superior to me after playing with it for awhile....so much easier, faster access to games, easier to update and maintain additions, easier control configurations, can audit ROM sets with Rocketlauncher, etc...using + Launchbox + Rocketlauncher = WIN WIN
  12. I agree, I would love a SPOTLIGHT type search ability while enjoying cruising through Big Box, the speed and ease of knowing I can just start typing (prefaced with a key is fine, like hitting ENTER first, or F12) then just tryping...would be HUGE, and make the mode more attractive (for users using it on a PC/Keyboard such as myself) - I'll submit a Feedback on it, thanks. - Brett
  13. Thanks I'm still very new to both interfaces, so I want to play around with both before I decide either way....one thing is sure, I'm running this off my PC, not an arcade box anyways, so I'll probably end up using Launchbox mostly...Hyperspin just seems more fun to show off the eye-candy part of a collection than anything else...
  14. Hi suspendedhatch, Did you ever get that last question answered? Wanting to also set up both Hyperspin and Launchbox...to use the same assets whenever possible. Any tips appreciated! Thanks.
  15. I appreciate the response eXo. I like your rambling! I was able to find from the game count on various sites (including archive.org for the eXodos 2.0 set) that I should have 6,291 games (after adding the 1089) from the Win3xo collection...I have to check tonight and see what the total is, but I suspect I may be missing a few...what a pain...I think what I'm missing will be from the Win3xo side, not the eXodos side, because that is the transfer that got partially messed up... I also still have the giant 375GB zip from the exodos, but not the file from the win3xo....I need to be way more careful!! - Brett
  16. First of all, thank you EXO - you are a legend. Such a fantastic collection and effort, and it's appreciated!! Second, what is the total game count (zip files in the games folder) to be expected in the games folder after "installing" the eXoDOS 2.0 collection AND the Win3x0 collection (all on the same folder/path)? I know it's 6k something, but I may have lost a few during a stupid move issue between drives, and want to make sure I have every one... Thank you so much!
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